Chapter 209. Next World.

People were tested for an entire week. And finally the numbers reached upto forty five. That was good number considering the requirements.

Ryu gave them basic training on several matters, he was thorough in his explanation. All these candidates needs to get their basics right and solid, otherwise they won't progress. They were all given Manuals useful for their Occupation and Cultivation.

After the matters at home was settled Ryu said goodbye and returned. Everything was settled now, the Hunter Association was preparing to explore the Dark Continent.

When he came back Beans was in tears, as for the reason....

" Kenpachi destroyed several buildings? Why? "

Beans was literally weeping " He couldn't find his way back, so he went straight.... he destroyed seventeen buildings!!! Luckily noone died."

Ryu smiled wryly " Sorry about that. We will be travelling soon."

Beans was surprised, he nodded to Ryu and left.

Ryu on the other hand went to the hotel where everyone was staying. He informed everyone to prepare and went to find Hisoka.

Hisoka was currently sitting on the ledge of a mountain staring into the distance. He thought back to that day when Ryu defeated him, his blood boiled just from thinking about it.

Ryu suddenly appeared beside him " Ready to leave? "

Hisoka " Hehe, been for the last few months."

Ryu nodded. He took Hisoka and returned. Everyone had already assembled and was ready to leave.

" Navii."

Navii " Yes master."

A door appeared before them. The others were familiar with it and entered. Hisoka followed. With his entry the door disappeared.

Hisoka was astonished as he looked around, he could sense his body move at astonishing speed but he wasn't harmed in the least. Ryu turned around and flicked his finger. One orb of light imprinted the Titan insignia on his right shoulder while the other went inside his mind.

Just like the rest Ryu imparted a manual to Hisoka. One that best suited him, Hisoka was shocked when he read through the contents. He felt his Nen circulate through his body, he felt it change but there was no discomfort instead he felt stronger.

The Manuals Ryu passed to others doesn't discard their powers up to that point instead it uses that as a base and allows them to grow stronger.

Hisoka licked his lips, he strived for exciting battles but if he wants to fight stronger opponents then he needs to grow stronger. Hisoka was indeed a genius, he basically understood the Manual imparted to him in the short time they were travelling.

Minutes later the light around them diverged. All of them now stood on a prairie.

Madara looked around and frowned " There isn't a single person for miles. What kind of world did you brought us to? "

Ryu smirked " A world filled with magic."

Zoro " Magic? "

Ryu " You will see. Hisoka, you are the weakest among us. This world has some very weird abilities like yours so be alert, if you face any mortal danger use the Insignia to call for help. Anyway, I will be leaving. Who wants to join me? "

Surprisingly Madara decided to travel with Ryu. Kenpachi and Stark teamed up while Law decided to team up with Hisoka and Zoro. All of them took off.

Madara and Ryu was flying at tremendous speed. In an instant they had covered hundreds of miles.

Suddenly both of them felt an energy spike in the distance. They changed their direction and flew towards it.

When they reached the location a monster stood before them. It wasn't a monster per se, rather it's entire body was covered in armour with a long Spear in it's hand. Ryu felt dark aura emanate off of that thing.

He looked down and saw several figures trying to fight it. A blonde short guy holding a sword was fighting it but he was overpowered easily.

That thing sensed Ryu and Madara, it pulled back the spike and threw at them. Ryu didn't budge, he caught the spike with ease and applied some force.

Like a twig it was broken in two. Ryu threw away the spike like trash. He looked at the armoured creature and punched out.

Under everyone's astonished gaze that armoured creature was pummeled into the ground. A large bottomless hole appeared before them. Ryu made a grabbing motion.

Air rippled and the ground trembled. A bloodied figure was pulled out from the bottomless hole. It's armour was cracked all over, blood leaked out from these cracks.

Ryu smirked " Without even understanding your opponents power you directly attacked. Are you demons that stupid? "

Armoured Demon " Cough.... who.... are you??..... No human.... possess... such power."

Ryu smiled " Just because you don't know doesn't mean we don't exist."

Demon " We!!??... there are..... more of you? "

Ryu " Quite a surprise, isn't it? Anyway bye."

His hands lit up with pale yellow flames. The armoured Demon wailed inside, his body was burned nothing. Pure Yang Fire has a distinct advantage over any and all over things, thus it was double times effective against Demons.

Ryu and Madara floated down. The others were looking at Madara and Ryu in astonishment. A Demon with such capabilities was killed off just like that.

The blonde short guy smiled " Yo, thanks for the help."

Ryu smiled " Don't mention it. He attacked us so I killed him. It's that simple. Anyway you guys got guts, picking a fight with someone like that."

The blonde short guy shrugged " Hey, he found us."

Ryu introduced himself " Right. Anyway my name is Ryu Uzumaki. This is my friend, Madara Uchiha."

The short blonde guy returned the gesture " Nice to meet ya. My name is Meliodas."