Chapter 170. Awakening Part 2.

Three days have already passed since Ryu took Ichigo inside his dimension. During this time Inoue and others came by to ask about his condition but Ryu turned them away. His fate can only be decided by himself.

Inside Ryu's dimension.

Ichigo was resting, his body was riddled with wounds. Blood covered his entire clothing, but his breathing was steady.

After ten minutes he got up.

He walked through Ryu's clones, each of their attacks fell on him but apart from a slight sting nothing happened. As he progressed forward towards his Sword he saw another batch of Ryu clones but they were different. All of them had weapons on their hands.

He warily stepped towards them, he channeled his Riatsu through the string. The string morphed into a long metal. This was the best Ichigo could do at the moment, he tried to change the string to a Sword but each time he did so he would fail and would lose control over his Riatsu.

But slowly he was chipping away the metal bar in his hand.

On the fourth day, Ichigo's weapon now faintly resembled a sword but it wasn't sharp enough to injure Ryu's clones. He continued to refine his Riatsu.

Fifth day, the Sword now looked solid with a bright gleem to it but still it couldn't harm Ryu's clones.

Sixth day, on this day Ichigo went all out. He stopped being careful and charged like his usual self. He swung the sword in his hands trying to take down Ryu's clones.

' As long as I can beat these guys, I can take Zangetsu! '

Unknowingly he used his Riatsu to coat his body but it was too rough but still any attack that fell on him was defected. Slowly Ryu's clones attack power went up. Ichigo also noticed what he had done and how these clones attack power increased.

His eyebrows were knitted together, he channeled Riatsu all over his body. Strangely enough his powers were calm and steady. He continued to fight Ryu's clones.

Seventh Day, today was the final day. Ichigo was nowhere near his Sword. He had managed to form a sharp weapon but with the amount of Riatsu he could put in his powers were limited. He wasn't able to take down even one of Ryu's clones.

Time was running out.

Ichigo ' I have come too far to fall here! I can't fail!! '

His will to strive burst forth, Zangetsu who was sealed a distance away from him jolted. Ichigo could feel Zangetsu calling for him, a strange resonance birthed between them.

Ichigo finally understood why Ryu sealed his Sword, he smiled and stretched out his hand

" Cast out your fear..... and cleave the heaven....

Zangetsu!! "

The platform where Zangetsu was sealed rocked, cracks formed throughout.


The entire platform was reduced to dust, bright light burst forth as Zangetsu was released from Ryu's seal.

Ichigo released his Riatsu and peeled off the string attaching to his arm. In that final moment when Zangetsu was released he went over that final step. To peel away the string he need to perfectly counter the unique Riatsu emitted by that string otherwise it's impossible.

Ichigo stretched out his hand and grabbed Zangetsu. In that moment his Riatsu disappeared, his figure felt like the calm and clear water that reflected the moon. He looked at Ryu's clones attack coming his way.

He put his Sword to his side, a terrifyingly sharp Riatsu condensed on the edge of his blade.

" Getsuga...Tenshou."

His voice was calm as he slashed horizontally. A bright blue beam of light swept past Ryu's clones.




One by one all of Ryu's clones disappeared. In just a single slash he took out all of Ryu's clones.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The sound of clapping rang around him, Ichigo looked back to see Ryu stand on a platform, clapping.

" Not bad. If it was an hour later you would have died."

Ichigo felt a shiver go down his spine ' He sure as hell isn't joking.'

Ryu nodded in satisfaction seeing Ichigo's results, he exceeded his estimations. He actually managed to control his Riatsu to such level in these past seven days.

' Guess the constant threat of death stimulated his potential.'

Ryu " Alright then, you have cleared the first step, let's move onto the next one. Ichigo, do you know about your powers? "

Ichigo was confused " What? "

Ryu " Your powers, you have soul reaper as well as Hollow powers. Why do you think that is so? "

Ichigo " I... "

Ryu " And from what I see you try to dominate your hollow powers while allowing the other power to remain in control. Why do you have to do that? "

Ichigo " Because i will lose my reasoning....

Ryu " The question is why? Why do you have to control them? Aren't they the manifestation of your powers, didn't your hollow strength help you in difficult situations before. Why do you need to control it.

Also, the Zangetsu you see..... is he really your soul reaper strength or is he something else? "

This time Ichigo was shocked " What!? "

Ryu tapped on air, a strange ripple went past Ichigo. Zangetsu was rumbled and turned into two globes of light, these two globes of light shivered before two silhouette manifested before Ichigo. One was his Hollow Powers and the other was Zangetsu.

Ryu looked at Zangetsu " Explain who you are to him."

Zangetsu felt his mind tremble when he heard Ryu's words, an inexplicable sense of dignity was contained in Ryu's words. Ryu's words felt like a decree from a king to his subjects.

Zangetsu sighed " Ichigo..... I am not your soul reaper strength. I..... am the manifestation of your Quincy powers."

Ichigo was stunned " I have Quincy powers."

Ryu " Ask the details to your father. Let's get this done.

Ichigo, these two before you are your strengths. They are part of you, they represent both your powers. Accept them in your heart otherwise you will never get strong. To become strong, you need to understand who you are."

Zangetsu was silent before he spoke " Ichigo, the reason I deceived you is because, if you follow the path of a Soul Reaper, one day..... you will be killed by me or in a sense another part of me."

Ichigo " Why...

Zangetsu cut him off " But as is saw you after you gained your powers, I now understand that you will always follow your heart, so all I can do is to aid you."

After saying these words Zangetsu dispersed leaving a bright blue sword shadow floating in air.

Ichigo " Zangetsu..... you have always aided me in times of my need. I don't know for what reason you deceived me but I know you will never harm me."

He turned to his Hollow power " I am sorry for always fearing you, you have always lend me your strength during times when I needed it most. Thank you."

His Hollow part snorted before fading away also leaving a sword Shadow glowing in air.

Ryu punched his fist forward towards these two Sword shadows. He had already gotten a basic understanding of how Zanpakuto's are forged. Zangetsu is the manifestation of Ichigo's powers, he broke it down first.... now to temper them.

He punched out nine times. Chaos energy filled the space as the bright glare of the two swords hovering in air increased. But this brightness didn't blind Ichigo. His heart felt close to these Swords.

He stretched out his hands " Sorry for being so foolish all this time. You are both my strengths, I will never let you two down.... ever again! "

He grabbed the two Swords.


A huge blast erupted within Ryu's dimension. Many platforms were destroyed, wind raged inside. Ryu was as steady as a mountain, his gaze was fixed on Ichigo's Zanpakuto's.

Ichigo's clothes were completely rid of the bloodstains. His aura was restrained, he now stood before Ryu with two swords in hand. A large Sword and a trench blade.

Ryu curled his lips, he took out his Sword and said " Let's test your new strength, shall we? "