Chapter 174. World Shaking War.

Ryu was marveling in his new found strength. Don't look down on a single percent increase in purity of his Bloodline, this single percent has doubled his true strength.

Yamamoto was like a high mountain against the wind. His Captain cloak fluttered furiously due blast of energy from Ryu.

While Yamamoto may seem like a person who watches over everyone, his past achievements are undeniable. He was the one who founded Gotei 13, his strength is so overwhelming that noone was able to take away his position as the Head Captain for thousands of years.

Everything settled down, like a God Ryu stood up in mid air. His body exuded a majesty that even made Yamamoto startled but Ryu could see a faint glimmer in his eyes.

Ryu smiled and said " Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto, wanna fight? "

Yamamoto raised his eyebrow, his eyes reflected the passing of ages " Hmm, why not? "

Madara who was silent till now shouted to Ryu " Brat!! I want to fight him! "

Ryu argued " Nope. You have had your fun, now it's my turn."

Before Madara could argue further Ryu attacked Yamamoto. The old man shrugged off his Captain cloak, his took out his Sword and swung at Ryu. It may seem like a simple swing but the profound technique within the Sword was equal to Ryu.

' Grandmaster! '

Shockingly Yamamoto was a Sword Grandmaster, he was only at the fifth level but his path followed domination. So that simple swing contained the strength of mountains.

Ryu took out his Sword and parried Yamamoto,


Swords collided, the ground shook and the air trembled. Surprisingly Yamamoto was pushed back by one step, the old man had a sharp look on his face. A world crushing intent to Battle erupted from his body.

Ryu grinned widely " Ha! I knew you were like me! Let's battle!!! "

He retreated his Sword and made a swing at Yamamoto. The old man parried his attack and used the momentum to force Ryu to close combat. He clenched his fist and pushed forward.

Ryu used the back of his hand to deflect the punch. He twisted his body and got behind Yamamoto

" Wind style : Vaccum Palm."

Without any hand signs, Ryu palmed Yamamoto's back. The air rippled as a force blasted towards Yamamoto, the old man didn't panic, his body flashed to the side.

Both of them retreated and stared at each other. The air was being cracked by the mere intent produced by these two.

Ryu cracked into a smile " You sure are strong, let's kick it up a notch."

Chaos energy swirled inside his body, he instantly released upto the seventh seal. He pointed his sword at Yamamoto

" Inferno Style : Pure Yang Domain! "

A blazing inferno sparked into existence, sword intent radiating intense heat covered the entire Karakura town. Toshiro and the other Captains felt their skin burn.

Shunsui " That guy..... he probably might match the Old man."

Jushiro nodded " Just this attack alone can equal the Head Captains Shikai."

Shunsui " Well, we better keep get away. This place is about to become a blazing hell."

All of them got away from Ryu and Yamamoto.

Yamamoto was surprised seeing Ryu's strength " Not bad."

He held his sword to his side

" It would be rude to not reply in kind.....

Everything in the world turn to ashes...

Ryuujin Jakka!! "


Flames surged miles around them, lava burst out from the ground burning everything.

Ryu's domain and Yamamoto's flames clashed intensely. Nothing remained, even the rubbles were burned to ashes.

Flame is one of the most destructive elements in nature. Yamamoto's Shikai had the temperature at the Sun's surface while Ryu's had the ability to burn down anything. Both their flames collided creating destruction everywhere.

Ryu and Yamamoto attacked each other, each of their attack was backed up by blazing flames and the comprehension of their swords.

Others watching their fight were drenched in sweat. Ryu and Yamamoto's fight turned the entire region into a non approachable zone. Karakura town was now gone, instead what they saw was hell. Lava churned beneath them, smoke clouded the sky.

Ryu and Yamamoto's figure flashed through the entire region. His techniques maybe slightly better than Yamamoto's but the old monster had lived for thousands years, his instincts were sharpened to limit.

The only reason he had never shown his powers for the past hundreds of years is because there was none who could truly match him. Ichibē Hyosube of Zero Sqaud could defeat him but that's only because of his special abilities otherwise it's a question on who will win?

Ryu flashed beside Yamamoto and striked his gut, before Ryu's fist could reach him a wall of magma blocked his path. It only blocked Ryu from an instant but that was more than enough for Yamamoto. He raises his Sword and slashed.

The short distance between Ryu and Yamamoto seemed non existent, his sword cut through the magma and reached Ryu.

Ryu wasn't able to dodge in time, his figure was engulfed by Yamamoto's flames. Yamamoto was like an eagle striking its prey, he reached Ryu and cut him.

Flames circled around his sword, it created a Vaccum. The entire town seemed to tremble before this slash.

Ryu who was covered in flames held his sword straight

" Glacier Style : Absolute Zero Domain! "

In an instant Pure Yang flames around him died down, what replaced it was a bone biting coldness. It repelled Yamamoto's flames, they were no longer able to hold him down. His figure blurred and disappeared.


Yamamoto's attack missed, a long slash now embedded itself into the ground. Smoke came out from both sides as magma below them poured into this gap but it seemed endless.

Ryu changed his stance again, he held his sword beside him as he sheathed it. He took a drawing stance similar to the one Zoro takes, intense energy fluctuation could be felt from his sword. Everything surrounding Ryu was frozen stiff, even Yamamoto's flames were affected due this power.

" Glacier Style : First Sword, Frozen Hell!! "

A swift sharp, bone chilling sword intent flashed into existence as he drew his sword. This attack cut right through Yamamoto's flames as they went for him. Even someone like Yamamoto was startled seeing this, he narrowed his eyes and gripped his sword.

Flames surged around him, they danced wildly before forming a tornado before him and blocked Ryu's attack.


Ryu's attack collided head on with Yamamoto's. Hot and cold, two energies opposite in nature collided with world Shaking power, the destruction it caused could be imagined.

Yamamoto however didn't care for this, he swung his sword to his side.


Metal collided, Ryu took this chance to attack Yamamoto but it seemed to have been noticed by him. Suddenly without any signs Ryu body disappeared, Yamamoto was surprised. He changed his stance and controlled the fire to surround him.

Ryu who disappeared was now standing few meters away from Yamamoto, his Sword had few drops of frozen blood on its blade.

The fire around Yamamoto diverged, but right now his shoulder was slightly bleeding.

When Ryu disappeared few seconds ago, he used Hiraishin to appear beside Yamamoto taking him by surprise. But Yamamoto was far too experienced, he figured out Ryu's attack and used flames to defend.

Seeing his action Ryu smiled, his energy spiked for a second.

" Glacier Style : Second Sword, Ethereal Death!! "

A faint ripple spread out, it covered Yamamoto's flames and broke through it before being engulfed by his flames. Ryu retreated after this.

Yamamoto touched his wound, the heat from his blood seemed to have aroused the monster sleeping within him " It's been years since someone wounded me. You are strong and thus I shall face you in my strongest form!! "

He held his sword and like a whisper from hell he uttered

" Bankai........

Zanka No Tachi! "