261. Nightmare Valley

" It sure is omnious here."

Ryu walked through the dark forest while commenting.

" The aura here is trying to block our energy. If not for the Art we are training in, with our level death would come every passing second."

Hisoka said with a smile. Ryu used his finger to trace the ground. A strange power seemed to permeate through the soil. At first he thought it was the soils property but then he realised it was something else.

" The source of this strange aura is coming from there."

Both of them looked forward. A narrow valley appeared before them, it was pitch black and seemed endless. Their spirit senses were blocked from scanning further in.

" Won't know until we go in."

Without further ado their figure disappeared into the boundless darkness.

A few hundred steps inside the darkness Ryu felt the aura becoming stronger. It tried to drill into their body but was destroyed by their energy.

The valley wasn't any different from the forest outside except the colour of the soil and the trees. They were pitch black in colour with a punchant smell lingering around.

Ryu looked closely among the trees and found several eyes looking back at him.

' Well well.... '


A gust of wind swept past him. Ryu didn't move he merely smile and held out his palm towards his heart. A thorn was just a hair breath away from his clothes.

Ryu looked with interest towards the little creature before him. It had the appearance of a small cat and was black in colour. The thorn in his hand was it's tail. He figured this little thing could kill Immortals way too easily.

The cat hissed loudly and tried to get away but it felt like it's tail was clamped by iron arms. Struggling fiercely it attacked Ryu, only to find its body immobile.

Ryu smiled faintly and threw the cat back to where it jumped from.

Just then his ears perked up. He looked at Hisoka and nodded. Both of them dashed deeper into the valley.

Not long after they came across a battlefield. Dozens of beasts carcass laid all around them, blood dripped down dying the ground dark red. With the pitch black background this scene seemed way too eerie.

The ones in battle were humans and beasts. The leader was a woman wearing battle dress with twin swords in her hand. Her black hair danced around wildly as he moved.

Her opponent was the same cat Ryu met before except this one was several times bigger than him. It's menacing eyes looked at the woman coldly before blowing out a cold breath.

Everywhere the breath went was frozen. The woman didn't dare take it head on, she moved nimbly and attacked again. Her companions were dealing with the two other same creature only slightly smaller than the one she was fighting.

The carcasses around them weren't even half as big as the one they were fighting.

" This should be one of the other teams after that Bandit Group, Lunar Eclipse."

" Hehe, their leader looks strong."

Lunar Eclipse was a well known group. Not only because they were strong but because every member of Lunar Eclipse were women.

Luna noticed the newcomers. She remained vigilant but sensing their strength she let out a relief.

' Why are two Immortal here? They can't be here for the bandit, right?? '

Her battle with the big cat didn't take long. Riddled with a body full of injury the big cat couldn't stand long enough and finally fell. The other also finished right about this time.

Taking out the core Luna turned towards Ryu and Hisoka. Her swords gleamed coldly within the darkness.

" Who are you? Why are you here? "

" Not nice asking someone's identify before introducing yourself."

The Lunar Eclipse members were stunned. This was the first time a man ignored their elder sister's charm and said something so rude.

" Hey! Who the heck are you!? How dare you speak to sis like that!!? "

One of the ladies flared up. She was about to draw her sword when Luna stopped her.

" Enough."

The lady obediently stood aside. Her eyes glared at Ryu like he did something horrible to her. Luna sheathed her sword and said.

" My name is Luna. I am the leader of Lunar Eclipse. Who are you? "

" Nice to meet you Miss Luna. My name is Ryu and this is Hisoka."

Ryu smiled lightly causing the ladies heart to flutter. The previous lady who was fuming forgot why she was angry and stared at his face in a daze.

Luna herself was stunned. Due to darkness they didn't see his face before but when he stepped out they were shocked. He was an absolute stunner. Of course Luna only commented his looks, she remained vigilant and asked.

" Why are you here? "

" Same as you guys."

" What!? "

They were stunned. All of them sensed these two mens strength again and asked in a disbelieving voice.

" With your strength? "

Ryu smiled slyly.

" Why not? "

" Why not? Do you know what kind of enemy Demon Dog Bandits are? It is doubted that they have a peak True Immortal or maybe a Golden Immortal! You guys would simply bring death by going after them! "

A graceful lady among them said coldly. Ryu merely smiled at this statement and walked away. He didn't have any obligation to show his strength to these women.

Luna watched Ryu and Hisoka. She couldn't shake off this feeling from her heart. For a second when her friend was about to lash out a dangerous pressure drifted from the other man Hisoka.

If she hadn't stopped her Luna was sure she would be dead. Watching their disappearing figure Luna muttered

" They are dangerous."