Chapter 168. Flee!

Law's words made Rangiku hopeful, she asked pitifully " Can you save him? Please! "

Tears streamed down her cheeks, her heart ached when she realised why Gin did what he did. To her he is.... he is someone who is closest to her heart.

Law bent down, the runes inside his eyes glowed as they spun rapidly. He stretched out his right hand.

Law's hands were covered in green runes with intertwining black lines, this ability is called Saint Hands. His hands contain enormous amount of Vitality.

He held his right hand above Gin's heart, very thin green strings stretched out his fingers and lodged inside Gin's heart. His stretched his left hand, a bright green globe of energy was formed above his palm, runes circled above the sphere. He placed the sphere above Gin's chest.

The way Ryu and Law treated injuries were different, Ryu simply used Chaos style to fasten the natural healing process, it useful for lower realms but ultimately his chaos purity isn't high enough.

In higher realms healing a person isn't that easy. It's like building a house, it's possible to rebuild a wooden hut in a day but it's not easy to build skyscrapers. It's easy for Ryu to heal a normal human or some light wounds but if the injury is serious it would take time and certain resources. In certain situations like these time is not a luxury they can afford.

In cases like Gin, where his physique itself is different, someone like Law is the best option. Law was using the vitality from his left hand to regenerate his heart and using the strings from his right hand to keep his heart alive. He was using those strings to cover up the gaps inside his body until they are regenerated.

Using the globe of energy he expelled Aizen's Riatsu from his wounds and removed the damaged parts using his right hand. The runes on his arms glowed brightly as he did so. Gin's injured parts were being made at a rapid pace, slowly his heart rate got strong.

Few minutes later Law took back his hand " Done."

Rangiku quickly held Gin, she could feel his Riatsu stop wilting. A relieved smile appeared on her tear stained face.

" Thank you."

Law didn't bother to reply, he resumed watching Madara's fight. It seemed like he was about to finish.

Aizen was panting a little, he has fired almost all the Kido and Hado he knew and yet he wasn't able to stop this monster Infront of him. Madara's eyes spun, flames covered his body as it burned away the restraints around his body. His clenched his fist, both of them turned blazing red with pale yellow aura around them.

Aizen's body shuddered for a second, with no other choice he grabbed his sword and retreated.

' He is a monster like Yamamoto. Better retreat, Open! '

A rip was forcefully made in mid air, Law raised an eyebrow

' He broke through my room.'

A huge rift appeared in mid air, several shadows could be seen within that rift. Aizen looked back at Madara and the others and entered the rift. Madara was about to attack when several attacks were launched at him from the rift.

Madara curled his lips " Heh.. "

He clasped his palms and seperated them. A blazing spear was formed when he seperated his palms, if Ulquiorra were to see this he would be dumbfounded. This technique was similar to the one he used but sadly he was out cold. He body lay among the debris covered in blood.

Madara flicked his spear, those two attacks were deflected and burned to nothing. He steadied his spear and with a strong pull he threw it towards the rift.



Air burst apart when his spear travelled towards Aizen and co. The several figures standing within the rift were the rest of the Espadas.

Seeing the incoming attack Aizen's face changed, the Espadas around him released their strengths and attacked. But before they could make their move Madara's attack accelerated. In an instant it had already reached them.


A huge explosion covered the entire sky, bright flashed of red and yellow erupted through the horizon. Second later these explosions died down, Aizen and company managed to escape.

Madara curled his lips " Quite quick at running."

Law removed ' Room ' and broke his release. Madara didn't bother with him and returned, Law shook his head and walked back to his dwelling.

Since Aizen was in a hurry to escape he left behind two of his Espadas and Kaname. Toshiro and others sealed their Riatsu and took them back to the soul society.

While all of this was happening Ryu was sleeping comfortably inside his dimension. Even if he knew he wouldn't bother, he would only see it as tempering Law.

Gin woke up the next day, his Riatsu was drained after Aizen nearly killed him so it took a whole day to awake. Rangiku assaulted him as soon as he woke up, she hugged him and cried. For once Gin's face showed helplessness as well as regret. He regretted not being able to kill Aizen, he regretted having made her sad.

Kaname didn't have a good end, he was sentenced to death by Gotei 13. Grimmjow and Ulquiorra was the same as well, all three of them waited for their death but it wasn't gonna happen anytime soon.

Ryu was surprised at the events that happened while he was asleep but like expected he didn't care. It would take some time before Navii can collect enough energy for their departure, so he decided to refine his soul techniques, atleast to put a foundation for higher techniques and this world seemed perfect for it.

Each day all four of them just calmly meditated and refined their souls according to the soul refining manual they received.

A surprising thing was Ichigo had come by during these days, he requested all four of them to make him strong. He saw Madara trample Aizen and his Espadas, he saw Law beat even Ulquiorra and Grimmjow, he was even able to stand up against Aizen. This ignited a fire inside him, he wanted to get stronger.

But reality was cruel, Madara refused instantly. Zoro wasn't good at teaching so he also refused, Law was a doctor so he wasn't suited to teach Ichigo as well. All that remained was Ryu.

" Why should I teach you? "

Ichigo replied " I know you have no reason to teach me, but please I want to get stronger. Strong enough to protect those around me, I don't ever want to feel helpless again! "

He bowed to Ryu " So, please teach me! I want to get Stronger! "

Ryu was moved, he could related to what Ichigo was feeling. He would do anything to protect his family as well.

" Fine, I will help you."

Ichigo was delighted, he bowed to express his gratitude. It wasn't easy to get this guy to show such attitude towards anybody.

Ryu suddenly asked " Before we start let me ask you. What do you know about your Zanpakuto? "