244. Tribulation

Ryu disappeared from their sight. Madara wasn't worried, he saw what Ryu did during his own tribulation, so he was relieved to see him go.

Apart from four Titan the rest were simultaneously undergoing tribulation.

Ryu appeared above the skies of wilderness, he looked into the distance. The sky turned pitch black, thunder clouds swarmed above ready to cause havoc everywhere.

Six spots of light lit up at the same time from different distance forming a circle. Ryu stood at the center of it making several hand signs.

" Chaos Art, six corner seal! "


The sky cracked as thunder rained down on these six spots. Kenpachi, stark, Merlin, Escanor, Zoro and law stood inside these spots.

Energy was drawn from the air and inhaled into their body. Slowly their aura was increasing, as their aura got stronger the thunder above them also got wilder.

A faint cover of energy shielded them from residual thunder, they knew this was just a warm up, the true tribulation has yet to start.

Ryu looked up, his eyes changed to Chaos. A will erupted from him, one he hid deeply within. The laws trembled for a second sensing this will.

His eyes peered through the skies, through the laws, through the void..... the heavens trembled upon sensing his gaze.

" They are my friends."

Strangely, as these words escaped his mouth the thunder above them calmed down, it no longer got wilder, instead it's strength increased in a mild manner.


Six streaks of light striked at the six of them. The shield above them cancelled out most of it but the residual energy wrecked havoc inside them once it hit.

Usually when a half Immortal breaks through he is subjected to the test of the world, to see if he is strong enough or worthy to go further.

That's in the case of normal practitioners, for extraordinary people their tribulation will be stronger. Great clans will always prepare suitability of such situations arise.

During Madara and the others tribulation the thunder raining on them was ten times stronger than normal. If Ryu was a second late then they would have being heavily injured or maybe even die.

None among the titans were normal, all of them possess some kind of special physique or bloodline thus it is a given that their tribulation will be higher in strength.

Ryu prepared accordingly for the rest of them. He made a six corner seal to shield them from this wild energy then absorb it and direct that crazy amount to them thus aiding their breakthrough.

As for what his words were for, they were a reminder to the heavens, to spare them a life threatening test.

The thunder got stronger but it didn't with the purpose to kill them but to make them stronger. Ryu heaved a sigh, he waited for them to finish their tribulation.

Nearly twenty minutes have passed since the start of their tribulation. Ryu patiently waited, he was curious as to how strong each of them would get.


The thunder clouds dispersed, the six corner seal started to break apart.


With six huge explosions six figures floated from within the seal. All of them released breathtaking amount of aura.

One was wild and cruel, the other was sharp and merciless, one seemed to pierce through anyone's soul, one was bright and blinding, one was mysterious and immaterial, the last was soothing but dangerous.

" So this is what immortal means.... truly great. "

Zoro clenched his arms, reddish black energy intertwined above his arms. The sheer strength of his arms was causing the air to distort and nearly break.

" Oi Yachiru, did you grow? "

Kenpachi's voice attracted everyone. They looked at him and saw a ten years old sit above his shoulder.

" Huh???... who is this? "

Zoro was confused.

" Musclehead, atleast remember your friends."

" Huh?? "

" Idiot, that's Yachiru."

" That girl? No way, Yachiru is a pipsqueak. That girl looks about ten...


Before he could finish his words Zoro was punched to his face and send flying.

" Who are you calling a pipsqueak!? "

Ryu watched Yachiru with interest.

' Looks like her age shows how strong Kenpachi's power is. '

Ryu scanned everyone, it would be a lie if he said he wasn't surprised. Every single one among them can now fight a level one true Immortal, with their shikai a level four true Immortal as for their Bankai?

Who knows?

His eyes mainly focused in Merlin, if Ryu had to pick a Titan with the highest aptitude then it would be Merlin. She was resourceful and can control a wide range of skills. This made her a thorny opponent.

" Let's head back."

Ryu's energy covered everyone and they disappeared. Minutes after they left two figures appeared, they scanned where Zoro and the rest brokethrough and frowned.

" Such high amount of energy, just who was it that brokethrough? Was it a golden Immortal? "

" I don't think so, from the residual energy it is an immortal and atleast four brokethrough at the same time but....

" The purity, right? "

" Yes. The purity of energy is enough for atleast two true Immortals to breakthrough into the next realm."

" Hmm.... no trace of where they left either. I suppose we should keep an eye for strange and strong individuals."

The two figures kept talking among themselves and left.


Ryu just got to their manner when all of them looked a each other.

" A token was used."

Merlin asked.

" Who was it? "

Ryu looked at stark and Kenpachi

" Stark, Kenpachi it's from your world."