Chapter 218. Resurrection

Ryu took Ban and flew out. Along the way...

Ban " How does your resurrection work? "

Ryu " Hmm..... it's actually simple. Body is the vessel to our soul, after our death our soul enters the cycle of reincarnation. Elaine was a fairy, her soul is levels above any human. Her body is also special as it still remains the way she was before her death.

For my resurrection to work basically two conditions needs to be met. One, the body should be intact. Two, the soul shouldn't be damaged. You are lucky, as a fairy her soul is way too strong and thus the second condition has been met as well."

Ban was still confused " But how would you unite her soul and body? "

Ryu " By using a technique I created years ago."

Ban nodded. He couldn't cover up his excitement, he mind raced back to the time he spend with her. Those were days he cherished the most in his heart.

Soon both of them reached where Ban saw Elaine last time. Ryu took out an orb and handed it to Ban.

" Call out to her soul, once you see her tell her to get inside this orb. This orb is special, it has the ability to restore a soul back to its former state."

Ban nodded. He stepped forward, his mind was filled with Elaine. Each moment he spent with her flashed by, the feelings he had for her was pure and untainted.

Ryu watched as Soul energy gathered around Ban. Ban's heart was trying to tap into these energy and seek out Elaine.

Seconds passed by, suddenly Ryu saw a particularly bright and pure Soul gather towards Ban. He also seemed to have noticed this and looked over, his face let out a smile seeing this globe of light.

" Elaine...

The light converged and a slender figure revealed itself. Elaine hugged Ban, she was surprised to see Ban again. Her Soul form was starting to lose strength as time by, if she didn't enter reincarnation then one day she would die but she waited, she waited for Ban to fulfill his promise.

Ban was excited "Elaine... get inside this thing. I found a way to bring you back to life."

Elaine was startled, her eyes started to tear up seeing Ban. She didn't question him nor asked how, she did as he asked.

Ryu smiled seeing this sight, he understood her feelings. He didn't delay long and went towards the fairy forest. According his understanding, that place should have recovered since Gloxinia has returned.

They flew for several minutes until a large forest appeared before him. Ryu could feel Nature energy at its highest in this place, this wasn't a surprise since fairy race is one of the closest race to Nature.

Ryu spotted Gloxinia and King training. They were shocked hearing Ryu's purpose for this visit. King hurriedly escorted them towards Elaine's body. Ryu sensed Nature energy gather at this point.

They reached a beautiful place, where flowers bloomed and little fairies jumped around. Ryu saw a beautiful woman lay peacefully on a bunch of soft tender leaves. Her skin was supple and fair, Nature energy surged through her and kept her body stable.

Ban handed Ryu the Spirit Orb and stepped aside. His eyes never left Ryu.

Ryu walked up and waved his hand. The orb shattered and revealed a tiny Soul sleeping peacefully. Ban could feel that Elaine's soul was stronger than before.

Ryu channeled Chaos energy into her body and soul at the same time. He connected her body to her soul using threads made from Chaos.

" Chaos Style : Perfect Rebirth "

With that said, his energy spiked. The laws of the world trembled before giving way for her Soul to move towards its body.

Everyone was watching nervously, Ban was clenching his fist so hard that his palms were bleeding.

' Please work! '

Bit by bit her Soul inched towards her body. Ryu willed and her Soul merged with her body as one. He then made a hand sign and pushed forward.

An invisible ripple spread out and enveloped Elaine's body. The laws of reincarnation was completely cut off by this power, Elaine's Soul managed perfectly merge with her body at this moment.

As everyone watched, Elaine was enveloped by a white halo. Surges of soothing energy spread everywhere, Ban didn't bat an eye and looked forward. He felt like a thousand houses were running through his heart.

Finally the light diverged and revealed a graceful figure floating in mid air.

Elaine opened her eyes and looked around, her eyes showed confusion for a second but as soon as she saw Ban that went away. Her eyes teared up, she rushed towards him and hugged him as hard as she could.

She was afraid this was all a dream, she was afraid that if she let go everything would be over.

Ban gently held her and said " Elaine..... welcome back."

King was over the moon to see his sister come back to life but then he saw her rushing at Ban and he cursed Ban as worse as he can.

This lasted for several seconds before Ryu interrupted

" Get a room would you? "

Elaine was startled and pushed Ban away. Her face turned a deep shade of red, Ban laughed out and hugged her again. Elaine knew it was pointless to push him away, so she allowed him to hug her while blushing hard.

Ryu shrugged " Well then, I presume you won't be coming back with me? "

Ban laughed " Of course not! "

He didn't let go of Elaine and replied cheerfully. Elaine who now looked like a bright red tomato thanked Ryu for bringing her back to life.

Ryu waved his hand and left them, while going back he thought aloud

" Now all that is needed is the last member."