Chapter 205. To be a Human

Inside an abandoned building...

Gon was currently standing stupified. His eyes were vacant with no emotions present. Pitou was standing opposite of him, a man laid beneath her feet. His entire body was limb and twisted in strange angles.

Gon asked " Kite... can't be saved? "

Pitou didn't answer. After she had healed Komugi, both her and Gon went to where Kite was while Ryu stayed back and watched over Komugi. He asked Killua and Alluka to stay back as well.

Killua didn't know why Ryu was saying this but he trusted Ryu so he and Alluka stayed back.

Gon's body was emitting a vile aura, his eyes became cold and emotionless. Pitou who was standing before Gon felt a chill down her spine.

' What.... what is this? '

Gon spoke in an eerie tone " I... don't care... If this is the end.... "

The darkness within the room swept past Pitou. A bone chilling aura erupted from Gon.

Pitou watched as Gon's Nen rose, her face went pale. She watched as Gon changed into a huge man with a deadly aura around him.

" So... I will use everything..... I will kill you....

PITOU!!! "

Up in the air three figures stood watching this scene. Gon's anger was completely unleashed onto Pitou.

Ryu was watching everything but he didn't interfere. He watched as Gon lose control, he watched as he beat Pitou into pulp but didn't interfere.

Killua and Alluka were also standing beside him. Komugi's body floated beside them.

After Gon had left, Ryu stayed there for some time after going after him. Gon needs someone there at a crucial moment to save him and only his best friend Killua can do that.

Killua felt his heart ache when he saw Gon like that, Alluka who was beside him held Killua's arm while watching Gon with worry.

" Nanika! What's wrong with big brother Gon!!? "

As a single entity both can talk via their mind.

Nanika " It seems he has enhanced his body using his life force and pushed it to a point where he can beat her."

Alluka was scared " Will he be alright? "

Nanika comforted " Don't worry. We can save him if anything happens. Moreover big brother Ryu is here."

Alluka calmed down seeing Ryu. She looked down.

Gon was now standing Infront of Pitou who seemed to be on her last breath. He clenched his fist, golden light pulsed through his fist and punched.


The ground was caved in, Pitou's head was blasted to smitherines. Gon looked at his hands and cried.

Killua jumped down from above, but as he was descending Gon's figure started to shrink. His heavy aura started to recede and his body became as weak as a twig, his body looked black and withered.

" GON!! "

Killua rushed and caught Gon. Ryu also landed, he looked at Gon and stretched out his hands.

Chaos energy churned inside his hand as he touched Gon's chest. Huge amount of vitality was slowly transferred through his heart and slowly his heartbeat became strong. His withered body started to change.

His skin shed revealing new glossy skin. Minutes later he was the old Gon again but he didn't wake up, he was exhausted mentally and physically. Ryu told Killua....

" Take him back. He needs you both when he wakes up."

Killua nodded and took him back.

Ryu ' With destruction comes creation, With disaster comes opportunity.... Gon, use this chance and get stronger!.'

He turned around and flew away. Komugi was floating behind him, Ryu went towards Meruem.


A huge explosion sounded off in the distance. Ryu saw a mushroom of fire in the distance and felt Netero's life force die out.

' Farewell old man. Atleast you didn't die of old age but through battle, a satisfying battle.'

He got to the palace and waited for Meruem's arrival. By this time Komugi had already woken up, currently she was very weak so Ryu helped her out by transfering some of his energy.

Minutes later Meruem could be seen flying from the distance. Ryu watched Meruem and was surprised.

' He has gotten stronger.'

Meruem saw Ryu and has no idea who he was. He fought with Netero and at the end of his life a bomb was activated and he almost died. If not for the immediate help of his Royal guards he would have already died.

Meruem asked " Who are you? "

Ryu " Me? Just a passerby. I am here to return her."

Saying that he snapped his fingers and Komugi who was in the room floated out. She was quite calm even after realising she was floating in mid air.

Meruem's pupils shrunk when he saw her, subconsciously he called out her name " Komugi..... "

Meruem caught her, he felt as if he had regained a part of him. Unknowingly a smile outlined his face.

Meruem looked at Ryu " Thank You."

Pouf and Youpi were shocked when they heard their King thank someone. They could feel their King's emotions and frowned. They felt it unnecessary for their King to thank someone.

Ryu shook his head " Meruem... I suppose you know your name already."

Meruem nodded.

Ryu " You are born a King and is far stronger than any human and you will continue to get stronger. You look down on humans as lowly life forms and slaughter them willfully, as such I was intending to kill you but seeing you now....

Ryu looked at Komugi " Seems like you have changed, you have gained something precious to you. The human within you is slowly coming out, and I don't want to kill someone who can change and I hope for the better. "

Meruem didn't feel offended from Ryu's words, he could sense Ryu's strength. After his Rebirth he seemed different and could now sense different things, as such he understood what Ryu meant.

Ryu shot three energy orbs at Meruem and his guards and turned around to leave " Live your life well Meruem."

Youpi and Pouf initially thought Ryu was going to kill them but all of them senses their body being cleaned of something. A black vapour escaped form their body and disappeared.

All of them understood what that was and looked at Ryu in confusion. Meruem held Komugi and said to Youpi and Pouf.

" Let's go."

With that all four of them disappeared.