Chapter 211. Lion's Pride, Escanor

Ryu's words caused almost all of them to stumble.

' Mess.... cleared... have I been living in a fake world till now? '

Everyone of them was now doubting reality. Creating destruction on large scale is possible but to restore everything back to normal or maybe even better.... they don't know anyone capable of such feat.

Arthur's sword was trembling from the moment he saw Ryu. He could feel all the warriors souls within his sword quiver, their wills seemed to tremble before these two people. His eyes trailed towards Ryu and Madara, he couldn't understand why his sword was reacting towards these two.

Under Elizabeth's guide all of them went inside a house and sat to discuss further actions. It would take couple of days for all of the sins to gather. The magic Merlin used is one directional, she can only pass a very short information but can't receive any. Since the situation is peculiar that was the correct move.

Madara carelessly sat in a corner and closed his eyes. Arthur and the rest didn't feel relieved seeing him doze off, their nerves were tight from just seeing him sit there.

Ryu ignored their reactions and asked " Shoot. What do you want to know? "

Meliodas raised his hands " How are you that strong? "

Ryu smiled mysteriously " I told you didn't I? We come from a different world, our powers are a result of our training over the years."

Meliodas " Oh, your world... just how many worlds are out there? "

Ryu shrugged " Don't know. Your world, my world..... all of these are just a tiny part of cosmos."

Arthur asked nervously " Can.... can sir understand why my sword is behaving like this? "

Saying that he placed his sword Infront of Ryu.

' Mortal Grade, Level 6, self growing. Not bad.'

Ryu was slightly surprised to see such a unique weapon. He traced the sword and was even more surprised. He looked at Arthur and praised him

" Very good kid. This sword contains the will of its past owners. Each moment its owner change, the Sword gets stronger. And you are the only person to be acknowledged by every single will residing within.

Train hard. The possibilities within this Sword is far beyond your imagination. Never see this Sword as a simple weapon, it's part of your power and you it's. As long as you can take in what the Sword has you will quickly see a rise in your strength."

Merlin was shocked when Ryu mentioned about Arthur's Sword. As Legend has it, Arthur's Sword was but an ordinary weapon. After countless years and going through the hands of countless warriors a Legendary Sword was born, that is Arthur's weapon...


All of them asked various questions regarding the outside worlds but Meliodas seemed uninterested. He was openly flirting and groping Elizabeth. Ryu smiled and shook his head.

Two days passed in a hurry.

The summon Merlin send out was simple. To gather in Arthur's Kingdom, Camelot. The Seven sins were now present, even the bizarre Gowther was here as well.

Ban was looking at Ryu and Madara curiously. He faintly used his magic and tried to steal Ryu's strength but...

" Gahhhh. . ...

Ban spat out blood. He looked at Ryu with shock.

Meliodas " That was stupid Ban. He was strong enough to kill a Commandment just like that, you trying to steal his powers..... are you high? "

Ban " Just messing around."

Ryu didn't mind. Currently his eyes were focused on one person. This guy had a mustache and combed hair. He was skinny as well. In a room full of warriors his presence seemed to stand out.

This was one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lion's Sin Of Pride... Escanor!!!

Ryu ' Sunshine... such a rare ability.'

To be honest Ryu was extremely curious about this Magic. To harness the power of Sun, he only knew one person with such ability and that is Genryusai Yamamoto.

Escanor seemed to have noticed Ryu. He scratched his head and bowed politely. Ryu chuckled seeing this

' It seems his Pride surface when he changes.'

Suddenly Escanor panicked " What are you saying Merlin!? Once he ends all of this you will join his team and leave!? "

Merlin replied calmly " Yes. Once everything is over, I will leave."

Escanor " You don't need to leave..... if that's the condition for his help then we don't need it!! I can defeat the Demon's and Holy alike!! "

Merlin shook her head " It's not like that Escanor. I want to leave... to be able to understand new Magic, new abilities, new civilizations, new worlds.... I can't suppress this desire to explore."

Escanor's seemed to deflate like a balloon " is..... is that so? "

He went out feeling down. Meliodas didn't interfere, he knew how Escanor felt about Merlin but if Escanor himself doesn't man up and confess then it isn't his place to speak. They continued to chat but suddenly....


The building was torn apart but none of them were hurt. The Sins, Elizabeth and others looked at the origin of destruction. A large man with a strong body and bulging muscles stood before them. He had a mustache and a great Axe rested on his shoulder.

Meliodas " Looks like Escanor went crazy."

Ban asked confused " Is it something I did? "

King replied with scorn " Idiot. It's probably because of Merlin."

Escanor ignored their response, he looked straight at Ryu with an arrogant expression.

" You, fight me. if I manage to win then you will take me with you."

Ryu asked back " And if you lose? "

Escanor " I won't lose, so you don't need to worry. This will be over very quickly."

Ryu laughed " Hahaha!! I have never seen an even more prideful person such as you!! Haha!! "

Escanor didn't reply and simply swung his Axe.

Ban " Ooopss.... Time to leave."

Meliodas " Yup. Let's run far away."

Escanor's attack wasn't half hearted, the Axe had quite the strength behind it. Ryu was still sitting on his chair. He stretched out his finger and tried to catch Escanor's attack.

King was shocked " Is he serious? Is he really going to try and catch Escanor's attack."

The giant Diana " He is crazy! Escanor is someone on the same level as the Captain."

Merlin corrected " Nope. Meliodas as of right now is weak. He only has a tiny portion of his powers thus he is weaker than Escanor. With that said, even with his true strength Escanor isn't someone he could beat that easily.

Currently only Escanor possess the power to defeat a Commandment. Moreover the day is approaching peak noon time now, Escanor's power will reach its peak in several minutes."

Everyone was shocked. They knew Escanor was strong but not to this extent. They watched the result of Ryu trying to catch Escanor's attack but their jaws hit the floor seeing the scene unfold before them.

Ryu was still sitting on his chair however.... his index finger was blocking a huge Axe. Everything behind him was cut in two and left in shambles.

Ryu " Such a shame. You can harness the Sun's power and this is the best you can do? I am disappointed, let me show you what true strength is... Lion's Sin Of Pride, Escanor! "