Chapter 200. True Immortal!!

Ryu's words sounded like empty boasting to the man. He looked at Ryu and smiled coldly. He raised his hand and grabbed at Ryu.

Ryu felt as if the world itself was crushing down on him. He instantly released upto eighth seal and got rid of the supressive force on his body. The man above was surprised to see Ryu shake of his restrains that easily.

" It seems like you weren't boasting. My name is Luo."

Ryu " My name is Ryu..."

Before Ryu could finish his words Luo stopped him " I don't need to know the name of every ant I kill."

Ryu wasn't offended. His smiled grew colder and colder, his body started to emit a strong aura which startled Luo. He looked at Ryu in different light. Ryu took out his sword and attacked.

Luo stood still in mid air, Ryu's strength did surprise him but that's it. As someone of higher realm he looked down on Ryu. He merely used a single finger and blocked all of Ryu's attack. He had a mocking smile on his face as he blocked all of Ryu's attack.

Luo sneered " You are a genius but a genius who hasn't grown up is still a waste. Did you really think you could challenge me? "

A world crushing pressure started to emanate out of his body. Ryu could feel the space vibrate but surprisingly it didn't even crack.

Luo continued " I have watched your companions, they jumped realms and defeated their opponents but if you think you can challenge me with Half Immortal Realm strength then you are sorely mistaken.

Under Immortal Realm some geniuses can jump over several sub realms and sometimes an entire realm to defeat their opponents but once you step into the immortal realm.... that's a different story.

The difference in every sub realms in Immortal Realm is like Heaven and Earth. You are a Half Immortal whereas I am a True Immortal!! "

His energy spiked several times. Ryu's presence seemed insignificant in the face of such overwhelming power.

Luo appeared infront of Ryu and slapped his chest. Like a loose cannon Ryu was send flying and crushed heavily into the large building. But what was even shocking was that the building only shook and remained intact.

Ryu coughed out blood from that attack, but a fire was lit in his eyes. For the first time in this he felt like he could release his true power. He never expected a trip to this world would give him such a surprise.

Luo " With your body as the last ingredient I will be able to make the immortal pill required to get out of this damn prison! "

Ryu didn't care for his words, his face showed a wild smiled " HAHAHA!! Good!! Good!! Let's dance some more!! Navii!! "

Navii " Yes master! "

Another seal was released, Ryu's energy spiked again. This time Luo showed a shocked expression, Ryu's energy was now equal to an Immortal Realm Cultivator moreover the quality and density of his energy seemed to be far stronger than a normal Immortal!

Ryu cracked his neck and stretched his muscles. His sword domain spread out covering Luo and the entire palace. Pure Yang flames sparked into existence, a blazing sword world was created from Ryu's intent. Luo was surprised when he saw a True fire but wasn't bothered by this, he was still stronger than Ryu so he relaxed.

Like meteor crashing down on earth Ryu's figure was launched at Luo. He raised his sword blazing with Pure Yang flames and cut Luo. Pure Yang flames raged across the edge of the blade, even Luo felt a bit dry sensing such intent.

He palmed Ryu's attack. A huge palm materialised and intercepted Ryu's attack.


The creatures strolling around the palace was either smashed to death or sliced and burned into ashes. Ryu didn't stop his assault, his intent grew stronger with each attack. But Ryu still underestimated a True Immortal.

Luo suddenly appeared beside Ryu and punched his back. Ryu was pummeled to the ground and spat out blood. Several of his ribs were cracked as well, this was the first time Ryu was this much wounded.

Chaos energy channeled through him and instantly mended his body. Luo was startled when he saw this. Ryu's eyes changed to Chaos.

" Susanoo!!! "

A huge golden God of Destruction materialised before Luo. A sword was in its hands. Ryu's Zanpakuto had automatically changed its size to be used by his Susanoo.

Luo smirked " You still underestimate a True Immortal! "

Luo's body started to change, his size became as large as Ryu's Susanoo.

Ryu's eyes shrunk, he suddenly remembered something. An Immortal can change their size as they wish!!

Both humungous beings collided. Space shook buy it didn't crack, both of them traded several moves and the result was.....

Ryu's Susanoo was dispersed. Luo wasn't feeling better either, he had consumed a quarter of his energy in that transformation. He had to undo his transformation. He looked at Ryu's eyes greedily.

Luo understood where Ryu's previous incarnation came from. An Ocular Bloodline such as the one Ryu showed will be coveted by all. He appeared beside Ryu and tried to gouge out his eyes.

Ryu was prepared, he saw how Luo looked at him and got ready. His body flashed away, appearing some distance away from him. His body was now covered with dried blood and dust but he smiled

" Trying to take my eyes? "

Luo " You will die either way, so I will make good use of your eyes."

Ryu smiled loudly " Hahaha!! Let me return your words, you underestimate me! "

' Navii!! '

He roared inside.

Navii " Yes Master! "

A clicking sound was heard in his mind, like a dam bursting out Ryu's power exploded. Under Luo's stunned expression Ryu's strength kept climbing until it stabilised. Ryu opened his eyes, golden mist swirled inside his pupil.

" Make good use of my eyes? Haha! "

Luo now had a grave expression on his face.

' It's almost impossible to surmount an entire realm to challenge someone of higher Cultivation in Immoral realm!! What's more this guy is only a Half Immortal!! for him to surpass several sub realms and two entire realm.... '

His face got even graver as he thought further. He suddenly thought.

' Did I invite disaster? '

He quickly pressed this deep down his heart. Now wasn't the time for him to panic.

Ryu flexed his neck, he felt every pore in his body breathe. He felt as if he was one with the world. This was the first time Ryu was unleashing his full power and it felt good. His eyes focused on Luo and showed a toothy grin

" Ready for round two? "