284. Shock

Law sealed his sword and retreated.

" I will sit this on out. You guys have fun."

Ryu and the rest ignored him and attacked. Every one of them had their Shikai released. Horrifying powers erupted targeting each of those Emperors.

Flames lit up the sky with six different colours. Even Green Emperor standing behind the array felt his heart shake seeing such a sight. In his eyes Madara became the incarnation of flames itself.

Coldness that could freeze anyone in an instant spread throughout the area. The Devil Emperor facing Esdeath felt his bones creak as he froze over.

Cards like stars in the sky covered a Saint Emperor. Each on ethereal but deadly. Hisoka stood before him with a light smile while playing with his daggers.

Sword intent flew around a Saint Emperor making his heart tremble from fear. Facing Zoro he he felt as if a terrifying monster was lurking beneath his shadow, one that would devour him if he made the slightest error.

The last Devil Emperor was stood still like a statue. He didn't move or rather he couldn't. Any direction of retreat warned him of death. Ryu's domain engulfed like a behemoth devouring its prey. A myriad of powers assaulted him causing him to weaken.

A battle of epic proportion broke out. The array trapping Green Emperor and the others were broken. All of them flew far away and watched this battle in shock.

" How the... they are Golden Immortals! How could they match Immortal Emperors!? "

" Each stage of Immortal realm is like the difference between day and night but they... they bridged that gap and went even further! How is this possible!? "

" Could it be... Zoro said something before about their weapons being special and how they can release their true raw power... could it be that? "

Green Emperor frowned. He had a good relationship with Law and Zoro. They had characters similar to him so it didn't take time for them to get familiar with each other.

' But Zoro... an Emperor is still not an existence that can be fought by a Golden Immortal.'

The battle was heating up. Wild energies flew everywhere making the entire place into a no man zone. Green Emperor had his people evacuate the place surrounding them.

Apart from Ryu the others were slightly at a disadvantage. They weren't able to gain the upper hand but, this didn't stop them instead it brought out that wild battle intent inside them.

' What is with these lunatics!? Don't they cater for their life? '

" Saint Charlos, let's finish this quickly. Heaven Alliance experts would be here soon! "

Nodding all of them took out their weapons. Green Emperor clenched his fist and was ready to step in any moment.

With the Emperors using their weapon, it was like giving wings to a tiger. Even Titans felt the pressure, they were on the defensive and couldn't get in any attacks.

Hisoka's cards were destroyed one by one as the Saint Emperor struck his Sword at him. Crossing his violet daggers infront of him Hisoka blocked the attack, but the wild power within that strike send him flying.

Esdeath's cold domain was countered by her opponent. Her Shikai released a domain that ignored any and every defence including other domains. But her opponent was an Emperor, her Shikai was effective but not to the point of causing serious damage.

Zoro was holding on. With his excellent swordsmanship he was able to deflect most of the damage, and as a Swordsman his offensive capabilities was off the charts so he was fine for the moment.

Madara's flames proved deadly to anyone. They weren't just any flames but True flames and six of them at the same time! His opponent found it pretty hard to get close to him and any energy attack just get reflected. But his opponent was even stronger, within the five he seemed to be the among the strongest. Slowly he was getting pushed back.

Ryu was also finding it slightly hard but this hardly stopped him. With his Shikai and upto nine seals released Ryu was a force to reckon with. Perfectly blending each of his abilities he was able to match his opponent!

' This isn't good. They are getting pushed back.'

Green Emperor frowned. He wanted to step in but an intent was locking him, once he moved the situation would only get worse.

Veins popped on his forehead. He has never been aggrieved like this before, he swore to kill off every single Saint Church and Hells Gate member he meet in the future.

" Die! "

The one attacking Ryu suddenly yelled. A strong aura radiated off of him and locked onto Ryu.

' Freezing space? Interesting...

Ryu couldn't move. He watched as a sword radiating blood stench inched close to him. Green Emperor didn't care for the consequences anymore and attacked. He couldn't go further as a person blocked him.

" Devil Hei!! "

Green energy burst out of his body as he assaulted Devil Hei. His eyes caught sight of Ryu who was about to face death and moved towards him.

" You aren't going anywhere! "

" Damn! "

He could only watch as the sword went through him. But... the expected bloody scene didn't occur. Ryu stood calmly and smiled at the Devil Emperor.

" How? Impossible!! "

" I think it's about time we finish this."

Taking a carefree stance Ryu closed his eyes.

' Navii... release the last seal."

[ Yes Master ]

Suddenly the field went quiet. Everyone paused and looked at Ryu. They felt his energy rise, even stronger than an Emperor! Like a dam burst forth it filled his body with power. He took a deep breath, misconception or not everyone felt as if the world breathed with him, like it was part of him.

" Hehe~~ guess playtime is over."

Hisoka flipped his palm. All four cards, Ace, Joker, King and Queen were in his hands. Placing them before him, all four cards glowed with power.

" Bankai...

That familar word that made the whole of Soul society shiver in fright bloomed in the Immortal world. With Hisoka starting the fireworks the others didn't wait around.

Madara sheathed his magatama sword and held the Uchiha Fan infront of him.

" Bankai...

Like an Ice Godess Esdeath walked through her domain with a Rapier in her hands

" Bankai...

Faintly touching the white sword on his waist Zoro uttered softly

" Bankai...