271. Every Grievance Will Be Accounted For

" How!?..

The other two Golden Immortals watched as their companion was burned alive. His screams caused the onlookers to shiver, never have they experienced such a sight. Golden Immortals who they respected and looked up to was being roasted alive.

Ryu took a stance. Golden Mist twined inside his iris. The other two had an ugly expression, they just made a bold statement to punish Ryu in the name of God and now one of them was being tortured and killed right before their subjects.

" Rowl, didn't you seal this place then how did he do that? "

" I don't know. Saint Energy is still active, even an Immortal King couldn't break these restraints."

" We have to careful. This guy must have used some kind of special ability."

The aura of a Golden Immortal was fully unleashed. One of them took out a golden spear while the took a broad sword. Instantly Ryu was bombarded by their domains.

Ryu's sword constantly gave off charred smoke. His eyes shrunk as he moved forward dodging an attack to his neck and using his sword he deflected the spear aiming for his heart.

The two Golden Immortals pushed forward trying to capitalise on Ryu's defence.


One of them channeled a huge amount of energy and condensed a huge spear. It towered over the skies blocking Ryu's every path of retreat. The other charged forward like a mad bull and engaged Ryu.

Just as the he was about to get a strike in Ryu phased through him. His sword filled with terrifying power erupted. Out of shock he wasn't able to react in time. Ryu's sword cut through his arms like slicing off butter.

" Aaaaahhhh!! "

The pain from touching Ryu's sword made him scream loudly.

" Roland!! "

The other man was shocked and immediately reacted. That huge spear suddenly split into innumerable smaller ones. Like a torrent of rain it fell upon Ryu.

But shockingly Ryu stood steadily like a mountain. He still had a cold look on his face, he didn't retreat instead he pushed on. Wood sprang out from the ground and blocked the man named Roland's retreat.

Within seconds Roland was completely encased in Wood. This time he panicked, he didn't have that arrogance he had when he entered. Like a prey trapped in a spiders web he struggled.

Ryu watched him and said.

" I have fought a Golden Immortal before and frankly I am disappointed in your strength. You guys aren't even worth to carry his shoes."

From this fight Ryu figured out a basic power structure of Immortal Realm. How strong a Warrior is depend on their Realm and the Grade of the Art they are training in.

From Ryu's analysis King must be training in a Divine Grade Art while these two must be Practicing an Immortal Grade one. The quality of their energy is way too impure. Moreover King is a Prodigy to boot, these two can never come close to him.

The torrent of energy spears passed through Ryu like he didn't exist. Rowl watched in shock as Ryu inched closer to Roland. He couldn't wait any longer and charged in.

The golden spear in his hands glowed as a radiant energy flashed through it.

" Saintly Purification! "

Energy erupted with his spear as the epicenter. Ryu directly took the full brunt of the attack. The entire area was blinded by this light. The people watching this fight covered their eyes, even the residual energy burned them causing them to grit their teeth in pain.

Seconds later the light faded. All of the looked up to see the result and was shocked. The expected scene of the sinner getting riddled with wounds didn't appear instead their leader Sir Rowl's neck was pinched by that man like a chicken.

Fear started to set inside both the Immortals heart. They didn't expect this man to be that strong, he ignored their attacks and dealt serious damage to them. By this point they had no thoughts of victory, they just wanted to escape.

swish... swish.....

Suddenly the wind howled. Hundreds of silhouettes started to gather around Ryu in am orderly way. All of them wore Golden Armour and had a spear on their hands. Ryu faintly glanced at them and ignored it.

" My turn~~ "

Hisoka who was silent till now started to move. He looked at the army of Immortals surrounding Ryu and chuckled. Flipping his palm three cards materialised. A large amount of energy was being condensed by him, even someone like Hisoka was getting weary channeling such a huge amount of energy.

The Immortal Army sensed this change but chose to ignore Hisoka. What could one measly Immortal do against an Army of Immortals.

A man donning Golden Armour stepped out. He had the same cultivation as the ones who fought Ryu.

" Release him and you could still leave a complete body."

Ryu looked at the man and smiled. For some reason this smile made the Army behind the man shudder.

" Keep a complete body? First make sure you can still keep that pesky Army of yours."

" Hmm...

" Look down."

The Army General looked down. His pupils shrunk as he sensed the amount of energy being circulated by Hisoka, it was on the same level as a Golden Immortal!

' Hmph! One man can't do anything! '

Hisoka understood his gaze and smiled. He held the cards Infront of him.

A Joker, King and Queen.

" Call."

Suddenly the space seemed to ripple. Ryu destroyed the two Golden Immortals cultivation and tossed them inside his pocket dimension. The Army General was so mad when he saw this, the blade in his arms quivered as he charged out.

He expected his men to follow but no a squeak was heard. All of them stood their ground petrified.

' What's happening? '

He could sense them channeled their energy to move but something seems to have bound them.

' I don't sense anything! '

Fortunately the Army General has gone through many wars, he was experienced enough. Immediately he used his eyes and was terrified at what he saw.

The sky and earth was being tangled by an infinite number of violet strings. Each pulsing with power that seems to be getting stronger.

" Call."

Right at this moment Hisoka's voice resounded through his ears. He looked down and found the Joker card disappearing. When it completely vanished his soldiers energy vanished. All of them stood their like normal humans.

' It's him! '

The General immediately lashed at Hisoka. But Ryu intercepted him and blasted him far away.

" Call."

Hisoka spoke again. This time the King's card started to fade. When it completely disappeared, energy spread out like wild fire. It encompassed the entire Army. Under the General's terrified eyes blades appeared out of nowhere and pierced his soldiers heart.

He could only watch helplessly. Ryu pulled Hisoka into his pocket dimension and started to disappear. Before he left his words echoed through the air.

" Every Grievance Will Be Accounted For! Before that I will be collecting some interest."