Chapter 129. Hawkeye

World was boiling over the fact that an Admiral got severely injured. Every single power tried to find the one responsible for Aokiji's injury, in just few days Ryu was known throughout the world, while the person in question was enjoying his time.

Ryu had already bid farewell to Luffy and his crew. He stocked some unique snacks from Alabasta and set out. He still used that small boat as he roamed the Sea. His face was now known to all Pirates and Marines alike, Sengoku passed a strict order to not have any form of clash with Ryu. Pirates were lawless but they respected and feared the strong.

Ryu was going to the next island shown by his Log pose, he asked

" Navii, show my title."

Navii " Yes, master."

Title : Sword Grandmaster Level 7

Ryu was satisfied, from Navii he had learnt that the nine stages of sword cultivation was the limit of the Mortal and Immortal world, beyond that is an entirely different realm.

Ryu suddenly remembered something ' Hey Navii, since I dominated my world tell me about stable laws, you mentioned something like that before."

Navii " Yes, master. Those anime worlds you know about, actually most exist even some with unstable laws exist as well but they can cease to exist any moment. Some worlds master know may have existed but now they are gone."

Ryu " I see. Now tell me about Chaoses."

Navii " Yes master. From the beginning nothing existed, it was perpetual darkness, only formless energy drifted everywhere. And it was from this energy everything began."

Ryu " Chaos."

Navii " Yes. A part of that formless energy slowly split away, this is a Chaos realm. Chaos created life, but for life or substance to exist space was needed thus the concept of space was born, to quantify substance or to govern them another concept was needed, time.

After the birth of these two concepts Yin and Yang was formed, everything needs a balance otherwise there will be destruction thus Yin and Yang. As time passed Realms were formed as was laws. Every element was birthed Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Wood..... as dictated by Yin and Yang every element had an opposing element that balanced the other.

After innumerable years passed, life was finally born. Laws were further stabilised as time passed. After the birth of first Chaos realm another one was born and finally all that formless energy birthed 81 Chaos realms.

Each Chaos realm is divided into Mortal, Immortal and Divine realms. We are currently in Mortal realm, as master's strength increases further you can ascend to Immortal world and when you reach its peak then Divine. Once master breakthrough its peak you can became the master of Chaos, not just one but all of it. Only master is capable of this since to become Lord of Chaos you need the recognition of all Chaoses."

Ryu was in thought as he digested what Navii just told ' Mortal world... I see.'

Ryu kept on sailing, his boat was attacked few times but the result was complete annihilation. He whistled as he coursed through the Sea.

Few days later Ryu reached his destination. As he was getting off he felt something, his gaze wandered to the horizon. He could see a lone shadow, as he saw who it was Ryu's lips curled up.

' Haha, I am lucky! '

Ryu waited as that shadow approached, as it got closer to the island one could make it out to be a small boat, a man was sitting on it, he wore an open shirt with flowers designs, a cap with feathers on it and a large black blade rested on his back.

This man was Hawkeye, the world's best Swordsmen.

Hawkeye also felt someone's gaze on him, his eyes with yellow pupil having two circles inside it stared at Ryu from the distance. Hawkeye is a genius as well as a master Swordsman, his senses are very sharp, he could feel a certain intent from Ryu but it seemed to be concealed.

Ryu watched as Hawkeye got off his ship, both of them stood facing each other. There was quite some distance between them but this was nothing to two masters such as them.

' Grandmaster Level 7 as well, What a genius.'

Ryu's fighting intent was drawn, He released upto the sixth seal. Hawkeye is someone standing at the apex of power in this world, he may not be a monster like Whitebeard but he is a powerhouse based on his sword. For someone like Ryu who was also a Swordsman Hawkeye is the best opponent.

Ryu " Nice to meet you, Hawkeye."

Hawkeye nodded " Who are you? "

Ryu spoke with a smile " My name is Ryu Uzumaki, I would like to fight you."

Hawkeye stared at Ryu for few seconds then he drew out his sword, one of the twelve Supreme sword, Yoru.

Ryu flipped his hand, a pitch black Katana with with gold engravings on its hilt appeared on his hand.


Hawkeye finally felt Ryu's sword intent, he could feel his heart beat faster, his blood boiled, his intent burst out of him. This was the first time he met someone as strong as Ryu.

People were watching from a distance, they identified Ryu and Hawkeye.

" Isn't that the guy who beat Admiral Aokiji? "

" Yeah, It seems he is a Swordsman! Is he gonna challenge Hawkeye to a duel!? "

Crowds were formed in the distance, Ryu and Hawkeye didn't care. Their attention was on each other, their Sword domains clashed creating sparks of lightning, rocks were crushed into bits, the colour of the world itself changed.

In an instant both of them disappeared, world cracked as they collided in mid air. Lightning flashed around, the spectators were blown away by the shockwave from their collision.

Formless energy clashed, Ryu wanted to break his limit as a Swordsman, he pushed his Domain further. His body moved like a bolt of lightning as he slashed at Hawkeye, his sword was coated with Chaos as he attacked.

Hawkeye didn't back down either, Yoru trembled for a split second before a black gloss spread over its body. His sword domain was stretched to its limits as Hawkeye charged at Ryu, both of them went for the kill.

Ryu's attack reached first, Hawkeye blocked it before using the force to step sideways, his sword made a vertical slash at Ryu. A concentrated ray of green was shot at Ryu, seeing the incoming attack Ryu placed Kokushibyo Infront of him.

Hawkeye's attack connected, Ryu was sent crashing to a rock wall, he was buried in stone. A second later Ryu flew out of that rubble as he got close to Hawkeye, he swept his sword towards Hawkeye.

Seeing the incoming attack Hawkeye didn't retreat, his eyes kept a close watch on Ryu but for an instant he seemed to have lost his figure. A sharp attack came from his side, Ryu was already beside him.

Hawkeye intercepted his attack, their figures kept flashing from place to place, sharp sounds of metal colliding resounded through the space. Small cuts could be seen on both their clothes but not a single one was on their bodies.

Both of retreated, even after battling for so long their face didn't show any wariness, Hawkeye was panting but his eyes showed excitement. After years his eyes his Sword showed Improvement how can he be not excited.

Ryu " Let's finish this."

He took a stance, every ounce of his strength retreated to his body, he seemed to be like a volcano ready to erupt.

Hawkeye placed his foot forward, he drew his sword back, his Haki was released to its max, his sword was vibrating nonstop.

Both of them took off at the same time.


A loud sound of metal colliding rang through the air, Hawkeye and Ryu stood with their back to each other. Seconds later a trail of blood leaked from Hawkeye's mouth, a large cut was on his chest.

" You win."

Ryu sheathed Kokushibyo and placed it away. He turned around and faced Hawkeye, his eyes showed respect.

" You are the first one to match me."

Hawkeye stated plainly " Though you only used a bit more than half of your true strength."

Ryu chuckled " Hope we will meet in the future."

Hawkeye nodded, he didn't speak anything further and left. The spectators were astonished when they saw Hawkeye lose, this means a new best has been crowned. This was shocking news.

Ryu took in a moment to feel the changes within his Sword, during his fight Ryu mixed Observation Haki with his battle sense and as a result his mastery shot through the roof, moreover his mastery in Sword also increased.

" Navii Title "

Navii " Yes, master."

Title : Sword Grandmaster Level 8

Ryu was satisfied, he didn't care for the onlookers. He went on his way leaving an excited crowd.

Before the world could calm down from recent shocking news another one hit them.