Chapter 196. Ashura!!!

The two giant apes nearly fell down when they heard Zoro. They looked at each other with a face saying

' Is he that much of a fool? '

Zoro drew out his black sword and cut the incoming to rocks into innumerable pieces. Seeing there attacks being useless the apes went for close combat.

Both of them attacked Zoro at the same time. The white fur on their arms glistened with luster. Zoro used his sword to defend against their attacks. With his ability as of now these two apes possessed no threat to him.

Strictly speaking Zoro is stronger than Kenpachi when the latter was using his Shikai. These two apes were weaker so Zoro wasn't at a disadvantage. He wanted to test out his new strength so he played with them.

Both apes got nervous as the fight went on, as beasts their physical prowess and stamina was above the norm but this guy they were fighting... he seems to be the real beast. Even after fighting both of them for so long he wasn't even sweating.

After half an hour of fighting Zoro had a very good grasp over his powers. He decided to end this fight. His energy spiked

" One Sword Style..... Iai!!

A glint flashed in his eyes. Two sword rays flashed past the apes. Their body was split in half and fell down. Red blood oozed out from the wound and poured down, into the gorge. Zoro sheathed his sword and was about to walk when he felt a chill down his spine.

He raised his head and looked up, a huge red ape several times larger than the ones he killed looked at him from above.

The red ape looked at the now lifeless body of the two white apes and let out a fearful roar.

" Human!!! You dare kill my brothers!!! "

Zoro snickered " So what? They wanted to kill me so I killed them."

Red ape growled " Since you killed them, you can die!! "

The red ape suddenly disappeared.

' Fast!! '

Zoro was surprised, he raised his black sword and defended his back side.


A fearful force assaulted his back, red flames barraged towards Zoro. He unsheathed his black sword and released his domain. These red flames were cut into nothing.

The red ape wasn't startled, it knew it's brothers strength, so if this human before him was able to kill them then he was strong. It again disappeared and appeared above Zoro and assaulted him with a flame covered fist.

Zoro blocked it with his sword. The ape suddenly opened its mouth and fired a red bean of flames at Zoro.

' Sh*t! '

Zoro ducked, but this gave the ape an opportunity. It raised its legs and send Zoro crashing through the rocks.

The red ape again raised its arms and send out punches. It's fighting style was simple and crude but the sheer strength packed within these punches were nothing to be scoffed at.

Flaming red energy condensed into fists and bombarded where Zoro fell. The ape didn't finish, it again opened its mouth. This time a blue flame condensed Infront of its mouth, the red ape grasped this flame and threw it like a ball.


The moment the blue flame made contact with the ground it produced an ear deafening sound. Everything within few miles were destroyed and lit up in flames.

The ape looked at the destruction it caused and scoffed. It was angered beyond words when it felt it's brothers die, when it saw their body that anger erupted. It didn't even want to consume Zoro, it simply wanted to rip him to pieces.

Just as the red ape was about turn around and leave a voice came from the flames down below

" You nearly had me there."

Zoro walked out from the flames without a single scratch. His entire body was covered in blackish violet colour. The flames were extinguished wherever he walked.

His eyes focused on the giant red ape and said " My turn."

He jumped up. Like a projectile, he came crashing down on the giant red ape. The giant ape scoffed seeing Zoro attack it directly. It moved aside and coated it's hands with flame. However the red ape didn't expect Zoro to make a turn in mid air that fast.

It was a tad bit late to completely block Zoro's attack. Blood splattered in midair.

The red ape retreated, it looked at its chest. There was a nick on its right chest, just an inch more and Zoro would have cut its heart. This brought out the survival instincts that had been clouded by anger. It stared at Zoro for a second and seemed to have made its mind.

It opened its mouth, a faint red crystal emerged from its mouth. The giant ape crushed the crystal into innumerable red light sparks. These light sparks sneaked into the red apes body.

Zoro could feel the energy within the ape increase several fold. His relaxed expression tightened, he could clearly feel the apes power skyrocket.

The red ape looked at Zoro with hatred " Human, you have made me use my ultimate card. For that you have to die!! "

Before Zoro could react, he was thrown down by a huge force. His bones creaked from the force, a trail of blood leaked from his mouth. Zoro steadied himself in mid air, his senses were spread around trying to find the apes movement but....


He was again hit by a mighty force and coughed out blood. The red ape seemed have increase its speed several times, Zoro wasn't able to catch it's movement. He was being punched back and forth by the ape in mid air.

Zoro showed a smile as he wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth. His sword domain was fully unleashed, his mind focused on nothing but to beat his enemy. Faintly he felt a presence approach him from below, he moved aside but was still punched on his gut and send flying.

" Found you! "

He held his sword with both hands

" One Sword Style.... One Kill!! "

A terrifying red energy sword ray was blasted at the giant red ape who had now revealed itself.

Seeing the incoming attack the red ape released a heaven shaking roar. Flames surged from all around and formed a stick in its hands. It brandished the stick at the red sword energy.


Several space cracks seemed to occur in mid air. Any and all living creature within several miles were either burned down or sliced into pieces.

Zoro was startled when he saw the ape counter his move. He released a faint sigh and muttered to himself

' So this is the best I can do without a release.'

The ape looked at Zoro and snickered " Give up Human, your only fate is death! "

Zoro looked up, his eyes showed a crazy intent for battle. A Swordsman is naturally battle oriented especially Zoro, he would never admit defeat.

He sheathed his Black Sword and held it before his chest and muttered

" Rage.... Heavenly Demon....