282. Kill!

Bright light covered the entire stadium. Apart from those high level warriors none was able to see what was happening inside. The shock from that strike was still spreading through the area. Cracks were starting to form through the seals protecting the audience.

This didn't last long, seconds later the light dimmed. Everyone took an involuntary gasp when they saw the arena. It was destroyed! Utterly destroyed.

The arena itself was made from sturdy stones but it would still break from the after shocks of battle, that's a given. However, the ground beneath was different. It was built to withstand strong attacks as well reinforced with seals and arrays making it very difficult for Golden Immortals to break it let alone an Immortal.

Now... that logic was broken. An Immortal broke the arena down to its core. A huge pit hundreds of meters in depth appeared where the arena was. Everything else was destroyed and turned to dust. At the center of this hole laid a bloody figure.

Mael was sweating profusely. It wasn't easy to execute that last move. Demon Monk Staff Arts was something personally created by Ryu. It had only five moves, One for defence and the other four for offence.

This Art however was like an embryo. Ryu made it so that Mael would incorporate his own comprehension into these Five moves and make it truly his own. Two years training with Hisoka and Ryu took him far and made him understand many things.

Right now he could barely do the second move from the offensive side. Taking several breaths Mael floated down towards Deisin. The spectators looked on with bated breath.

Will he kill him or not?

This question rang through their minds and the answer was soon provided. Mael walked upto Deisin and looked down at his face.

" Saint Church is nothing but a bunch of rabid dogs in my eyes. One day I will kill all of you and believe me when I say this, that day isn't far out."


Coughing out blood Deisin wanted to yell Surrender but Mael didn't give him the chance.


Under thousands of eyes Mael crushed his head like a watermelon. The moment Deisin died Mael felt two horrible power lock onto him but, it soon disappeared.

Looking in the VIP direction Mael smirked and walked out.

" How dare he!? "

Inside one of the VIP boxes a person clenched his fist and roared.

" Calm down. We can't do anything until we get the signal. We have waited for two years, we can afford to wait some more."

" Shut up! You didn't lose a genius from your side so you can heartily say those words! "

" Watch your words! One of our own died by his hands earlier on and we still backed off. In this game we can lose some geniuses, as long as we get their secrets all can be compensated."

The room was filled with a tense atmosphere but none lashed out. They knew the importance of this mission so they had to grit their teeth and watch on as Mael kills their disciples.

The matched continued. Soon the top contenders were renewed again making the fight even more exciting.

Mael was pretty tired out but this was how it is. You can't afford to rest in a real life battle, your enemies would never give that chance. Even Val, that Giant Sect genius was tired.

Mael was meditating and recovering as fast as he could. The remaining contenders weren't weak, he has to fight as best as he could.

" Next, Mael vs Val...

Those words startled Mael. He calmed down and rose to his feet. Walking out he could feel his energy run wild, these exhausting fights allowed him to further improve his realm, pushing him past his limits.

Standing in the arena Mael felt a pressure like never before. What he was facing was a Genius who has never lost to any of his peers before.

Val looked at Mael and said.

" Sir Ryu really has good eyes."

Mael wasn't surprised anymore. He guessed his master might have had contact with these people before.

" Thank you."

" Haha, let's have a good fight."

The referee held out his hand and was about to signal the start of the match...


A loud sound reverted through the stadium. Everyone looked up and found several arrays light up the sky.

" Who dares!? "

Many shocking aura immediately flared causing the spectators and other warriors to sweat bullets. Looking above they found many figures trying to break through the array.

Mael was shocked. He was about to move when several killing intent locked onto him.

" Let's see where you go now."

Five figures floated above Mael releasing terrifying aura. Mael found as if mountains were crushing on him, even breathing became hard.

" Saint Church! Hells Gate! What the hell are you doing!? Do you want to start a war? "

A figure clad in green stepped out. However he was blocked by a cover of energy. Punching furiously he tried to break free but found it impossible.

" Green Emperor... we have no desire to start a war with Heaven Alliance, however... this boy and his Master must die! "

One among the five said with an ice cold tone. He waved his hand, an immense hand materialised and caught Mael. He felt as if he was being squeezed between metal grinders, feeling pain Mael gritted his teeth and looked fiercely at the five figures.

" Now that we have you, your Master will come to us."

" Let's go."

Light started to gather under their feet. An array suddenly sparked into existence.

" A Teleportation Array! Damn! Break for me! "

Green Emperor tried his best to break through. He watched with red eyes as the array was fully activated. Just as they were about to disappear a calm voice drifted through the air.

" Room... Shambles! "

The figure holding Mael felt a violet jerk on his body and disappeared. When he reappeared an unbelievable look was on his face. Blood leaked out of his mouth as he looked at his chest. A pitch black sword had pierced through his heart.

" Now... that kid is our junior. We can't have you take him away, can we? "