Chapter 215. Sad Fate Of Commandments.

On this day when Ryu had returned to Camelot after killing the Demon King, several miles away the Commandments were in a sorry state. They came across the Commandments and started fighting.

Zoro was surprised to see such dark energy flow through them. The Commandments being experts identified Zoro and his group as strong opponents. None of them backed down and attacked.

Law released room and locked everyone inside. Zoro released his Zanpakuto and showed a wild smile, Hisoka also got ready, Law released his sword as well. The three of them attacked.

Three sword levitated around Zoro, he took one out and attacked. All Demons felt their body tremble when Zoro released his sword, their Bloodline was whispering towards them to submit to Zoro.

Zeldoris's face grew grave, he didn't understand why his Bloodline acted as such but he knew that Zoro was related to Demons, he just didn't know how. He identified Zoro as the strongest among them and tried to stall him till the others finish the rest but he was gravely mistaken about Zoro's strength in released form.


Zeldoris was crushed beneath the rocks. His chest had a long scar, blackish energy swirmed around his wound preventing it from healing. Zeldoris was shocked seeing his regenerative abilities being suppressed by Zoro.

Zeldoris shouted " Don't let that black energy touch you!! "

Estarossa attacked Zoro from the side, he was on the same level as Zeldoris. Zoro unsheathed another one of his Sword and swung carelessly at Estarossa.

Estarossa felt as if a beast was baring it's fang against him. He released as much demonic energy as he can and tried to defend against the attack.


He too was blasted back and made into bloodied mess.

While Estarossa and Zeldoris ganged upon Zoro, Law was attacked by Deririe, Monspeet and Greyroad.

For the first time ever Monspeet felt like he was nothing but a kid Infront of a master. He tried to switch places with Law and have Deririe bang the daylights out of him but unfortunately.....

Law used shambles and placed him right infront of Deririe's punch. He used ' Phoenix Bird of Purgatory ' but it seemed as if his attack was sunk into a bottomless hole.

Law was flashing around them, his swordplay has gotten stronger since then. He had managed to imbue space principles onto his sword and increased the lethality of his attacks.

After a round of attack Monspeet and the other two were full of wounds. Their bodies seemed to weight tons, if not for their amazing strength all of them would have already fallen down.

In reality Law hadn't even broke a sweat, compared to the opponents he met before the Commandments weren't that strong. He was using them to test some of his new techniques.

Hisoka was having a hard time battling three opponents. He was wounded all over but his face showed anything but panic. He was attacked by Drole, Gloxinia and Melascula.

This combination itself was scary. A giant, a fairy and a Demon. Hisoka had his work cut out for him, he held a stack of cards in his hand and threw them up in air.

The cards seemed to be pulled by some sort of power and floated in mid air. Hisoka pulled his hands in weird angles, several cards swept past Gloxinia and the others. They instinctly felt danger and avoided.

The cards swept past the ground and returned to Hisoka. Melascula observed the ground and her expression grimmed. It wasn't obvious but if one looked carefully, the part where the cards touched the ground was completely cut into slices invisible to the eye.

Melascula " Be careful of those cards. They are scarily sharp."

Even Drole with the highest defence seemed to understand the danger of those cards. Couldn't blame them cause this was Hisoka's release.

Ryu gathered something which was with Hisoka for years and those were his cards. Ryu forged a Zanpakuto for Hisoka but even Ryu was surprised seeing his Zanpakuto. Unlike others Hisoka's Zanpakuto was always in a released state like Ichigo's. And the name of his Zanpakuto was...


Drole used earth to attack Hisoka but the cards around him cut the earth into innumerable pieces.

Hisoka took a card out from the floating ones and turned it over. He showed an evil smile, Gloxinia didn't have a good feeling seeing that evil smile. Before he could react Hisoka muttered

" Joker. "

Gloxinia felt as if his powers were drained from him. Hisoka held a joker card Infront of him, surprisingly the face of the Joker was Gloxinia's!!

He swiped his hand at the card, Gloxinia felt as if death itself was staring at him. His body froze and he wasn't able to move. Drole quickly used his powers to try and shielded Gloxinia but even then...

A scary scar emerged on Gloxinia's body. Blood gushed out, Drole felt his heart ache seeing his friend get hurt. He utilised even more strength and started assaulting Hisoka.

Hisoka's joker allows him to steal his opponents complete strength for short five seconds. Moreover his cards terrifyingly sharp and were coated with his Nen, Hisoka cultivated ' Battle Tyrant Classics.' This was an overbearing manual.

Anyone practicing it should never waver and should always go forward without hesitation. With this manual and his release Hisoka is way stronger than before. His bungee gum also had an upgrade, Hisoka looked around the battlefield and licked his lips.

Very thin strings stretched throughout the field. This string couldn't be seen unless one used energy in his eyes, joker also has the ability to cloak it to be undetectable.

The three demons had no idea that they were being wound by innumerable amount of bungee gum strings. As each second passed the uneasy feeling within the demons only intensified.

Hisoka showed a dark smile " I think that's enough."

He pulled out another card among the floating ones and said " Deal."

The invisible bungee gum strings surrounding them suddenly started to double then started to constrict. Gloxinia and the rest finally felt what was wrong, they tried to escape but was too late.

All of them were tied up by bungee gum strings. After his Zanpakuto was forged and he started cultivating, the tenacity of his gum went up a notch.

He watched the three captured Commandments with an amused smile. All three of them were trying there best to get out but it proved useless. Hisoka was about to finish of Melascula when.....

" Hey Law!! Let me in!! "

Law who was fighting Monspeet and the others thought

' That lunatic is here. These guys have some serious bad luck.'

Kenpachi was standing outside room and yelling at Law to let him in. Originally he was going in another direction, it was then he felt Law release his Zanpakuto, realising a fight was in the other direction he grabbed Stark and dragged him to where they were.

Stark had an annoyed expression but he kept his cool and retreated to a side.

Law let Kenpachi in and retreated. He had already computed how strong his new attacks are so it didn't matter if Kenpachi battled them or not.

Kenpachi laughed out loud " Hahaha!!! Drink.... Nozarashi!!! "