Chapter 198. Central Plains!

Law's figure appeared above the slender snake.

The green snakes pupils glowed with a cold light. Before Law could make his move he was attacked by vines hanging from the tree. He tried to cut it but surprisingly the vines were sturdy enough to withstand his blow.

His figure dodged the incoming attacks and got Infront of the green snake. The snake wasn't large but it was very long. Law could sense the snakes body coiling all over the tree, it had somehow merged with the leaves making its body seem like part of the tree.

Even with Law's control over space as well as his current Cultivation he found it hard to dodge the snakes attack.

Suddenly Law felt extreme danger from behind. He dodged and got away from the tree. Under his shocked vision a very long green snake slithered out of the tree. It's body was stood out amidst the barren lands.

Just a moment ago the snake tried to bind Law's body, if he was a second later to dodge then he would have been in real trouble.

Without any warning the snake attacked Law, its speed surprised Law. He was only able to dodge barely. His ' Room ' allowed him to travel within it as he please, during the past few months he had tried to understand the laws of space while keeping ' Room ' active.

But the snake had a higher realm than him. It was a Half Immortal beast whereas he was only a Heaven realm Cultivator. It seems the snake was planning to use the ' Two Revolutions Fruit ' to go a step further in its Cultivation.

No matter how fast Law moved the snake was able to catch up. It's long slender body gave it tremendous agility and speed countering Law's ability teleport inside. But Law wasn't fazed, he was part of a group of monsters so it would take more than this to make him nervous.

Under such circumstances Laws speed was increasing, his control over space was also becoming more refined. But the Cultivation realm difference was still there so the small amount of improvement he made didn't bring any advantage.

The snakes hissed. Law felt his body become slow, his blood circulation seemed to have slowed down. Nature Qi circulated furiously within him and dispelled this effect.

' Poison! '

The snakes body emitted a poison without any smell. Law failed to recognise the poison when it entered his body.

' I am glad Madara isn't here otherwise he would start preaching about training more.'

Law heaved a sigh of relief, Nature's Qi completely dispelled the poison. Law brought his sword to his chest

" With a sword in hand I shall deliver Death....

With these hands I shall reclaim Life....

Awaken.... Sage Of Heavens! "

Law released his Shikai, green and black runes spread across his arms. His swords surface crumbled revealing a sword with engravings of myriad ceatures and plants.

Suddenly Law's energy spiked. His eyes changed with runes on the outer rings of his pupils. His body blurred and appeared beside the green snake, before the snake could react his sword had already swept past its body.


Blood splattered. Laws sword had cut deep inside the snakes body. Law's energy seeped inside it's body. He had analysed the snakes poison a second ago, now he used the same poison against the snake. A second later the snakes body started to twitch.

It was finding it hard to even raise its head. The mortal body of the snake was very strong, a normal attack won't wound it seriously.

Law raised his sword, the space inside ' Room ' vibrated. If one looked closely, a faint ripple spread across the edge of his blade. Space was being cracked at the edge, Law swung his blade at the snakes neck.

The snake was powerless to even dodge. It's head was seperated from its body. Blood oozed out of it's body, Law quickly took out several vases and started to drain the snakes blood.

After he was done with draining it's blood, he gripped his sword. His sword started to morph and changed into a slender knife, it's edge glowed with terrifying sharpness. He started to disassemble the snakes body and stored it seperatly.

He gathered every usable material from the snake and threw away the rest. His vision gathered on the fruit, he sealed his sword and walked upto the tree. He sat down and closed his eyes and waited for the fruit to mature.


Tens of miles away from Law another battle was heating up. Two figures kept dodging around the entire place. Energy waves collided with each other in mid air making the entire area into a wreckage.

The two figures seperated, one was wearing black and white clothes while the other was a monster with wings.

The black and white clothes figure is obviously Stark.

As for the other..... it was a sky beast with pitch black skin and thorns all over its body. It's eyes radiated with ferociousness. Stark looked apathetically at the beast before him.

He was casually walking around when he was ambushed by this beast. They have been fighting for some time, with Stark's instincts and speed the creature wasn't able to injure him the least.

The creature was staring at stark with greed, he could sense a tremendous amount of energy within Stark. Creatures from the dark Continent feed on each other to survive but if they want to get stronger they have to consume higher grade herbs or something of equal value.

To these creatures of dark continent Ryu and the others are high quality dishes. If they were to consume them then their strength would reach a higher realm. But even beasts knew who to provoke and who not to.

Only very few creatures within the dark continent could pose a threat to Ryu and the others.

Stark's figure blurred, he appeared below the creature

" Cero."

Without any gesture he fired a Cero. The creature seemed to have expected this, it's figure disappeared and appeared behind Stark.

Both of them started to battle again. Stark seemed very relaxed dodging and attacking. The creature seemed to become even more ferocious, it's speed seemed to increase as well. The battle raged on.