Chapter 152. Kaidou

Tama was happily running around, she was excited. Now that the village was restored, if Kaidou is also gone then people would come back. This made her even more happy.

Two days have passed since Ryu killed the three Disasters. During these days people all around Wano heard what happened in flower Capital. They also heard about a village full of food and clean water. People started to migrate to Tama's village.

There was plenty of food and water to go around. Many of them understood who helped them, all of them thanked Ryu from their hearts.

Tama was actually the most happiest of all. There were kids around her age who migrated to her village. She was not alone anymore, she got friends. Hitetsu was happy seeing Tama smiling everyday.

Flower Capital.

Orochi, the one who rebelled and helped Kaidou kill the previous lord of Hozuki clan was kneeling Infront of a Tall man with scars all over his body.

He had two large horns grow out of his head and two long whisker like mustache. His face was twisted in anger when he saw the dead bodies of three of his strongest men.

Kaidou asked with extreme rage " Where is he?? "

One of his crew spoke while stuttering " He..... he is in Amikasa Village."

Kaidou punched who just spoke, the man was killed on the spot. Kaidou crashed out of the castle, he went through dozens of walls and headed towards Amigasa Village but when he got outside a voice echoed in his ears

" Took you long enough."

Kaidou looked up, he saw a man with deep red hair stand up in the air.

Kaidou gritted his teeth " Ryu! Uzumaki! "

Ryu looked at Kaidou coldly " Shall we start? "

Kaidou snorted, a strong will emerged from him.

Conqueror's Haki!!

An even stronger Will erupted from Ryu, both their Haki collided. Every Beast pirate surrounding them fainted.

Kaidou for the first time in his life felt what it was to face a King. He felt the urge to kneel before Ryu when both their Haki's collided. To not be on the losing end, he took out his weapon. It was a huge club with several spike on it.

His arm and his weapon were clad in Haki, it rippled with pitch black colour with reddish purple glow. Kaidou didn't wait around, he attacked Ryu.

Ryu took out his sword, he coated his sword with Chaos energy. Unlike Kaidou's his didn't turn black, it turned somewhat pale gold in colour with a faint grey colour to it.

Kaidou could feel a crazy pressure crush towards him. The moment both their weapons collided, like a hot knife through butter Kaidou's club was cut in half. But it didn't stop there, Ryu sword advanced towards Kaidou.

Kaidou's heart trembled, he felt his body scream to get away. With every ounce of his strength he dodged but not fast enough. But not fast enough, his chest had a long gash. Blood kept oozing out.

" Eh? "

Ryu was somewhat startled when he saw Kaidou. His wound was deep, even his internal organs were injured but all of these Injuries were being healed at a terrifying rate. A strange energy fluctuated throughout his body.

Kaidou puked out blood, he kept covered his chest and roared. His body started to increase in size. Scales grew around him, his body entirely changed.

He turned into a giant eastern dragon, his body spanned tens of miles. Just a mere slap from his tail would be enough to destroy any huge fort.


A loud roar belonging to the king of ten thousand beasts echoed through Wano Kingdom. Every animal bowed towards their king. Kaidou was actually a Dragon fruit user.

An Eastern Dragon, the king of Beasts.

Ryu wasn't a bit daunted, he nodded in understanding " So that's how it is. A dragon possess huge vitality and regeneration powers."

Kaidou opened his mouth, a blinding huge energy wave was shot at Ryu. Seeing the incoming attack Ryu sliced it.

His sword vibrated, a terrifying intent swept past that energy attack. Ryu sword attack sliced away Kaidou's attack.



The remaining energy scattered throughout causing destruction everywhere. Thankfully only Kaidou's crew was in the surrounding otherwise.....

Ryu charged towards Kaidou, his sword intent was drawn out. From a pale golden colour his sword changed to blazing red with several lines of pale yellow colour burning between.

Kaidou's tail fully covered in Haki swept at Ryu. With a blazing red Sword Ryu attacked. Wind swept around both of them.


Blood splattered.


Wails of king of Beasts could be heard. Ryu stood in mid air with his sword emitting sizzling sounds. Ryu's sword was tainted with Kaidou's blood which was now being burned into nothing. This was the blood of the King of Beasts, it contained a terrifying of vitality.

Kaidou was scared, his attack was completely useless. His tail was even cut off, he now understood why this man was able to kill that many powerhouses.

Ryu didn't want to waste any time, he appeared above Kaidou's head and slashed. A very thin line of blazing red energy intent swept past Kaidou's head.


The ground beneath Kaidou was suddenly cut in half, each half burned constantly. The earth was reduced to ashes.

Kaidou who was now in his dragon form had a very thin line around his neck. This line burned with flames producing sizzling sounds. Seconds later Kaidou's head slid off his neck and fell down.

Both halfs of his body started to burn from the cut and in just a couple of minutes he was reduced to ashes.

One of the Emperors, Kaidou Dead!!

But sadly noone was their to witness this event. Any remaining pirate was dead due to their clash.

Ryu put away his sword and swept the battlefield with his senses. He didn't intend to leave any scums alive, he killed off the rest and left. This day forth the Wano country was freed.

Noone saw Kaidou die, but most saw Ryu's appearance and the start of their fight. But all who saw this fight escaped with their lives, they didn't want to lose their poor lives just to watch who would win.

Days later the remnants of Hozuki family and their retainers quickly gathered and took back their country. Their put order to chaos.

Amigasa village also got the news, all of them rejoiced knowing that Kaidou was dead. But what shocked them most was knowing who killed him, Hitetsu finally understood who Ryu was from the Hozuki Clan members.

Ryu had given him the core of Treasure Tree Adam when he came back after killing Kaidou. It seems Kaidou's treasury here in Wano actually possessed one. Ryu immediately gave it to Hitetsu and requested him to start Forging a sword for him.

Hitetsu requested Ryu's sword as well, it seemed like he wanted to merge Ryu's Kokushibyo to forge the new Sword.

Hitetsu was eternally grateful towards Ryu, to show his gratitude he wanted to forge the best Sword for Ryu. He asked help from the Hozuki clan members and started on Ryu's sword.