229. Immortal Realm

Ryu teleported all of them towards the dark continent.

Law was surprised " Here? "

" Yes. That guy named Luo, he was from immortal realm. For some unknown reason he was imprisoned here."

" So the channel is still active."

" Yes. I checked it and it's functional."

Merlin thought for some time and said.

" Wouldn't it be easier if you took all of us inside your pocket dimension and ascend."

Ryu shook his head

" Impossible. I will be subjected to Heavenly laws during ascention which includes my pocket realm as well. Unless you want to die I suggest none of you enter."

" I see."

Kenpachi grumbled.

" Enough with the chitchat. Let's get this on."

Unlike before Ryu was strong enough to entire directly. He forced open a gap on the barrier and entered.

All of them now stood before the palace that prisoned Luo before.

" Guys, I will have all of you enter my pocket dimension."

All of them agreed. Ripples spread out covering all of them and took them inside his world.

Ryu turned towards the palace, his hands did several signs non stop for couple of minutes before stopping.

" Chaos Style..... Open! "

Chaos energy spread out of him, tearing the space around him. The palace was quaking from his energy, nonstop.

Soon a gap was opened just above the palace. Ryu didn't let go of this chance and rushed in. Just after he entered the gap disappeared, the palace and it's surrounding went back to its eerie silence.

Ryu was currently shuttling through space. His body was being subjected to void strength and being torn apart.

Luckily he had shocking regenerative capabilities otherwise he would be a meat paste in seconds.

After what seemed like hours Ryu felt the pressure surrounding him disappear. He felt wind blow against his face and opened his eyes.

He was currently standing on the edge of a river. The water was clean and transparent, trees outlined the shores as far as his eyes can see.

Ryu looked down and saw his clothes completely ripped apart. He closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath.

The clothes on his body shined and a second later new clean clothes appeared on him. Making sure he was decent, he pulled out his friends.

All of them were quite intrigued at the mention of Immortal world but when they looked around the place everything seemed the same as their world.

The all jumpy Kenpachi was like a deflated balloon. His eager expression was now gone, he was expecting a decent fight upon their entry.

Zoro asked

" Did we get it right? Or are we lost? "

Everyone except Kenpachi looked at him, their faces saying ' are you high? '.

Ryu consoled.

" Calm down, would you?. This is indeed the immortal realm. Just feel the energy around, it should be atleast ten times higher than the mortal realm."

All of them carefully felt it and showed their approval but then a question came.

" So we entered Immortal realm, then where are we? "

Ryu spread out his sense. Instantly he felt several presences not any weaker than them. His eyebrows picked up and looked at a certain direction.

" Looks like we have company."

All of them looked forward. Dust cloud was seen in that direction, someone or something was coming in their direction.


The trees were plowed through. Two humans jumped out from the trees landing near the shore. Behind them stood a giant lizard or that's what it looked like except it had three pair of eyes and several pairs of legs.

" Shit! This thing is persistent."

" How come our luck is so bad? "

The two figures seemed to be complaining about their unlucky encounter.

Suddenly both of them noticed several people standing some distance from them. The two of them were stunned to find these many people inside the jungle.

" Hey! You guys, Run!! "

One of them warned Ryu and the others. But instead of them escaping both of them saw two people jump at the lizard.

Kenpachi instantly released Nozarashi and rushed at that lizard. The other person was Esdeath, she had hunted danger beasts before so she wasn't unfamiliar with weird beasts.

The reason she jumped out was to test her current strength. Ryu had purified her Bloodline. Surprisingly her Teigu had completely fused with her before and with the purification she obtained a rare Bloodline.

Esdeath experienced a sharp increase in her strength after purification. She immediately challenged Madara with the condition.

" If I win you will accept me as your lover! "

The result..... she was beaten black and blue. She wasn't even able to guage her own strength after that, and right now the poor lizard was a good practice target.

The two humans looked at Kenpachi and Esdeath charging towards the crazy lizard, stunned.

" Hey, why do I feel sorry for the lizard? "

" Is it just me or do they look like the Hunters here? "

Seconds later a dismembered body of a lizard laid before the two men. Both of them were sweating hard seeing how easily they took care of a peak half Immortal beast.

Smiling weakly one of them said.

" Ha..haha... thanks for your help. We will be on our way then. Bye! "

Both of them were about to escape when Law asked.

" Where is the nearest town? "

Both men halted their footsteps and looked at law like an Idiot. Law discarded their looks and waited for an answer.

One of the men answered.

" Northwest, 100 miles. Rockwell city."

Ryu and the rest noted the information and went towards the said direction.

Both men looked at their departing figures. One of them asked

" Big brother, who are they? If they don't even know the nearest town, how did they get here? "

" Who cares? Let's get out of here before another beast makes us it's lunch."