Chapter 203. Chimera Ants

Ryu got up the next morning to Law's loud shouting.

" Where the heck is the rest of it!? "

A lazy voice answered " Burned to ashes."

Ryu thought ' What's happening? '

He went out to see Law holding onto a red crystal and looking at Madara with annoyance.

Law " Why the heck did you burn the rest of the dragon!!? With its parts I could make a whole lot of pills and medications."

Madara shrugged " It's of no use now."

Law really wanted to punch his face in. He found it surprising to see an Immortal core and that too of high quality. Madara had asked him to make a pill to further refine his body and handed the core to him.

When he asked Madara where he got and he what he said was

" I killed an overgrown lizard."

The rest happened as Ryu heard.

Law cursed Madara inside and left with the Immortal core. He needed few more supplementive materials to create a body Forging pill.

Ryu didn't bother with them and left. He grabbed something to eat and scanned for Gon and Killua.

" Huh? "

Suddenly Ryu's sense picked up a non human aura. He focused on that presence and it suddenly dawned on him.

" I see..... it's that incident."

Ryu locked in on Gon and Killua before disappearing.


Inside a courtyard...

Several people were watching a kid radiating Golden aura. Opposite of him stood a man wearing black shades, his upper body was bare and bursting with muscles.

The one with the golden aura is obviously Gon.

Gon was taking an attacking position. Golden Nen covered his fists, a nerve wracking intent poured out of him. The ground beneath Gon cracked from the sheer amount of power released by him, wind and dust swirled everywhere. Killua and Alluka who was watching Gon got worried.

Alluka asked worried " Big brother.... will Gon be alright? "

Killua looked at Gon, his expression showed sadness. He was powerless to help his friend, all he could do is to silently support him. He rubbed Alluka's hair and said

" It's fine."

Golden Nen around Gon was condensing above his right fist. It was so refined that it resembled a layer of skin over his fist but the power condensed within was something none among these people would dare face head on.

Before Gon could attack Killua patted his shoulder " That's enough Gon."

Gon snapped out, his face went blank before reverting to his bright smile.

" Thanks Killua."

Killua " Seriously..... you make .....

Before he could finish a man with bright red hair appeared beside them.

Gon/Killua/Alluka yelled at the same time " Ryu san!!! "

The other people within the courtyard was shocked when someone suddenly appeared. All of them were prepared to attack, but seeing how the kids reacted they relaxed.

There were four people apart from the kids.

Morel Mackernasey, Knov, Knuckle and Shoot. All four of them are Pro Hunters and were here to address the immediate threat that appeared couple of months ago.

The kids were very close to Ryu. All three hugged him. Ryu felt Gon's emotions, it was like a dam about to burst. He frowned and realized it must be because of Kite.

Kite was his friend and it was right infront of Gon he was attacked and captured. Later when they retrieved him, he was no longer a proper human.

Ryu rubbed his head and channeled his energy inside him and calmed his raging Nen. Gon felt as if his anger was restrained and relaxed.

Killua " When did you come back? "

Ryu smiled " Just yesterday. So you are going to hunt Chimera Ants? "

Gon nodded resolutely " Yes. I want to cure kite. Only that person who made him that way can do it! "

Ryu looked at Killua and then at Alluka. Properly speaking, Nanika should be able to heal Kite.

Killua understood Ryu " We did try but it seemed like it only restored his body. He is still acting like a mindless Zombie."

Ryu was surprised ' So it seems his Nen preserved his life and started a new one in a different body.'

Ryu didn't explain, he looked at the remaining hunters. All four of them understood who the man before him was, seeing his Bright red hair was a clear indicator on who he was.

Knov bowed respectfully " It's an honour to meet you, Sir Ryu."

The other three did the same.

Morel asked " Sir Ryu, do you plan to come with us? With you and Chairman Netero I doubt any Chimera ant could pose a threat."

Ryu smirked " Like that old man would let me meddle in his fight. Anyway, this is a good opportunity for the kids to grow, so I won't interfere."

Knuckle was anxious, he knew that if Ryu joined them then this mission would be a walk in the park. After all the man is stronger than Netero, and this was said by Netero himself.

Ryu saw their disappointment and said " Don't worry, if the situation really gets out of hand I will step in. Fair enough? "

All four of them looked at each other and nodded. Ryu left after that. He didn't want to interfere now, as that would seriously affect the kids growth. Even Alluka seemed to have learned some basic Nen abilities.

All seven of them were divided into three groups. Gon, Killua and Alluka took on Pitou.

Knuckle and Shoot took on Youpi.

Morel and Know took Pouf.

These three were the royal guards to the King of Chimera Ants. They were very strong and knew how to use Nen.

And finally their King, Mereum would be dealt by Netero himself.

Ryu spoke to them and left. He appeared above a large building. Smoke and fire spread throughout the area, there were several creatures lurking around but Ryu didn't mind them. His eyes turned to Chaos and focused inside.

Inside that large building that seemed to have been attacked recently.....

There were two people sitting Infront of a Gungi board and playing. One was a woman with white hair and the other was a creature with green skin and a long tail with a needle shape at its end.

This green creature was the king of Chimera Ants, Meruem!

The one playing against him was a blind woman named Komugi. She was low witted but an excellent Gungi player.

Both of them were extremely focused on the game. Meruem felt someone stare at him, he looked in Ryu's direction and went back to his game. Ryu wasn't giving off any aura so Meruem had mistaken him for a weakling spying on him.

But the three royal guards were different, they didn't allow anyone other than their kind to intrude on their King's territory.

Pitou, one of the three guards came out and saw Ryu. Pitou was a woman and she had the characteristics of a cat. Ryu felt a huge amount of Nen residing within Pitou. He discarded her and looked at Meruem and Komugi with interest.

Seeing the other party completely discarding her existence angered Pitou. Her body moved very swiftly and tried to tear apart Ryu's limbs but to her shock he felt as is she was pulling on a mountain.

Ryu looked back at Pitou apathetically and said " Get down."

Pitou felt her world crumble, she felt a huge amount of blood lust rush at her. Her body fell down powerlessly, Youpi and Pouf watching this was shocked. The two of them ignored Pitou and attacked Ryu.

Any danger to the King will be disposed off, this is their duty and purpose.

Ryu shook his head and snapped his fingers. Wood extended from the ground and bound Youpi and Pouf. Both of them struggled to get free but proved useless.

Pouf tried to split his body into countless smaller version clones of himself but as he did that innumerable amount of tendrils sprouted from the wood and bound all of his clones.

Ryu looked at the three Royal guards and said " Stay still. Can't you see that I am enjoying a game? "