These are all the ideas and things i noted down while writing this story from start to finish.

Broly – Aomatsuna Hakuseki

● Earth, Lightning, Wind natured

● Has Explosion kekkei genkai

● Has gravity seal on his left bicep

● Has ハイエナ on his left chest.

● Stronger shoulder pads and heavier sandals

● Broly saw as his previous black hair turned more shiny or glossy. His tail slightly thickened in width and also turned a bit lighter in color

● wearing white shorts with a blue sash draped around his waist held together by a thick rope. He wore golden bracers around his wrists that matched the color of his golden shoulder guards

● Single Byakugan in left eye

● Gravity Seal

o Level 9

o Resistance x4

● Broly has the Book of Gelel and the Stone of Gelel.

● Is four feet tall in part one and two

● Ninja Art: Tile Shuriken

● Summoning Jutsu

● Wind Style: Great Breakthrough

o Wind Style: Great Shredding Breakthrough – The Above jutsu with the shape of a drill that pierces and shreds.

● Lightning Clone Jutsu - By using chakra, the user can create one or more clones of themselves. Although these clones are fully capable of functioning in battle, it now only takes a quarter of chakra instead of half like the shadow clone jutsu to create a clone with 75% of our chakra. This is because of the gravity seal and how it affects our chakra. If we had normal chakra then it would give the clone 50% of our chakra and if we created two it would have given each one a third of our chakra. Each clone can now duplicate exactly what the user is wearing, including physical items like senbon and poison smoke bombs. So overall we made it about equal to the shadow clone jutsu but without the crazy chakra costs it takes to accomplish that technique. The lightning clones can move away from the user no matter the distance and the user can receive the memories of the lightning clones. If injured will revert to natural lightning-state and electrocute whatever makes contact with it.

● Earth Clone Jutsu - By using chakra, the user can create one or more clones of themselves. Although these clones are fully capable of functioning in battle, it now only takes a quarter of chakra instead of half like the shadow clone jutsu to create a clone with 75% of our chakra. This is because of the gravity seal and how it affects our chakra. If we had normal chakra then it would give the clone 50% of our chakra and if we created two it would have given each one a third of our chakra. Each clone can now duplicate exactly what the user is wearing, including physical items like senbon and poison smoke bombs. So overall we made it about equal to the shadow clone jutsu but without the crazy chakra costs it takes to accomplish that technique. The earth clones can move away from the user no matter the distance and the user can receive the memories of the earth clones. If injured can reform back with mud chakra and harden to capture the enemy

● Wind Clone Jutsu - By using chakra, the user can create one or more clones of themselves. Although these clones are fully capable of functioning in battle, it now only takes a quarter of chakra instead of half like the shadow clone jutsu to create a clone with 75% of our chakra. This is because of the gravity seal and how it affects our chakra. If we had normal chakra then it would give the clone 50% of our chakra and if we created two it would have given each one a third of our chakra. Each clone can now duplicate exactly what the user is wearing, including physical items like senbon and poison smoke bombs. So overall we made it about equal to the shadow clone jutsu but without the crazy chakra costs it takes to accomplish that technique. The wind clones can move away from the user no matter the distance and the user can receive the memories of the wind clones. If injured explodes into a gust of wind or sharp winds that cut whatever is near. They can allow themselves to be blown up by fire jutsus to enhance them.


✓ Clone Jutsu

o Earth Clone = Earth in the shape of Broly. Once The clone is attacked it falls into a bunch of whatever the material was made to create it (Earth, sand, dirt, mud) If the clone manages to grab an opponent it turns back into whatever material it was made from and stops moving around. If it decided to attack it one attacks once before turning back into the material it was made of.

o Lightning Clone = lightning clone is basically lightning in the shape of a person. Since the user used lightning chakra instead of normal chakra it made the usual intangible copy of the user without any substance into a copy of the user that's lightning in disguise. So it is not like the water clone jutsu or shadow clone jutsu where the clones can talk, fight, and use jutsus of their own. The lightning clone jutsu is so that the clone can only do what the creator orders it to do and shock whatever it touches

✓ Earth Style Barrier: The user creates a solid wall of earth as a form of defense, manipulating pre-existing ground to form the wall. The earth then instantly rises up and takes form. Though weak, the walls can serve as a makeshift blockade when formed by several users, slowing down large, powerful attacks.

✓ Earth Style: Gravity Ball! - Broly shouted as the grey liquid coated the dome shield and caused it to start crumbling right away. The four creatures quickly panicked and the tallest controlled the tall platform they were on to swiftly lower and return back to the ground. The grey liquid that coated the dome shield, took on its shape and fell towards the three at a higher speed than they were descending at. The three creatures that weren't controlling the platform, stomped the ground and clapped their palms together. Increasing the speed at which they were descending and easily escaping the swift falling half dome-shaped grey semi-liquid. They were relieved until they noticed Broly quickly form a few hand seals before spitting a brown pea-sized object at his previous attack. The small pea-sized attack easily caught up to the grey half dome attack. The speed at which the tiny object reached was easily the fastest thing the four creatures ever saw before they noticed the grey semi-liquid was now heading towards them in an imperceptible speed

✓ Earth Style: Seismic Cloud – Creates a cloud made of semi-liquid earth chakra. Can be modified for attacking or defense.

✓ Earth Style: Omega Spike – A colossal sized piece of earth that has been hardened into material similar to steel is created from the surrounding earth and launched towards the opponent.

✓ Wind Style: Gale Palm: A Wind Release technique where the user either increases their velocity, [2] or by the user clasping their hands together, wind is compressed and transformed into a powerful gale, which has enough force to knock over a person. When used in conjunction with shuriken or kunai, the tools become more lethal as their speed is increased

● Wind Release: Air Bullets: This technique shoots multiple bullets of air at the victim with intense speed. The bullets also have great power, enough to subdue a whole group of shinobi.

o Wind Style: Air Shaving Bullets – Air bullets that shred or tear into the target.

● Wind Style: Gigantic Tearing Tempest – A huge spinning cyclone of sharp wind chakra drills towards the opponent. It forms by Broly blowing it from his mouth

● Wind Style: Explosive Wave – Creates an armor of sharp winds that blast from the user in all directions.

● Eraser Cannon – A sphere made of wind chakra. Depending on what type of wind chakra is used to create it, can either explode in sharp winds or explode in fierce concussive winds.

● Lightning Style: Lightning Ball: The user creates spheres of electrical energy and launches them at the enemy. When they make contact with the enemy, the spheres electrocute them and throw them back. This technique can also be used in rapid succession or fire multiple balls at once

● Lightning Style: Electric Needle Spark: After coming into physical contact with the opponent, the user raises their arm into the air, generating a powerful bolt of electricity which travels through their body transferring the electricity to the body of the opponent.

● Lightning Style: Lightning Eraser Cannon – A highly condensed ball of electricity in the form of a shell. Broly forms it in his hands.

● Lightning Style: Omega Hammer – The user coats their hands in dense large amounts of lightning chakra and strikes the ground. The ground soon starts to quake and shake before suddenly erupting in a huge electrical blast.

● Chakra Enhanced Strength

● Rasengan

● All of the hiden techniques in the leaf village.

o Four Legs Technique

o Adamantine Sealing Chains

o Shadow Imitation Jutsu

o Calorie Control

o Gentle Fist

o Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique

● Chakra Absorption jutsu

● Soft Physique Modification Jutsu

● Sound Jutsus

● Eight Gates

● Substitution Jutsu

● Disguise Jutsu

● Escape Jutsu

● Transformation Jutsu

● Teleportation/ Body flicker Jutsu

o Wind Teleportation Jutsu – Silent body flicker that erases all traces of the user by covering it with wind. Smell and sound are cloaked by wind. Seen through by Dōjutsu and advanced chakra sensors.

● Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu

● Earth Style: Hidden Mole Jutsu

● Paralysis Jutsu

Khael – Khael

• Has an icy-blue hair color and in a sort of wild hair-style. Like she was born in the wild and didn't have anyone to take care of her hair for her. Her eyes matched her hair. She wore a black cloak over herself that covered most of her body.

• Forehead protector around her neck

• Normally withdrawn and unspeaking

• Chakra Enhanced Strength

• Parents abandoned her

• Shorter than Esumi and Fu.

• Raised in the woods most of her life.

• Has Byakugan in right eye and hides it with a black eyepatch like Broly. Has three tomoe sharingan in her left eye that were two merged sharingan from Sasoris puppet

• Can expel chakra from all of her tenketsu thanks to Broly's training.

• Can use Eight Gates thanks to Broly

• Can absorb chakra

• Can stretch her body with the body physique jutsu

• Can use yin and yang chakra natures

• Summoning Jutsu

o Can summon Crocodiles

• Has the bone kekkei genkai from kimmimaro's dna

• Uses chakra threads and Puppets as her main means of attack.

o Uses animal puppets.

• Is very kind. Tries very hard to not kill or cripple her opponents, but doesn't show it on her face. Her face looks cruel and emotionless to those who aren't close to her. Sounds rude and mean at first if you don't know her.

• Shy.

• Doesn't like people seeing her manifest bones out of her body. It embarrasses her and she doesn't want to gross anyone out.

• Doesn't like close contact with people she isn't close to. May accidentally protrude bones from her body if surprised.

• Has her gravity seal across her heart. Its on level 10.

• Has Dark release or Shade Style kekkei genkai

o It absorbs and manipulates chakra. If I attacked her with a jutsu like the rasengan, she would be able to absorb it, figure out my natural chakra element, and then be able to use that element to perform the exact same jutsu I used. Her only drawbacks to this bloodline limit is that if she absorbs too much chakra she must release it in some way or face rupturing of her body's chakra points.

• Doesn't know the gentle fist

• Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets

o Not very proficient in it, needs more training. (Chapter 69)

Fu – Fu

• A petite, androgynous, tan-skinned kunoichi (with a slightly darker skin tone in the anime) who wore an orange clip in her short, layered mint green hair that matched her eye colour, which was also orange. Her ninja outfit consisted of a short sleeveless white midriff shirt with fishnet armor underneath, long white armlets, and fishnet shorts with a short white apron skirt over it. Her forehead protector was worn on her right arm. Fū also carried a cylindrical object in red wrapping on her back, the purpose of which is unknown.

• Future goal is to have friends all over the nations.

• Wind Natured

• Oldest out of the group.

• Has gravity seal on her right thigh. Level 10

• Scale Powder Jutsu - The user releases a large amount of fine powder from their mouth or body, which, due to its luminous quality, shines so brightly that it can temporarily blind multiple targets within its area of effect.

• Secret Ninjutsu: Scaled Sneak Jutsu - The user exhales a large quantity of fine powder from their mouth, which due to its luminous quality, shines so brightly that it can temporarily blind multiple targets within its area of effect. This momentary handicap can be utilised either by the user or their allies to attack the opposition whilst their vision is still impaired.

• Net-Shaped Prison Jutsu - The user manipulates the webs. When used by the spiders, the emitted web hardens into spikes. The user can also emit web from their mouth or hands and use it in the form of a net to trap opponents.

• Was previously enslaved by Broly, but is now a member of his gang. Her constant friendly attitude and behavior even after he kidnapped her and taken her away from her village for three years grew on him. He softened up and decided to be her friend officially.

• Uses a golden shield and golden spiked Morning Star as weapons.

• Eight Gates

• Can expel chakra from all of her tenketsu

• Summoning Jutsu: Buffalo

Esumi – Yada Esumi

✓ Lightning natured

✓ Has a stolen swift kekkei genkai that Jabie gave her from the twins who had it.

✓ Figured out another use for her lightning chakra, - Can use electromagnetic, Weak Force, Light jutsu, laser jutsu, plasma jutsu, and radiation jutsu.

✓ Single Byakugan in right eye.

✓ Two merged Sharingan in left eye

✓ Has Glasses!

✓ Has her gravity seal on her stomach. Level 5 Resistance x4

✓ Her previously blue haired became a deep light blue and she also radiated that same weird energy.

✓ A very beautiful and filled out girl shouted as she waved to him. She had light blue hair that flowed down to her back and ended in curls. She was nearly his height, but only reached to his chest. She wore a black top that cut off at her midriff, showing off her impressive bust, and a short pink skirt that stopped above her knees. The word "Resistance x3" was etched in her stomach

✓ Her body is very mature despite its small stature. Hourglass figure.

✓ Chakra Absorption Jutsu

✓ Soft Physique Modification Jutsu

✓ Sound Jutsu

✓ Eight Gates

✓ Chakra Enhanced Strength

✓ Lightning Style: Lightning Ball: The user creates spheres of electrical energy and launches them at the enemy. When they make contact with the enemy, the spheres electrocute them and throw them back. This technique can also be used in rapid succession or fire multiple balls at once

o Lightning Style: Big Lightning Bomb – A bunch of combined lighting balls that form together and make a large lighting ball that explodes in a huge burst of heat.

o Lightning Style: Lightning Drill – The lightning balls from the original jutsu that are simple drills of electricity instead of balls of electricity.

✓ Lightning Style: Electric Needle Spark: After coming into physical contact with the opponent, the user raises their arm into the air, generating a powerful bolt of electricity which travels through their body transferring the electricity to the body of the opponent.

✓ Lightning Style: Ultimate Lightning Bolt Jutsu! – The four weapons shot out a beam of yellow lightning that all headed towards one point in the sky. When the four beams met a large explosion was about to form until Esumi crossed her four blades into the shape of X. The explosion stopped and started to compress and form into the shape of a sphere. The previous sharply-colored yellow ball in the sky has now formed into a large lightning bolt. Esumi motioned her blades downward and with a deafening sound of electricity screamed into the air surrounding the ocean. The bolt in the sky disappeared.

✓ Lightning Style: Flashy Bolt – Esumi released a yellow lightning bolt from one of her chakra points that shoots out at very fast speeds.

✓ Lightning Burst: Lightning Release Chakra Mode

o Improved Lightning Burst – Esumi's aura no longer flares and sparks of electricity. Only the fact that her hair spikes up shows that the technique is still in effect, besides the physical ones. Esumi's speed and strength increases to nearly Broly's full super saiyan power.

✓ Rasengan

● Her Blades

o Her first blade is called Kodama, the katana

o second one's name is Niki, a nodachi

o Uchinin. It's a uchigatana

o Heap of Raw Metal (Can't carry currently due to insufficient strength Chapter 33)

▪ Can currently carry as of Chapter 42

▪ Slashy, a massive, thick, heavy, blade that shadowed over Esumi herself! The blade appeared to be painted yellow with the words DIE painted across the face of the sword. The blade had a straight angle leading up and down the body of the sword and a sharp tip that threatened to pierce through anything coming close to it

o Metal pipe sword (Basher)

o Rapier with flowery handle

▪ Esumi colored her rapier's blade pink with tiny flowers etched around the entire sword body.

▪ Named Stabby

o Iron Hammer from genin in chunin exams

o Giant Iron Fan from Temari

o Two White chains that wrap around her wrists

o An average whip

o Nunchaku (nunchunk)

o Two Steel Tonfas

o A chainsaw

o Two Hook sword

o Steel Flexible Whip

o Trident

o Bone Lance

o Steel Spear

o A large anchor

o Glave

o Double sided axe

o Modified Umbrella with hidden weapons inside of it that can be shot out

o Kubikiribōchō (Zabuza's sword)

o Kiba - The swords have been imbued with lightning, granting enhanced cutting power in a manner similar to the high-frequency vibrations of lightning-based chakra flow. It is this capability that has resulted in these "thunderswords" (雷刀, raitō) being claimed as the sharpest swords in existence.[5] Even without lightning, they are very dangerous in battle, able to be used in combination with agile spinning movements, sweeping through the targets while the user also rotates. This, combined with the jagged nature of the blades, allows for more damaging wounds inflicted.

o Shibuki

o Samehada

o Steel Staff

o Steel Shield

● Ninja Art: Tile Shuriken

● Tenketsu Step - An advanced application of the standard Body Flicker Technique. Rather than vitalizing ones body, the user will vitalize the tenketsu in their legs and feet, then rapidly release the chakra in short but continuous bursts with each step they take allowing the user to achieve tremendous speeds that the eye cannot keep up with. The speed of the user is augmented to the point that it seems as if they are teleporting from one place to another. Even the famed Sharingan has trouble keeping tabs on the user due to their speed. This technique can also allow the user to ascend through air at incredible speeds as well. The user can turn sharp corners without resistance and in a split second can easily change the direction they wish to go.

● All of the hiden techniques in the leaf village.

● Paralysis Jutsu

● Lightning Clone Jutsu - By using chakra, the user can create one or more clones of themselves. Although these clones are fully capable of functioning in battle, it now only takes a quarter of chakra instead of half like the shadow clone jutsu to create a clone with 75% of our chakra. This is because of the gravity seal and how it affects our chakra. If we had normal chakra then it would give the clone 50% of our chakra and if we created two it would have gave each one a third of our chakra. Each clone can now duplicate exactly what the user is wearing, including physical items like senbon and poison smoke bombs. So overall we made it about equal to the shadow clone jutsu but without the crazy chakra costs it takes to accomplish that technique. The lightning clones can move away from the user no matter the distance and the user can receive the memories of the lightning clones. If injured will revert to natural lightning-state and electrocute whatever makes contact with it.

● Clone Jutsu

o Lightning Clone Jutsu = Esumi's lightning clone is basically lightning in the shape of a person. Since she used lightning chakra instead of normal chakra it made the usual intangible copy of the user without any substance into a copy of the user that's lightning in disguise. So it is not like the water clone jutsu or shadow clone jutsu where the clones can talk, fight, and use jutsus of their own. The lightning clone jutsu Esumi made can only do what she orders it to do and shock whatever it touches. Good for capturing and paralyzing, not killing.

● Substitution Jutsu

● Disguise Jutsu

● Escape Jutsu

● Summoning Jutsu

● Transformation Jutsu

● Teleportation/ Body flicker Jutsu

o Lightning Teleportation Jutsu – A loud thunder sound activates with this technique. This jutsu is a faster body flicker but also harder to control.

● Kunai, shuriken, ninja wires, resistant sandals,

Sho – Nine Sho

• Brown hair with an average unspecial village boy body

• Has the battle Empire forehead protector around his forehead

• Has a Dōjutsu that activates in his eyes. (Unactivated)

o The Dōjutsu is connected to an alternate world that was .. A place filled with nothing but purple and black. The clone was falling endlessly into the purple and black surroundings that filled the entire place. It seemed as if falling for eternity…. Until he suddenly… turned into a puddle of water.

o The Meikyuugan allows the wielder to control The Labyrinth. An endless pocket dimension created after the awakening of Akunin's Meikyuugan. Both Akunin, Ijin and Danchigai can create portals to this dimension and travel freely through it. Only one with the Meikyuugan can safely travel through this world. If anyone else somehow enters The Labryinth, they will fall forever. A Meikyuugan wielder, however, can stand in midair where no one else could, as if it were solid ground.

• Has Byakugan in his left eye. His Dōjutsu hides it passively.

• Knows the eight gates due to Esumi

• Uses his legs mostly for combat

• Gravity seal level 10

• Chakra Enhanced Strength

• Chakra Absorption Jutsu

• Soft Physique Modification Jutsu

• Can expel chakra throughout all his tenketsu.

• Does not know the gentle fist.

• Uses fire release

• Summoning Jutsu

o Panda

• Seems very nice and sociable during non-combat situations, but turns very cruel and merciless during battle with enemies. Not a drastic turn though. He would be like *kicks* Oops. I broke your leg. Guess you should have trained harder huh?

o Acts like the main character of a shitty modern anime. Ecchi moments, girls are attracted to his boring average face for some reason, has an inflated motivation for justice in public, kind, humble, polite, and passive, dense to romance

• Shorter than Esumi.

• Lived with Grandpa until his peaceful death.

• Esumi took him away from his village after seeing something interesting in him. He didn't understand but would choose to use this female kunoichi to improve his boring life as a farming villager in the middle of nowhere.

o Eventually will realize that Esumi doesn't take being used lightly.

• Fights using Ninja Art: Artistic Mimicry! (Sai's super beast ink drawing technique)

• Carries around a scroll and chakra-infused ink.

o Using chakra-infused ink, the user can quickly and expertly draw objects onto their scroll. The moment the brush is removed from the scroll, the images leap from the paper, grow to life-size, and act according to the user's will. Because they are made of ink, a single blow is usually enough to dispel them. For discreet communiques while undercover, Sai is able to turn the words he writes into small animals, allowing them to travel unnoticed to the intended target, after which the ink animal requires a scroll to revert back into written information.[2] In addition to the animals it is normally used to create, Sai can produce explosive tags

• 'I don't know how I feel about the whole enslaving people who go against us thing… At first when I found out about it, I was horrified. I thought my new master would try and enslave me just like those in her village, so I tried to escape during the night. But she easily caught me. I was forced to explain why I tried to escape from her and she only laughed loudly at me before punching me on the top of my head. She then gave me a serious talk about winners and losers of the shinobi world and how the winners decide what is right and the losers follow the will of the winner. "If you want to protect your will to live life peacefully, you better be strong enough to do that you cute little brat. Or else someone will definitely ruin your dream. Even if they don't know anything about you or just don't like how you look. But with enough strength, you can do whatever you want." I didn't know the shinobi world was so terrible and heartless.. But after exploring around with my master, I witnessed a lot of things. Some even wavered my heart more and some that surprised me and softened it. At this point I still don't know if I truly just want a peaceful life.. And if becoming a ninja was even the right choice to start with…'

Sasori of the Red Sand

• Chakra Threads - These strings are constructs made from very concentrated chakra, therefore they can be seen by people besides the user. A skilled user can suppress the chakra so that the strings become invisible, as Chiyo did with the Manipulating Attack Blades to sneak a string to bind Hiruko's iron tail.[2] These strings essentially act as an extension of the user which allows them to manipulate whatever is attached to their strings - such as hidden weaponry in a puppet - as they please.[3] Chakra can also be transferred via the strings, such as to activate techniques that the puppets can use.[4] The chakra strings can also be attached to other objects, allowing the user to control, or at the very least disrupt other things.

• On the right side of his chest compartment was a mechanism that could spin numerous chakra threads, which allowed Sasori to use his Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets. Its stomach cavity contained a thick cable coiled around a pole (which was coated in Sasori's poison before his death), allowing the puppeteer to use it as a stinger and retract it if necessary. Attached to its back was a scroll holder, containing four scrolls that seem to serve as "ammunition", one of which Sasori used to store his puppets. The puppet also has a pair of poles to the back of its hips, each equipped with five large blades (also drenched in poison) that could spin like propellers, and pipes running through each of its hands that could spew out intense fire or powerful jets of water. While his core of living flesh was inhabiting the puppet body, Sasori held the puppet together at their connecting joints with his chakra threads. Therefore, should it be struck by brute force, the pieces would simply fall apart, thus absorbing the impact and preventing actual damage, and he can reconnect the joints together, making the puppet very difficult to destroy.

• Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets

• Puppet Performance: Skillful Achievement with a Human Body - To perform this technique with a living person would normally require both parties to cooperate with each other. However, a highly skilled user can control the target by force if the person is severely weakened or damaged, rendering them unable to resist.

• Brain Wash Jutsu - The user seals away the target's memories by burying an extremely small needle into the brain's memory center. The memories can be restored by cancelling the technique, thereby destroying the needle. If a subordinate had this operation performed on their brains and has infiltrated in enemy camp, they can safely perform spy activity over a long period of time with no memory of being a sleeper agent. This could help enhance them in their act as they will fully believe their loyalty lies with the ones they are spying upon. If the user cancels the technique, the target will once again remember their mission as sleeper agent.

Jabie – Amai Jabie

● Water natured

● Has Steel release kekkei genkai

● A large plump figure was riding across a large mass of water with some sort of strange red board. The person and their numerous items were flying in the wind along with the person's clothes. The figure had a smile on their face as they readjusted their backpack. The figure was wearing a standard shinobi outfit but with blue shorts on. He had a strange black marking on his neck that said "Resistance", a small gourd with a seal tag on the bottom of it on the side of his shorts, a small drum on the other side of his shorts, and two unusual blue crystal-orbs as earrings on each ear. His brown hair became much lighter and his body seemed to radiate a strange energy

● Gravity seal on the side of his neck says Resistance x4. Level 6 or 46?

● His hair was different from its previous brown color. Instead it was a shiny silvery color. Like a recently cleaned piece of metal.

● Byakugan in both eyes.

● 5 feet 11

● Has a Djembe, a small singular drum, massive amounts of alcohol in a small gourd on his waist with a seal storage on the bottom of it, two ice bombs in his earrings.

● Has a red and purple snow board.

● Has Killer Bees and Cockroaches for the Aburame Hiden

● Clone Jutsu

● Water Clone Technique - By using a water source, the user can create one or more clones of themselves. Although these clones are fully capable of functioning in battle, it now only takes a quarter of chakra instead of half like the shadow clone jutsu to create a clone with 75% of our chakra. This is because of the gravity seal and how it affects our chakra. If we had normal chakra then it would give the clone 50% of our chakra and if we created two it would have gave each one a third of our chakra. Each clone can now duplicate exactly what the user is wearing, including physical items like senbon and poison smoke bombs. So overall we made it about equal to the shadow clone jutsu but without the crazy chakra costs it takes to accomplish that technique. The water clones can now move away from the user no matter the distance and the user can receive the memories of the water clones


● Substitution Jutsu

● Chakra Absorption Jutsu

● Soft Physique Modification Jutsu

● Sound Jutsus

● Summoning Jutsu - Cetaceans

● Rasengan

● Eight Gates

● Chakra Enhanced Strength

● Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu: This technique traps a target in a sphere of water; the water can either be drawn from the surroundings[2] or expelled from the user's mouth.[3] The water that the sphere is made from is noticeably heavy,[2] which restricts the target's movements and can make breathing difficult.[4] As such, those trapped within the water prison cannot ordinarily escape on their own. Neji Hyūga was able to free himself by simultaneously releasing chakra from all of his tenketsu, destroying the prison. [5] In Akatsuki Hiden, Kisame Hoshigaki escaped by increasing the volume of water within the prison beyond what it could contain, causing it to burst.

In order to maintain the prison, users must stay in contact with the sphere, typically by keeping an arm submerged within it. For this reason, water clones can be used in combination with water prisons, either by having the water clone attack other targets while the user maintains the prison, [6] or by having the clones themselves form the prisons, leaving the user free to act. In cases where a water clone forms the water prison, the water of the clone's body can be used as a source for the prison. [4] In the anime, this contact is shown to not be necessary, allowing users to trap targets from a distance. [7]

The water prison's usefulness has caused it to be adapted for other purposes. It can be stored in scrolls, trapping anyone who tries to read their contents without permission, though these prisons don't place as much of a restriction on the victim's movements. [8] Alternatively, users can confine themselves within a water prison, thus preventing opponents from reaching them.

● Water Style: Water Construct – Allows Jabie to use his water chakra to create things out of water. Like giant water arms.

● Water Style: Water Burst! - This mode, combined with taijutsu, allows the users to utilize nintaijutsu. When using the armor at full power, it causes the users body to become slightly transparent in color and the users defenses are boosted to extraordinary levels, beyond even the Steel Release and Lightning Release attacks can't penetrate or electrocute the form due to the water's deionized makeup, making it difficult to harm the user. Heat can be a counter to this chakra mode, but as the chakra modes density increases, so does the boiling point of the water surrounding the user, making only the greatest of heat-based attacks effective. The user is also able to morph the shape of the armor to as well as well as use it as an extension of the body. Despite its cutting power, it can only cut objects as dense as diamond itself. By focusing highly pressurized water into a very thin stream, users of this chakra mode can use it to create long ranged attack, creating vast, but thin blades capable of cutting through steel and even diamond from great distances.

● Ultimate Water Style: Great Orca Bullet -A giant killer whale shaped water formed out of his water arms and grew larger than them and most of the area. The jutsu shadowed over the three before crashing down towards Broly.

o Formed from Jabie's water chakra arms and his own arms.

● Water Style: Pressurized Split – A highly pressurized jet line of water that can slice through nearly anything.

● The Water Release: Water Bullet Technique is a highly versatile Water Release technique which has many variations. After kneading chakra in their stomach, the user expels a large quantity of water in the form of a powerful torrent aimed towards their intended target.

● Water Release: Hiding in Water Technique A technique that allows the user to fuse with water, even in water as shallow as a puddle. [1] By doing so, the user can take advantage of their hidden presence and launch a surprise attack on their target.

● Water Style: Water Wall: A technique that creates a wall of water around the user to defend against attacks. This can either be done either by using a pre-existing source, or if the user is skilled enough, from thin air. While mainly used as a defensive tactic, it can be used in an offensive manner by directly aiming below the opponent to have the water rise up and strike them.

✓ Water Style: Furious Current Jutsu: By mixing a source of water with chakra, the user can create a whirlpool of differentiating sizes in order to drown their opponent.

✓ Water Release: Great Gunshot: The user spits out a giant pressurized bullet of water from their mouth that goes through and damages the opponent as it hits them.

✓ Water Style: Adhesive Blast – A sticky-like water jutsu that will cause things it hits to stick.

✓ Water Style: Crushing Capture: A genjutsu that shows the target being surrounded on all sides and slowly crushed by walls of water.

✓ Water Style: Diamond Prison Jutsu: Traps the opponent in a diamond-shaped water construct that saps away chakra.

● Disguise Jutsu

● Escape Jutsu

● Transformation Jutsu

● Diagnostic Jutsu

● All of the hiden techniques in the leaf village.

● Mystical Palm Technique

o Water Style: Mystical Palm Jutsu – Covers the green aura blue and along with speeding up the body's natural healing process it also recovers and enhances the longevity of the patient. Can do it from a range.

● Chakra Scalpel

o Water Style: Chakra Scalpel – Makes the blue aura of the technique into a darker blue and more covered in water. When hit by this technique, it takes away the ability to recover from the wounds. So if a person was hit by this technique they would take longer than usual to recover from the wound, even a slight cut. This is due to the water nature of the technique preventing the body from using its cells to recover naturally for a set time. This can be increased through further mastery of the technique.

● Demonic Illusion: Death Mirage Jutsu

o Water Style: Drowning Mirage Jutsu - caused water to surround the opponent's feet and suck them inside a very dark and deep water and would slowly be drowned

● Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique

o Water Style: Water Surroundings Jutsu - caused people to be unable to see water in their surroundings or see only water in their surroundings

● Teleportation/ Body Flicker Jutsu

o Water Style: Water Flickering Jutsu - able to move at high speeds in water

● Senbon, smoke bombs, poison bombs (Smoke bombs that emit poison instead of smoke), and explosion tags

Gravity Seal: A fuinjutsu seal that goes up to 10 levels. Each level increases the amount of resistance faced in doubles. This fuinjutsu increases the amount of resistance the body and chakra pathway network stream a person faces. Increasing their body's physical capabilities, chakra flexibility, resilience against foreign entities, and power. It does not increase the amount of chakra a person holds. But it can increase or break the limit of a person's natural chakra reserve limits. Created by a mysterious person from the destroyed shinobi village called Uzushiogakure. Etches the word Resistance wherever the gravity seal was placed.

● Broly has an unnatural amount of killing intent for a child

● Broly was killed by goku goten and gohan due to family Kamehameha

● Has as much chakra as a tailed beast host

● Head Doctor, Nurse, Hiashi, Hokage, 4 anbu that follow hokage (Kakashi, Neko anbu, Boar anbu, and Itachi) are the only people aware that Aomatsuna has a chakra pathway system that flows like an ocean current and is twice the size of a normal person's pathway system. And that his chakra is constantly flowing inside his mind and body.

● Hokage wants to give Broly and friends bonds so that he wont just up and leave the village once he gets stronger. (If Jabie figures out how to create jutsus and teach Broly and Esumi he will intervene somehow)

● Danzo is watching Aomatsuna to see if he will become a threat to the village or not

● Kakashi (Dog masked anbu) and Hiruzen sparred with Broly during the 3 years before he became an academy student to satisfy his urge for a good battle.

● Jabie and Esumi gained the titled Gentle Demon and Tiny Demon.

● Jabie has blade resistant gloves

● Give Jabie some type of armor or defense jutsu

Esumi & Jabie Level 3 seals, Naruto level 1, Broly lvl 5(Chapter 13)

● Esumi and Jabie know about Broly's kekkei genkai

● Morimoto China (Civilian girl) has a crush on Jabie

o Bring her back.

● Give Esumi Anko's snake summon

o Done.

● (During the three year time skip towards their genin graduation) Anko has been given a gravity seal on her thigh. The hokage has asked for some seals but not for free. Broly asked for more techniques in chakra control ever since he mastered tree walking and leaf spinning. Hokage has given the seals to his jonin and Anbu members strengthening them over the three years. Naruto has moved up to seal level 5. Due to the training by Broly, Esumi, and Jabie most of the academy students have become less useless and more useful as shinobi. Two teams passed due to the interference of the Demons. Team 3 and Team 1 passed (Create characters for them) Once the graduating students take the genin test and the hokage calls to say who passed and who failed mention how both students of team 3 and team 1 talked about Aomatsuna's group. Include Morimoto China in team 3 or team 1

● Team 1: Gaku Inuzuka

● Team 3: Ensui Nara, Morimoto China,

● Esumi hates bitter foods.

Jabie level 7 Seal, Esumi level 6, Broly level 9 (Ch 14)

● Give Jabie an musical instrument for Genjutsu

o Done

● Broly is planning to leave the village once he gains enough jutsus.

● Give Esumi a storage scroll with her blades inside.

o done

● Team 11 will increase their chakra control exercises by improving them. (Leaf concetration training > kunai concentration training) (Chapter 24)

● Jabie thinks of creating and modifying jutsus by using his water clones after their first mission

o done

● Credit commenter Saneklinez when you give Broly his Omega Blaster in the form of a new jutsu.

o done

● Broly has increased his gravity seal to level 10 and is severely nerfed (Chapter 23)

● Esumi has decided to use blades of different uses instead of blades simultaneously. Has sword sheathe with a storage seal on it that carries her swords, she always carries one sword on her person. (Chapter 24)

● Jabie has learned mystical palm technique and chakra scalpel and is currently has an internship at the Konoha hospital (Chapter 23)

o done

● Have Orochimaru put the curse seal mark on Broly like he did Sasuke but make Broly take control over his seal like Vegeta did with babidi's mind control

o done

● Esumi will have her 3 new blades Monday. (Chapter 25) (Make up three blades with three different purposes)

o done

● Broly must control his tongue and be more respectful towards others in Ko's presence (Chapter 25)

● Jabie has acquired water jutsus, a backpack with a storage seal of 100 gallons of water. He has proven that storage scrolls do not age. Items left inside the scroll are as fresh as they were when they were first added. (Chapter 24)

● Broly has acquired the methods to elemental training. So he and Esumi can began using lightning jutsu, earth jutsu, and wind jutsu. (Chapter 26)

o done

● Broly has to spar with each genin team except team 7 till day 7. (Chapter 26)

o done

● Have Broly let Jabie abuse his zenkai in the future. (Chapter 26)

● Broly has the idea of spinning or tunneling. Have him go over this with Jabie and Esumi so that their techniques will have some drills or spins in em.

o done

● Esumi has increased her gravity seal to level 7 (Chapter 31)

● Jabie has taken a pet mouse to raise to test his water style mystical palm jutsu. (Chapter 32)

● Jabie has taken in a grey mouse, two grizzly bear cubs, and a leopard to experiment on. (Chapter 33)

● Broly has taken over the curse sealed mark and its abilities. He successfully drove out Orochimaru's influence in the seal.

● Esumi can mimic voices perfectly.

● She had lightning chakra constantly surging throughout her body, although is normally extremely dangerous due to the fact that it could electrocute the user from the inside out and cook them alive if sufficient control isn't kept over their lightning chakra Esumi does not have this problem. But it seems the Yamanaka user who took over her body landed himself in quite the shocking situation because as soon as he possessed Esumi her body and the Yamanaka who took over her body was electrocuted

● Jabie has inserted two water clones inside the body of two genin from the village hidden in the grass, and the 2 genin who signed up with Kabuto.

o done

● Jabie and Esumi's chakra is slowly starting to change.

● Grass, waterfall, rain, sand, leaves, sound village are participating in this exam!

o Grass – 6 shinobi

o Waterfall – 6 shinobi

o Sound – 3 shinobi

o Rain – 21 genin

o Sand – 30 genin

o Leaf – 90 genin

● Participants of the Preliminaries

o Sasuke Uchiha Passed

o Zaku Abumi Failed

o Misumi Tsurugi Failed

o Sakura Haruno Failed

o Tenten Failed

o Shikamaru Nara Passed

o Naruto Uzumaki Passed

o Hinata Hyūga Passed

o Gaara Passed

o Dosu Kinuta Failed

o Yoroi Akadō Failed/Dead

o Shino Aburame Passed

o Kankurō Failed

o Ino Yamanaka Passed

o Temari Passed

o Kin Tsuchi Failed

o Kiba Inuzuka Failed

o Neji Hyūga Passed

o Rock Lee Passed

o Chōji Akimichi Failed

o Aomatsuna Hakuseki Passed

o Yada Esumi Passed

o Amai Jabie Passed

o Morimoto China – girl – Team 12 Failed

o Uehara Ruka – girl – Team 12 Failed

o Miyahara Otsune – girl – Team 12 Passed

o Hyūga Juria -girl – Team 3 Failed

o Yamanaka Homi – guy – Team 3 Passed

o Uchibayashi Masazumi – guy – Team 3 Failed

● Third Exams

o Shikamaru vs Ino

▪ Shikamaru vs v

o Lee vs Esumi

▪ Esumi vs ^

o Jabie vs Neji

▪ Jabie vs v

o Hinata vs Homi

▪ Hinata vs ^

o Naruto vs Sasuke

▪ Naruto

o Temari vs Miyahara

▪ Temari

o Shino vs *Whoever*

o Gaara vs Broly

● Esumi raised her gravity seal to level 8 (Chapter 39)

● Jabie is interested in the Eight Gates (Chapter 39)

● Jabie will test using alcohol, syrup, and musical instruments for research on using them for chakra-based attacks.

● Jabie has knowledge of how to use chakra absorption, and the soft physique modification.

● Gaara dislikes Esumi.

● Broly has gained knowledge of how to use sound chakra-based attacks and shared it with Jabie and Esumi.

o done

● Have Jabie give Naruto his notebook on how to create jutsu, find your chakra nature, and how to manipulate elemental chakra.

o Done

● Jabie has raised his gravity seal to level 9. (After the prelims)

● Broly has raised his gravity seal to level 10. (Right after the prelims)

● Naruto knows Kiba's fang over fang jutsu

● Jabie will gain a cetacean summon.

o done

● Esumi will gain Anko's snake summoning

o done

● Broly has Hyena summons

o My young that you will eventually summon each has different abilities from each other. Like the three young you faced before. These were only mere pups. But each one had a different specialty. Not all my young will be different in the case of using chakra natures.

o Broly has a tattoo on his chest that says Hyena in Japanese letters.

● Broly has his gravity seal on his left bicep with the word Resistance on it

● Esumi has hers on her belly.

● Jabie has his on his neck.

● Jabie has given Broly and Esumi a mini water clone that was inserted inside them that can heal them whenever they are damaged.

● But I'll leave that for you to find out for yourself. If you eventually get strong enough and kill our enemies the Elephant clan, I'll teach you how to use Senjutsu." The gentle voice said inside Broly's head before he received the information on how to summon members of the Hyena clan.

● Jabie has acquired chakra armor, the chakra disruptive device from the village hidden in the snow

● Jabie will test and experiment with the dark red bead to find out its capabilities and uses.

● Jabie has a mini sound clone inside King Arco.

● Broly, Jabie, and Esumi are all jonin level. (Chapter 45)

● Esumi looks up to Anko as an older sister figure or role model

● Esumi has acquired Dosu's Resonating Echo Speaker(x2)

● Esumi has acquired a monocle that allows the wearer to perceive information faster. (Does not increase physical aspects except in brain) So like a bootleg sharingan

● He jabbed the tooth into his chest and started to force his chakra into the tooth. The tooth was constantly absorbing his massive chakra input, until it started to grow green. It continued to eat and eat more of Broly's chakra. Taking on a darker color of green and suddenly splitting in between a light green and dark green. Broly's chakra reserves were at 25% at this point and he was shocked and angered. He increased the speed at which the chakra came towards the tooth, before reducing his remaining reserves into 10%

● Lee has learned how to dispel genjutsu and withstand the effects of the eight gates technique slightly better (Chapter 48)

● Naruto can summon toads and tap into the fox's chakra. He has learned his elemental nature and can create and manipulate his own jutsus

● Naruto can use fire nature

● Jabie's clones have acquired the corpses of the Kurama, Nara, Senju, Uzumaki, Yamanaka, Inuzuka, Aburame, and Akimichi clan members.

o Inserted cells of each member into the Trio of Demons.

● Anko was given a gravity seal.

● Jabie has acquired numerous Byakugan eyes from the Hyūga graveyard

● Esumi cut off Kankuro's right foot.

● Esumi has stolen Temari's giant iron fan.

● Jabie has a secret lab under the trio of demons apartment grounds.

● Jabie has two upgraded Byakugan eyes injected in his. They are a slightly blue when unactivated and half blue and half white when activated

● Broly has one upgraded Byakugan injected into his left eye. It is slightly green when unactivated and dark green when activated.

● Esumi has one upgraded Byakugan injected into her right eye. It is slightly yellow when unactivated and half yellow and half white when activated.

● Aomatsuna and Esumi know how to perform the gentle fist, rotation, and 64 palms.

● Jabie has sunglasses with light blue lenses on to hide his Byakugan eyes. The sunglasses are actually transformed clones in disguise.

● Broly has a black eyepatch to hide his left Byakugan eye. The eyepatch is actually a clone in disguise.

● Esumi has had a clone transform into her normal glasses but simply hid the view of her Byakugan behind the lenses.

o If a Hyūga uses his Byakugan on either of them he will only see chakra and not the Byakugan.

● Jabie, Esumi, and Broly have enhanced senses, powerful life forces, and enhanced chakra now. (Chapter 55)

● Jabie uses bow and arrows now for his Byakugan.

o Done.

● Sasuke is aware of Itachi's goal of acquiring Naruto.

● Sasuke will gain an interest in Esumi due to Itachi stating how he couldn't defeat her, which made him think less of Sasuke.

● Naruto has the resistance seal on his forehead.

● Broly will use the idea of the chakra absorption technique they learned in the past to combat against genjutsu.

o done

● The Trio of Demons will notice Tsunade's true appearance with their Byakugan, Tsunade's usage of the chakra enhanced strength and learn how to use it

● Can use the hiden techniques of all clan members in Konoha. Broly, Jabie, and Esumi

● Broly, Jabie, and Esumi have taken over a few villages during the two weeks of their family vacation after beating Orochimaru.

o Jabie, Esumi, and Broly left clones to rule over them.

● Jabie has taken an interest in cellular regeneration.

● Broly, Jabie, and Esumi are aware that Naruto Is the nine-tailed Jinchūriki

● Broly, Jabie, and Esumi are chunin now.

● Broly has gained the explosion kekkei genkai

● Jabie has gained the steel kekkei genkai and uses a killer bee and a cockroach for Aburame style jutsus.

● Esumi has gained the swift release kekkei genkai and now uses the Nara clan's shadow style jutsu.

● Jabie did not kill the daughter and son of the steel using chief.

o They both can use steel release

● Iwagakure would follow orders even if it means death

● A full-term pregnancy for a female jinchūriki is about ten months.

● Broly, Jabie, and Esumi took over the village Ryuu and its clan members.

● Broly can fly using wind chakra

● Jabie has created a smithery with his steel release and captured the interest of many fighters with his diverse set of weaponry, various diverse small and big restaurants, made a orphanage, a big beautiful hotel, Hot springs, a hospital filled with medical nin trained by Jabie, a cemetery, a bank, a post office, a zoo, a prison, a park filled with harmless cute animals and beautiful nature (created by Jabie modifying the soil in the ground and placing the animals in a genjutsu.), a barbershop,

o He built a ninja/civilian Academy (That will produce the greatest shinobi in the 5 nations), a ninja/civilian research institute, a library, a statue of Broly, Jabie, and Esumi together, a police force, made up of Dan, Juri, Hoki, and other slaves that Jabie believes is strong enough to protect the village from most forces.

o Fighting Styles in the library are Bursting Fist, Chakra Strength, Arhat Fist, Assassination Jutsu, Loopy Fist, Beast Imitation, Iaido, Sabre Kenjutsu, Silent Fist, Silent Killing, Heavy Fist, Capoeira, Ryūken Fist, Disturbance Taijutsu,

▪ Bursting Fist – After making physical contact insert chakra inside the body or through the body to increase the amount of force. (Palming someone's stomach and a burst of chakra being visibly seen from the opponent's back. Ultimately only increases amount of strength given to attacks with physical contact.)

▪ Chakra Strength - A technique that uses the refine chakra control and concentration required in medical ninjutsu to enhance one's strength to monstrous levels. This is done by storing chakra into one's hands or feet, and releasing it onto the target with pinpoint timing. With this strength, the user can decimate the ground or even kill opponents with a single strike.[1][2] The training for this application is quite arduous

▪ Arhat Fist - This style of combat focuses on simple physical attacks such as palm strikes, shoulder thrusts, knee strikes, and punches

▪ Assassination Fist – Quick harsh blows meant to quickly incapacitate the enemy and take them out.

▪ Loopy Fist - human powerhouses who'll strike unpredictably with an explosive fury and without any second thoughts about their actions. The user's ability to dodge enemy attacks is also seemingly enhanced the more you drink, the drunker you get, and the stronger you become (Only works with the village's special medicine alcoholic brew)

▪ Beast Imitation - This technique grants animal-like accelerated fighting instinct and reflexes to the user. By enveloping their entire body in chakra and moving on all fours, they can obtain high speed movement and reflexes like that of a wild animal. Will add even more to their feral-like appearances; their canine teeth, their finger and toenails grow to claw-like length, their eyes also become more wild with their pupils becoming slits. When under the effects of this technique, an Inuzuka will display great feats of physical strength, speed, agility and endurance. The form is best suited for using and supporting the ferocious "hit-and-run" tactics that the users is well known for, leaving the enemy barely any time to launch a counter attack.

▪ Iaido - a specific style of kenjutsu that is concerned with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard, striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard. The linear motion and force applied to draw the sword from the scabbard results in slashes that are faster and stronger than ones executed with the sword already drawn. The speed at which these techniques can be executed — the initial strike in particular — is such, that when performed by a skilled user, it can prevent enemy shinobi from forming hand seals (and thus ninjutsu), by exploiting the small opening that these movements create. This makes them highly effective against most shinobi

▪ Sabre Style - Through the use of chakra flow, the user channels their chakra through their swords, extending both the reach and cutting ability of the blade, while allowing the user to fire crescents of chakra whenever the blade is swung. This released chakra is capable of great destruction, as shown from how these projectiles completely penetrated a considerable stone pillar, before continuing to damage the immediate surroundings. The samurai have also shown the ability to use shape transformation during the implementation of this technique, sculpting their respective chakra blades into various rudimentary weapons that extend beyond the natural dimensions of their original swords; such as broadswords, spiked shafts and even axes. This capability allows them to rely on smaller swords reminiscent of wakizashi, while attaining greater reach, damage and the possibility of conducting surprise attacks as necessary. This transformational quality also appears to extend to even the crescents of chakra launched from the blade, forming a diverse range of projectiles that includes giant buzzsaws and shafts of chakra, the shape of which are seemingly dependent on the structure of the previously formed weapon.

▪ Silent Fist - able to render his movements completely silent by cloaking himself in chakra. Neji Hyūga likens its usage to the feathers of an owl, as the chakra cloak makes Shira's movements virtually unpredictable.

▪ Silent Killing Style - a soundless method of killing an opponent. Teaches how to move about silently with weapons.

▪ Heavy Fist - cause external damage and break bones. This style of fighting involves smashing your opponent and is generally used only by extremely physically powerful and dominating shinobi

▪ Disturbance Taijutsu - Akin to a warrior's dance performance, Able to rapidly and relentlessly bombard his target, with precision, at various angles and locations. This style, comprised of sheer unpredictable movements, can easily catch his opponents off-guard. Even those who wield the Sharingan have shown to have had trouble keeping up with the movements and were forced to go on the defensive or retreat. Is also able to employ this technique against a multiple of opponents.

▪ Ryūken Fist - The movements, attacks, and blocks are usually performed with very little movement so that they can easily counterattack and conserve their energy to fight for extended periods of time. have to learn thousands of different martial arts and incorporate some of their principles to Kaneko Fist

▪ Capoeira - here as nearly all martial arts rely on a single stance or posture to which the artist and attack and defend from. Capoeira artist rely on constant motion rather than a actual position. This iconic motion is known as the ginga. The constant movement of moving from one foot to the other. The ginga keeps the artist center of gravity from remaining in one place, allowing for an attack from any spot, and making critical strikes increasingly difficult. Forcing them to rely on glancing blows where their attack power is cut in half not nearly as effective for fear of a swift counter if they miscalculate. The movement also allows the artist to force their opponent to remain vigilant and not get comfortable. The constant motion, feints, bobbing and weaving prohibits and discourages attacks and strikes of considerable power, it also does a fantastic job of hiding where a possible attack could originate from. Capoeira attacks are completely centered around powerful swinging kicks and rasterias (sweeping kicks). These kicks are significantly different than most modern martial arts styles. Capoeira kicks allow the user to attack from multiple angles and can be managed while doing handstands and other various forms such as jumping, swinging, and flipping. What makes capoeira especially tricky is the users ability to hid the attacks of capoeira within the actual dance, giving false reads of what is an attack and what is not. Capoeira relies on feints, misdirection and impatience of its enemies to coerce one into attack too soon or too late, or making them hesitate their attacks and leave themselves open. Capoeira's fluid and dancing style movements and unpredictability make it a very dangerous style versus more conventional fighters. To those who have never witnessed the style they often remark of it as Braking Dance Style, remarking it is much like break dancing during a fight. Capoeira artists have also been known to use their elbows, head and fist, but this is not a primary offensive attack within the offensive.

▪ Sticky Fist- Uses the water walking and tree climbing exercise as a homage and by sticking their chakra to their opponent they can put their opponent into a number of holds. It can also lead to other damaging moves

● Crown of Servitude – Forces the wearer to listen to all commands given by Jabie, Esumi, and Broly. Can not harm Jabie, Esumi, and Broly unless given the order to. If Jabie, Esumi, or Broly don't give a proper list of orders to the wearer they can do whatever they please.

● Danzo has acquired some of Broly's blood from Konoha's hospital and gave it to Orochimaru. Sometime in Shippuden show a character with Broly's legendary super saiyan cells and have a little arc around it.

● Broly has given Fu's tailed chakra to Jabie to use.

● Broly has acquired the Hero Water and gave it to Jabie

● Broly has captured Fu and has her inside his village.

● Jabie created a mind control device in the shape of a crown.

o Dan, Hoki, Juri, and Fu are under this device. He has other slaves in this device. Criminal group Shinobazu. Nokizaru Group.

● All shinobi hailed from Broly's village will be known for their demon-like nature in battle or elsewhere. Have an unnatural likeness for fighting. More cruel than necessary. Sometimes very nice and gentle shinobi hail from the village

o Village is called Battle Empire, The Village Hidden in the Galaxy, or Village of Demons

● Khael is Broly's apprentice because he saw a certain trait in her eyes that reminded him of his past. He somewhat lied to Jabie and Esumi about her being useful to him eventually.

● Jabie managed to figure out a way of reproducing Hero Water and uses it on the slaves in drastic times.

o By drinking the water, it allows a ninja to have at least a ten-fold increase in chakra for a short period of time. The chakra increase was so potent that, as Suien demonstrated, the user can create a chakra shield to deflect kunai, similar to the Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven. In exchange for this power, the water shortens the user's life span proportional by the number of times his chakra increased, as Shibuki's father died from the side-effects.

● Show Juri, Dan, and Hoki defending the village with their lives. (Not killing them, but showing them willing to protect it by trying everything they can.)

● Jabie has improved the brains of all the students enrolled in his academy by having them take a required physical and giving them shots that improve the memory area of the brain. It would help them remember the ninja lessons better.

● Jabie will find the creator of the Gravity Seal and will hire him for the village

● The village will have a fuinjutsu part of it.

● Broly and gang will gain knowledge on the Akatsuki from Sasori and Deidara, and maybe more.

o Knowledge of Sasori's poison and an antidote for it

o Complete knowledge of Sasori's puppet technique. (Will then have him write a scroll on it to put inside the library and personally teach Khael all of it) Includes his Human Puppetry technique that allows the user to create puppets from the still-living bodies of humans and still able to create chakra and perform any techniques/kekkei genkai abilities they possessed in life.

o Sasori's brainwashing jutsu

o Iwagakure Kinjutsu - Allows the user to knead chakra into materials. It is likely that the mouths on the user's palms and chest are the result of using this technique.


o Knowledge of Jashin

o An unlimited supply of organs, bones, and such from Hidan

▪ Has his Scythe at the village

o Has three-tails, Two-tails, and 7-tailed chakra available for use.

o Eight Gate's technique

o Body modification jutsu

o Rasengan

o Chakra enhanced Strength technique

o Four Legs Technique

o Adamantine Sealing Chains

o Shadow Imitation Jutsu

o Calorie Control

o Gentle Fist

o Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique

o Chakra absorption jutsu

o Mystical Palm Jutsu/ Chakra Scalpel

o Great Clone Explosion

o Jabie's elemental clone jutsu.

o Aura

o Haoken

o Exploding Insect

o Konan's paper ninjutsu

o Hydrification Technique

o Every village's jutsu

● Jabie's clone has taught Lee, Shino, and Hinata for three years.

o They are jonin level

● Akira is 7 months pregnant

● Khael is skinny.

● Shino, Hinata, Lee knows that Esumi has a ninja village and Sho, Khael, and Fu are a part of it.

● Broly has gained Hidan (Organ Farm), Deidara, Sasori, 7 Tails/ Jinchūriki, 2-tail/Jinchūriki, 3-tails, Juri, Han, and Hoki, Shinobazu, Nokizaru, Daughter and Son of the steel tribe chief, Suigetsu, Itachi,

● Jabie attempted to kill Danzo for his sharingans and arm.

o Will use non-fatal poison next time

● Kankuro is dead.

● Gaara is dead and his tailed beast was extracted.

● Shikamaru is dead.

● Orochimaru is dead.

● Jugo is dead.

● Broly has captured Karen for the purpose of being his first concubine of this world. She's at the village.

● Esumi has gained the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan in her left eye. Knows Tsukuyomi. Knows Genjutsu Reflection. Has Samehada. Knows Amaterasu. Can use Susanoo

● Broly has gained wood release. Hashirama's regeneration.

● Itachi has Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Kagutsuchi.

● Sasuke was sent back to Konoha in a weakened state with two normal eyes.

● Jabie has kidnapped Temari as ransom

● Broly has gained the Rinnegan in his right eye.

● During the war arc show how Karin, Konan, and Temari are doing along with the academy students going on a training mission or something,

● Broly, Jabie, and Esumi know about Obito's Kamui. They know he can't be touched and could get sucked into a different dimension if caught. They know his description.

● Tsuchikage has been mind controlled by Esumi's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

● Jabie has some of Amaterasu's flame in his mouth hand and is capable of producing Amaterasu-filled materials. (With Deidara's clay jutsu type thing"

● Dan has Shisui's sharingan in his right eye and Esumi's old 2 merged sharingan in his left eye

● Levitating metal board that is fueled by chakra batteries.

● Have Obito infiltrate the Demon Village for the Jinchūriki's chakras.


o Broly going wild.

o Khael getting her own mission.

o Fu tagging along with Khael on her mission.

o Sasori and Deidara causing havok.

o Itachi decimating a battlefield.

o Esumi going wild.

o Show Suigetsu, Two-Tailed, Three-Tailed, Fu, Juri, Han, and Hoki

● Some slaves will develop the wood kekkei genkai, dust release, Dead Bone Pulse, Swift release, Storm release, Scorch release, and boil release after the war.

● Killer Bee has lost his right arm.

● Don't forget to take over the Damiyos.

● Sasori has the Fourth Raikage as a human puppet, Dodai, and Atsui as well.

● Esumi has captured the Eight Tails Jinchūriki

● The cloud nin prisoners are being escorted by the iwa-nin, 2-tailed Jinchūriki, and Suigetsu. The iwa nin will be captured by the police force at the village along with Jabie.

● Don't forget about how the slaves had three days to destroy Kumogakure and release their urges on its citizens.

● Deidara completely blew up Kirigakure.

● Broly has Hiramekarei and the Mizukage.

● Show the rewards given to the slaves for their war effort.

● Ōnoki is dead.

● Dan, Hoki, and Juri left a clone in Sunagakure.

● Jiraiya lost his left arm

● Broly has grown to his original height.

● The group no longer hide their stolen eyes.

● Jabie has acquired Danzo's body. Will take his wood style and sharingans

● Grandpa frog sage is dead.

● All the jutsus over the elemental nations

o Microscopic jutsus

● Kakashi's sharingan (Kamui) was taken by Broly and is in the Hidden Demon Village.

● Kakashi died

● Jabie has Sasuke's two new Mangekyō Sharingan eyes that can teleport wherever the user can see and heal all damages done to them (Will then close for 15 seconds)

● Jabie created a clone of Sasuke for his Uchiha genetics and will spread it across his village so that his village will grow their own sharingans.

● Hidden Demon Village knows the Summoning Jutsu Reanimation technique.

● Esumi has the treasured tools of the sage of six paths.

● Akira, Jhin, and Haku lives in the castle at the village.

● Esumi gained Sage Mode.

● Karin is pregnant.

● Byakugan possibilities

o Medical purposes

o Archery

o Elemental natures + Gentle fist techniques

o Sage Mode

o Another highly useful ability the Byakugan offers to its users, the capability of looking at every single element in the battlefield: every enemy trap, every enemy, every potential tool, every potential strategic point, everything useful for your fight. This gives the Byakugan remarkable capabilities for warfare and allows the user to use the information of the battlefield in order to make better strategic decisions and counter every single trap the enemy put on the battlefield. In an actual war were you are constantly attacked by the enemy and you traps are everywhere, the Byakugan will provide incredible protection to its user. Many tried to undergrade this feature when it was revealed the sharingan was capable of seeing chakra, but they tend to forget that the Byakugan has a hell of a lot more insight than the sharingan as Kakashi himself said. It can see what goes on in your chakra flow and your organism. It can immediately detect how armed the enemy is making the user less likely to be surprised with a hidden trap or concealed weapon becoming many steps ahead of his/her enemy.

This insight is also as useful in other fields than battles. It can for example be used by medical nins for getting a diagnose of disease and wounds allowing a more efficient medical treatment; So the Byakugan can save lives. And also it can be used for means such as interrogation: by checking the prisoner's while they giving vital information, the Byakugan can detect lies and knows when somebody is BSing you. Also, as Neji showed in the Chūnin exams, it can help you gather accurate information from an entire room without even moving. Very useful abilities if you ask me.

o Chakra from every tenketsu is more broken than you think. Imagine this: most ninja only use their palms or mouth to form jutsu. A Byakugan user can do this from anything. Someone is backstabbing? Emit a wave of fire from your back. You can emit chakra from your hands, feet, knees, eyes (as seen in the Anime, and as one can logically deduce, the eyes are tenketsu), head, everything.

o If you wanted to make them more effective in canon? Like everyone said - diversify. Also, they're supposed to have amazing chakra control, but do almost nothing with it. Honestly, the Gently Fist would be scarier if it straight-out targeted organs rather than Tenketsu, or went for lethal areas immediately. Furthermore, why did no Hyūga combine it with Chakra Scalpels? Imagine how terrifying Neji with those would have been - not only are you doing internal damage, but you've got a few extra inches to strike too, and you can sever rather than pierce (more damage). And that's the basic stuff - why did they never get into Archery? Seriously, fire chakra arrows at things. Chakra flow through a bow on a lightning-element Hyūga means that you're literally shooting through whatever barrier you want from a kilometer away. If you really need a second stage? Have it focus inwards and lead to a better understanding of the user's Tenketsu and chakra flow by being able to see the way their own chakra manifests. Maybe they can cast seal-less jutsu, or multiple jutsu at the same time (by isolating the chakra molding) or maybe they have more techniques that use chakra expelled from their 361 tenketsu. Imagine how utterly terrifying a Hyūga Puppeteer would be - if you could use all of them, that's potentially 361 chakra threads, more than even Sasori had at his best. I imagine you could do other things with that. If you really want bullshit-tier shenanigans, have it give them such an understanding of chakra that they can effortlessly become sages or actively use natural chakra to take control of the jutsu/chakra emissions of their foes. Like catching/redirecting fireballs, bending lightning, and holing in on their opponents with every attack they use. Also, add multi-tasking capabilities.

o IMO if Neji became a medic nin, the most amazing change would be to his fighting style. Neji could use the chakra scalpel like Kabuto and with his new knowledge as a medic nin he could systematically take his opponent apart. Neji's way better at taijutsu then Kabuto, so you can imagine what he would be capable of. With the chakra scalpel he could create a new style, where he targets nerves, organs and vital arteries. His chakra control would allow him to make a chakra scalpel fine enough to reach deep inside his opponent. With his Byakugan he would be able to pinpoint vital spots. He could rip and cut his opponent's vitals. He could even use his new found knowledge of the human body to make Jyuuken more deadly. By pressing certain tenketsu he can affect the body adversely through the chakra circulatory system, which is linked with the body. Imagine if he touched a tenketsu in the head and stopped the chakra flow to an area in the brain. He could possibly shut down other organs or affect the body adversely by touching a tenketsu linked with a vital organ or artery. If he gets really good at it, he may be able to increase his reflexes and the speed of his thoughts dramatically through tenketsu connected to the brain

These elemental hand-seals are used by ninjutsu users who have not yet mastered or trained in elemental manipulation. They are, just like the other seven "normal" seals, crutches, as they allow someone who normally has no power over a given element to make use of jutsu that use that element.

However, these five hand-seals are considered to be more vital and important than the other seven, because unlike those seven, the elemental seals cannot be dropped or ignored simply by improving one's control. Only mastery of an elemental training exercise would allow someone to drop an elemental hand-seal, because only mastering the ability to shift the elemental nature of their chakra to another element would render an elemental seal obsolete.

Shape manipulation regards changing the macroscopic behavior of a mass of chakra, ie. causing it to take a rigid form or move in a given direction. Nature manipulation involves changing the activity of the chakra on very small scales, ie. making it slippery or brittle

Elemental Training

● Earth – Solidity, Resistance to change, Weight

● Fire – Heat,

o Burn the center of the leaf, but not the edge

● Water Viscosity, Adaptation to change, pressure, weight

▪ Mist, Bubbles, Weight, Viscosity (sticky),

o Bring the moisture out of a leaf and pool it at the top

o Separate water from other liquids

● Wind – Manipulating existing air around you to power your techniques(Via cutting/pushing/blowing)

o Blow out candles from a distance

o Slicing a leaf/waterfall in half

o Cut kunai in half

● Lightning - Penetration

o Attempt to spread lighting chakra all over the leaf and make it crinkle.

o Lighting a light bulb without having it explode or flicker on and off.

● Final part of elemental training – Incorporating the nature into a jutsu

● Easy elemental training - creating a lightning current between for instances two conductive senbo and progressively add more, and go into less conductive materials

● Medium - nun-conductive materials, rubber for instances. Another possible one would be the lightning bulb with progressively stronger resistances

Fire-Flame-like high-temperature chakra that burns everything it touches to a crisp. It has the additional effect of setting the target aflame, and stands besides Wind as an offense-specialized style.

Wind -Blade-like chakra to behead, split and sever anything and anyone. Used with special ninja tools or in jutsu, it has the best offensive ability in close to medium range.

Lightning-Easy to diffuse, it has good compatibility with medium to long range jutsu. Infused into a metallic weapon, it adds harming and killing efficiency, as well as electrocution...!!

Earth -The Nature that alters everything in solidity and composition. If one masters it, it is possible to give jutsu or objects the resistance of steel and the flexibility of clay.

Water-A good compatibility with various Shape Alterations. Creating a mist to hide oneself, or a tidal wave for confinement, it is greatly beneficial for supporting purposes.

● Shape transformation is one of two necessary components for creating or modifying a technique, the second component being nature transformation. While shape transformation changes the form and movement of chakra, nature transformation changes the actual nature of the chakra, altering its properties and characteristics