Chapter 137. Grave News

Sabaody Archipelago.

This island had changed a lot during these past few weeks. Pirates weren't as lawless as they were before. One could see several Fishmen setting up stalls and selling things unique to their island. Of course mermaids were also here, with Ryu as a deterrent noone was dumb enough to touch them.

Shirahoshi would come up here from time to time, as she was their princess and beloved by all of them every Fishmen on Sabaody did their best to take care of her. That cute smile of hers was enough as a payment for their services.

On the coast of a grove, a ship docked. Several figures got out of it. One of them bolted out of the ship, he wore a blue sleeveless shirt, shorts upto his knee and had a straw hat.

" Luffy! Calm down, we can't be rash here."

A beautiful girl with orange hair spoke. These guys were the strawhat crew.

Luffy " Its ok! I heard there are Fishmen here!! Let's go see them! "

Sanji's eyes turned heart shape, he had a disgusting smile on his face " Let's go~ Beautiful mermaids~ here I come~ "

Zoro snickered " Curly eyebrows."

Sanji growled " The heck you bastard!? "

Like always both of them squabbled. Their journey didn't have much deviation from the anime but overall their strengths is much more stronger than shown in the original story since they ate Treasured Rainbow, especially Sanji, Zoro and Luffy.

Robin " I heard the mermaid princess would frequent this place."

Usopp " Mermaid Princess!! Then wouldn't she be the most beautiful one!!? "

Chopper was also excited " Mermaid Princess!! "

Brooke " I wonder if she will let me see her panti..."


Nami smacked Brooke hard on his head " Brooke!! Don't you dare ask her that."

Franky " Mermaids eh? isn't that one? "

Sanji was like a guy on drugs " Where!!?? where??

Some distance away from the groove two figures were moving through the water. When they reached the shore they took out something and blew into it. A bubble came out enveloping their waist, it looked like a floater made of air.

Sanji had his eyes glued onto them " Beautiful ladiiiiiiiies~~"


Nami knocked his head "Cut it out! Until the log pose locks onto the next island we will stay here."

She glared at Luffy, Zoro and Sanji " Don't you dare cause trouble, if you do.... you know what I mean right? "

All three of them sweated, they nodded instantly but Nami had her doubts. All of them got of the ship. Franky went out to get stock for the ship, Sanji chased after Mermaids, Zoro.... zoro was lost. The rest sticked together.

Unlike before Sabaody have prospered, Nami and the others were stunned to see Fishmen and Mermaids walk around with any fear of being captured.

Robin spoke with a calm smile " This must be because of sir Ryu."

Luffy was confused " Ryu?? "

Nami "Idiot, didn't I tell you before that Ryu killed a Celestial Dragon because that guy tried to capture a Mermaid."

Luffy tilted his head " When?"

Nami sighed " Anyway, with him as a backer noone dared to touch a Mermaid, if they do their fate is the same as that Celestial Dragon."

Luffy laughed " Mwahaha, as expected of someone I want in my crew!! "

Usopp suddenly yelled " Guys look at that!! "

Everyone pulled their eyes towards where Usopp was pointing. A huge figure was merrily eating something, she was a beautiful Mermaid. Naimi and the others hearts melted when they her content smile.

Luffy shouted " She is huuuge."

Nami smacked his head " Shut up!! "

Robin "That's her."

Nami " Yeah, the Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi."

Shirahoshi was famous in Sabaody Archipelago. Her beauty coupled with her innocent character quickly captured the hearts of many people. She basically got everything here for free.

Luffy rushed off to see her, the rest did too. Shirahoshi saw people approaching her, Luffy asked without the slightest care

" You are huuuge."

Shirahoshi nodded like a child. Luffy introduced himself " My name is Luffy, I am gonna a become the King of Pirates! "

Shirahoshi also introduced herself " name is Shirahoshi."

Usopp was mesmerized "She really is beautiful. "

Chopper nodded, Brooke suddenly spoke " Good day princess Shirahoshi. My name is Brooke, May I see your panti..... "

Before he could finish his sentence his body flew far away. Nami's fist emitted smoke as she stood to the side. Shirahoshi was confused, she didn't understand what these people were saying.

Nami " Good to meet you Princess Shirahoshi. My name is Nami and this is Robin."

Shirahoshi nodded " Ok."

Luffy asked " Hey! hey! You know Ryu right? Where is he? "

Shirahoshi " Ah! Ryu sama! Do you know him as well? Are you his friends? "

Luffy hugged his hands and said " Of course I know him, we are friends."

Shirahoshi and Luffy hit it off. Shirahoshi spoke nonstop about Ryu, Luffy also spoke of how Ryu beat Crocodile and Aokiji. He had stars in his eyes as he said that. Luffy always respected the strong, especially if they are his friends.

" Wait I will call Ryu sama."

Shirahoshi took out the Medallion Ryu gave her and thought of Ryu. A figure suddenly flashed beside her.

" So you made some new friends, that's nice."

Ryu was wearing black pants with white T shirt with long sleeve. Nami and Robins eyes fluttered a bit when they saw Ryu, Eventhough they never thought him like that still his appearance did cause them to fluster.

Luffy jumped and attacked Ryu who casually smacked him away.

" So jumpy, still the same."

Luffy rubbed his cheeks and complained " It hurts!! Why didn't you go easy on me!? "

Ryu " I did."

Luffy grunted, he rubbed his poor cheeks and grumbled.

Ryu looked at Robin " I told you didn't I? "

Robin gave her trademark smile " Yes you did."

Nami was confused at what Ryu said but she didn't put it to heart. All of them walked together without a care or worry. Zoro had his eyes on Ryu all this time, he really wanted to know how far he had reached. Now the world's first Swordsman is not Hawkeye but Ryu. But Zoro knew Ryu could beat him instantly.

Ryu spoke " You yourself set your limits. If your goal is me then you will never go beyond that. Aim higher Zoro, the way of Sword's peak isn't me."

Zoro was startled, his body trembled when he heard Ryu. He could vaguely feel something break inside him but he couldn't place his finger on it. Zoro deeply bowed to Ryu and expressed his thanks.

Ryu turned to Luffy, his expression became a bit serious " Hey Luffy, did you know about your brother? "

Luffy was excited when Ryu spoke of his brother but Nami and the others frowned. They could feel something different about the way Ryu spoke those words.

Luffy was excited " You know Ace!!? "

Ryu shook his head " Never met him personally but I know him."

Luffy " Then why did you...

Ryu " It's not publicly known but he was captured and is now imprisoned in Impel Down."

Luffy " WHAT!!?? "

Ryu " He was captured few days ago. Navy has decided to publicly execute him."

Luffy was worried " What!?? Then we need to save him!! "

Robin " But why would they do this at such a time? They have lost their ... oh so that's why! "

Nami " What is it? "

Zoro explained " Navy had lost a lot of face when Ryu and the other guy thrashed them. He even killed a Celestial Dragon but they wouldn't lay a finger on him even when he is strolling in front of them. So they are gonna take this opportunity to regain the trust of masses and to restrain pirates."

Luffy spoke resolutely " Sorry guys but we are gonna have to go to Impel down."

Zoro spoke irritated " What are you talking about? You are the Captain, we will follow your orders."

Nami and the others smiled. Luffy also showed a smile as he yelled " Then let's go to Impel Down!! "