246. Blood War...

Yoruichi trembled, her eyes stared at stark with absolute fear.

She didn't understand how Stark could make her feel fear to such extent, even if she was facing Head Captain Yamamoto she wouldn't be this afraid but facing Stark.....

Every fiber of her being was screaming at her to run.

If Yoruichi who was hit by Stark's residual power felt fear to such extent then what about these guys who was directly infront of him.

As Stark released his Zanpakuto the world trembled. Space was starting crack from the amount of energy he released. Seconds later two silvery white Guns appeared in his hands.

Their sleek bodies were engraved with an arrow blue in colour, pointed towards the mouth of the gun.

Ryu frowned sensing the amount of destruction happening, he yelled out

" Oi Stark, try to tone it down. We being here itself is a violation, you don't want the world to crumble because of your release, do you? "

Stark's aura halted as he heard Ryu's words, then it disappeared.

Yoruichi felt her body relax but no matter what, the amount of blood lust he was releasing didn't decrease instead it climbed.

The people wearing white weren't Idiots, sensing Stark's power they immediately ran, but... would they be able to?

All of them scattered, escaping in different directions.


Sound of gun fire echoed, but none of them halted. With every ounce of their strength they escaped!!



Several shots were fired. The leader, the man in white who spoke to Yoruichi felt his subordinates riatsu extinguish one by one.

His body was drenched in sweat, fear gripped his heart. It hasn't even been two seconds since the first shot and already all of them except him was killed!!


The leader's body came to a sudden halt, his eyes showing horror.

Stark held his gun to his head, that cold eyes froze the leader's heart. Never in his dreams would he have imagined to run across a enemy like this, an enemy so strong to make him despair.

' Who.... who is he!?! Why was there no information about someone this strong!?! '

Stark didn't fire, he just stared at him. Each passing second felt like years to the leader.

' Why hasn't he killed me yet? Does he need information? Then.... maybe.... maybe I have a chance! '

" Don't kill me! You need information right? I can tell.....


Like a balloon the leader's head was shot open.

Ryu was stunned at Stark's behaviour just now

' He gave his opponent hope then extinguished it.... he is crazier than me, Yhwach would never have expected to gain an enemy like Stark.'

By this time, Harribel was out of danger. That gaping hole was almost fixed as well, Ryu cried for not bringing Law with him. If he was here this would have gone much more smoother.

Stark sealed his Zanpakuto and came down, the three sisters and Yoruichi kept silent. They faintly had an idea why stark went nuts but didn't dare think out loud.

Ryu finished his treatment and asked

" What happened? "

Yoruichi's face went dark

" We were ambushed! "

" I know. I am asking how this all happened."

" Right, you gave Head Captain a warning about something so this is what it was..... About several days ago we were attacked by an unknown amount of people. They were strong, strong enough to fight against Captain Class Shinigamis!

Luckily the Head Captain was prepared, after your heads up he made it a rule that no lieutenant and above is to patrol or travel alone and everyone is to report back their location every hour."

" Smart. I assume you were able to react fast because of such practice and give support."

" Yes but....

" They were too strong."

Yoruichi nodded. Her expression became worse after that

" Only Head Captain and Ichigo were able to hold them back. Both of them took on atleast six of their main forces allowing us to breathe.

As of right now only Captain Shunsui Kyouraku, Ichigo and Head Captain are on standby against any sudden attack. The rest are severely injured and unable to move.

The worst part is I lost contact with soul society few hours ago."

" I am impressed. That old man was able to get rid of that stubborn attitude and distribute those Tokens. Anyway what's the matter here? "

Yoruichi looked at Harribel and sighed.

" About the same time they attacked, Ichigo was here in Karakura Town. He destroyed the enemy forces and headed towards Soul Society.

Kisuke was wise enough to not remove those things we used against Aizen. He used it to teleport ordinary people away from here, but people like Harribel and us couldn't be moved using it because of our huge riatsu.

Kisuke followed Ichigo and considering the situation that was the wise choice but..... a day after he left several enemies attacked again.

Harribel was against dozens of enemies, and she got injured. Luckily I got there in time and escaped with her."

" All of them are in Soul Society? "

Stark who was silent upto this point opened his mouth. For some reason his words bought a chill down everyone's spine.

Kenpachi maybe a battle maniac but even he knew to not stick out right now.

" Hey Kenny, we should have stayed back. Now he is gonna kill everyone, we won't be able to play around."

" Che! I know that... we will sneak in one when he is busy."

Apache, Mila Rose and Sung was looking at Stark in wonder. They felt his power a second ago, and it made them shiver. They looked at each other

' Did he get angry for Sis? '

' I think so.....

' Whoa! That's like.... good news right? '

' Let's wait till Sis wakes up to tell this.'

Stark looked at Harribel and walked out. He closed his eyes and made a slash in air.

A dark gateway appeared before him, he stepped into it disappeared. Ryu was stunned when he saw this, this was the first time Stark ever showed such craziness for slaughter.

He smiled at Yoruichi

" You are gonna have a big surprise soon."