249. Royal Palace

Ryu's words echoed through the the room but noone answered.

His Qi covered Yamamoto and scanned his entire body. Ryu frowned upon sensing his condition.

" Really bad luck. I should have brought Law, he would have loved to work on something like this."

He pressed Yamamoto's body at several parts, sealing his movements.

Wood Qi then flooded inside his body, if anyone looked closely they would discover this Qi to be made of innumerable amount of threads.

Yamamoto's internal organs were mostly toast and severed so Ryu had to close all these and revitalise his organs. This may sound simple but if anyone without sufficient control over Qi were to do it then the patient is guaranteed to die.

The Captains and Lieutenants waited patiently. They had seen one of Ryu's friends heal Gin so their trust in Ryu's ability was no less.

After several minutes Ryu exited the room, he looked around and saw worried faces and showed a calm smile.

" Relax, he is fine. Just couple more hours and he will be full of life again."

All of them breathed a sigh of relief hearing that.

Ryu looked around the room and saw Stark stand at a corner. Harribel was laying on a bed several steps away from him, Ryu smiled slyly seeing this.

" I thought you would go up there."

Stark was silent before asking.

" When will she wake up? "

" Hmm.... She should wake up anytime now. Anyway don't you need to go up? "

Stark set out hearing those words, Kenpachi followed him.

" Oi Kenpachi, don't die."

Kenpachi halted for a second and grinned. Yachiru saluted to Ryu and continued to whistle on his shoulder.

Ryu shook his head and asked.

" Where are the other Captains? Gin? "

" After their initial attack finished we got some time to prepare. Gin went to train, he should be back anytime."

Toshiro answered.

" Ryu, about Yhwach..... can you...

" Don't worry, I told you didn't I? His army provoked a monster that laid dormant, and now they are gonna know the consequences of that! "

" How did that Muscle brain get strong? "

Byakuya asked.

" Jealous Byakuya? "


" Haha, he trained hard. He can now use his Shikai and Bankai, also sometimes I beat the crap out of him making him go past his limits. Wanna try? "

Byakuya's mouth twitched, he refrained from answering and stayed silent.

" Anyway, who wants to come with me to the Royal Palace? "

" Huh? "

" You can go there!?! Now!? "

" Well, yeah. And I presume Stark already departed."

Kisuke felt his mouth twitch, because of short of manpower they couldn't get there anytime soon. So they were nervous about what would happen during that time and now.....

" I will leave with you."

" Me as well."

" I would like to as well."


" Good. Don't be nervous and relax."

Ryu's Qi started to cover Toshiro, Shunsui, Byakuya, Jushiro, Yoruichi. He looked at Kisuke for an answer

" I will be here, we still don't know if anything will pop up."

" Good. Captain Unohana, Yamamoto will wake up in two hours. Make sure he doesn't release his Riatsu, considering he was about to die just minutes ago. Alright? "

" Please fell relieved."

Unohana gave her word.

" Wait!! We are coming with ya!! "

Three more figure jumped in with Ryu and the others, the next second Ryu and the rest disappeared from her sight.


Royal Palace.....



" Move aside Uryuu!!! "

" Sorry Ichigo, I Can't! "

Ichigo was now confronting his good friend Uryuu Ishida.

The Zero sqaud laid dead over at a distance, while not even Yhwach's shadow could be found.

Several other Quincies watched from the side. One was a man with sleeked hair, the other was a man with a shield and mask. Another Quincy held a long sniper gun while the last one was covered in cloak.

They were Yhwach's royal guards.

Sternritter M, Gerard Valkyrie

Sternritter D, Askin Nakk

Sternritter X, Lille Barro

Sternritter C, Pernida Parnkgjas

There was one more person, he was standing within the inner chambers of Royal Palace.

Sternritter B, Jugram Haschwalth

Jugram looked at a man sitting Infront of him, he was covered in black mist filled with several eyes, a strong Reitsu surrounding him.

The was their leader and the first Quincy....



Outside Royal Palace.

" Heh, looks like the kid is strong! "

" Hardly. If not for that Shinigami showing mercy I doubt he could even take three hits."

" Should we kill him? "

" Let them be. One man alone can't do anything, his majesty has already killed the Soul King."

Just as they were speaking the air around them rippled violently. The space cracked and someone stepped out.

The Quincies immediately got into battle mode. Ichigo and Uryuu also stopped their battle and looked at this new addition.

" Stark!? "

Ichigo unknowingly yelled out seeing Stark. He was stunned to find Stark suddenly appear here.

Stark nodded towards Ichigo, his sight then focused on these Quincies before him.

" Haha, an Arrancar? How did you get here? "

Gerard yelled out without any care. In his opinion Arrancar's were weak as a chicken.

However Lille and Askin felt different, they found their breath short sensing Stark's gaze.

Stark didn't say another word and shot.


Before Gerard could react his head was blast open. Fresh blood splashed over Askin's and Lille's faces. Both of immediately retreated.

Before Stark could fire another he sensed Gerard getting up. His head grew back.... he was getting bigger. Stark paused for a second and fired several times at Gerard and like expected.

Gerard fell down before a golden glow covered him. His body got bigger and bigger each time he was killed.


An ear deafening sound echoed through the air. Stark raised his other gun and fired to his right.


His bullet seemed to have hit something and caused an explosion. Lille who was holding his sniper was shocked.

' He blocked it!? '

He couldn't believe what he just saw. If it was before he gained the other Quincies power then it would have been fine but now....

Stark lazily looked at him before firing several shots. Lille raged seeing this

' He is toying with us! '

Stark ignored Lille, Los Lobos was covered by a faint glimmer. Gerard who laughed wildly all this time suddenly went silent. He felt death staring at him.

He was about to fire when Kenpachi suddenly jumped in.

" Hey Stark, I will take this one. He seems just about the right size to chop into pieces! "

Stark halted, he stared unemotionally at Kenpachi. Both of them stared at each other for a second before Stark fired at Kenpachi.

Kenpachi took it head on and grinned. His skin was grazed and bleeding.

" Now we are even, Hahaha!! "