Update Complete

Deep within the Silent Desert there lies a humongous rocky plateau, for centuries the area was silent, drab, and most of all desolate. Whether living or undead, people subconsciously avoided the area, myths spread and legends started, some saying that the tall plateau was in fact the end of a weapon, once wielded by a god during the Great War all those millennia ago, others state that it is the reverse end of a demons horn, which was cut off and fell, eventually piercing deep into the sand below.

However no matter what the true story to the area may be, the desolate area now has a new owner. A shade embraced with love by the very natures of darkness and death, embittered by the tragedy of its past life and forever vengeful against those who spite it. With a newfound desire for revenge against humanity for betraying it, the shade, Azazel, plots his next move to force his way into the human realm up above.


"I WILL KILL THEM ALL!" Screamed Azazel hysterically, clutching his head so tightly that his newfound sharp fingers pierced into the side of his head, trying desperately to stay sane, however the desire for vengeance was slowly corroding his sanity and replacing it with the primal urge for slaughter and revenge commonly found within the Shade species.

Onlookers would notice that the sky above the plateau was now slowly being covered with what seemed like thunderclouds, with green streaks every now and then shooting sharply through the drab and dark grey which they consisted of. A sight which would astonish many both as the Silent Desert is known for its perpetually clear skies and lack of any sort of noise, with even wind itself seemingly absent from the desert, and also as Death Mana dense enough to form green lightning has never been seen by the local inhabitants.

Azazel was trying anything he could to calm down, even going to far as to smash his head repeatedly against the solid black ground of the Mana pool, however he was slowly losing control over his body and his now black and green core, with his eyes slowly turning from their original bright red into a deathly shade of green. The more control over himself he lost, the more his body would rely on its instinct as a shade, whereby it would subconsciously draw Mana from the Death Crystal into itself, trying to strengthen itself so it could get its revenge and slaughter Azazel's enemies.

However Azazel's instinct seemed to know no limits, and was just kept absorbing more and more Mana, at this rate it seemed as if Azazel would die before he managed to even consider any sort of revenge.

"Is this it? This is how I die again? How pathetic, just when I relearned the truth about my past, when I was planning to claw my way back and get my revenge... Haaah, I've totally lost control of my body now, I wonder how the guys will react when they find out that I'm gone... I hope they miss me, they're like the only family I have now." Slowly spoke out Azazel while turning his head towards the sky, watching the newly formed thunderclouds filled with Death Mana as his mind turns hazier and hazier.

*DING* Update Complete, Reloading System... 10.. 9.. 8..

Shuddering in shock from the sudden voice in his head, Azazel's mind slightly cleared up, "Ezra? Is that you? I thought that you needed five years, I thought that I would never hear your voice again." He spoke out slowly, spending most of his attention on preventing his mind corroding even more.

*DING* System Reloaded

*DING* Hi Azazel, It is me indeed, your body had a sudden intake of high quality Mana which you didn't need, the system hence took the Mana for itself, dramatically speeding up the updating process. Would you like to receive the information on your Heritage?

"Ha, Ezra, now's not really the time" Azazel said through gritted teeth, his body shivering more with every passing second. "Any idea on how I can get out of this situation? Or am I still gonna have to die again." He spoke out urgently hoping for Ezra to have a solution to his instinct as a Shade trying to devour him.

*DING* Your race has affected your mind negatively, solutions are to use system points to purchase a skill to increase your willpower, revert your recent evolution, or lastly to change into a new species entirely. However the last two options aren't recommended or you will fall behind the other inheritors.

"Other inheritors again... I'll hear about that later, for now though I agree with buying a skill to increase my willpower... just one problem though, I haven't got any System Points left." Azazel spoke out, quickly getting his hopes up upon hearing that there were solutions, only for those hopes to be dashed once he realised he had no system points.

*DING* You actually do, from completing the Side Quest to establish a foothold in the Silent Desert region, while updating the system still kept tabs on what you were upto. This area is covered in your Mana and counts as your territory, plus you now have your own subordinates, so the quest is complete, congratulations.

*DING* Side Quest Complete - Establish a foothold in the Silent Desert Region, Rewarded 10000SP + 5 Levels

"Guuarrgh! Crap it hurts, it's like my head is splitting itself apart, quickly Ezra, open the Shop and show me all skills to improve willpower!" Azazel roared out after having a sudden outburst of pain.

*DING* Opening Shop, Showing Willpower related skills...

(Skills with small passive increases to Willpower)

- Curse Resistance (Basic - Passive) - 4000SP

- Darkness Resistance (Basic - Passive) - 2000SP

- Mind Control (Basic - Active) - 5000SP

(Skills with large active increases to Willpower)

- Strengthened Soul (Basic - Passive) - 10000SP

- Soul Cultivation (Basic - Active) - 1000SP

"Show me the details of 'Strengthened Soul' and 'Soul Cultivation', since the others will only passively increase my willpower by a small amount, I don't think they would get me out of this situation."

*DING* Showing Skills -

Strengthened Soul, doubles the strength of the skill holders soul, will not increase soul strength over time. (Effects - INTx5, WISx5)

Soul Cultivation, has unlimited potential in soul growth, depends on time spent practicing the skill. (Effects - INTx1.5 per Rank Advance Including Basic, WISx1.5 per Rank Advance Including Basic)

"Strengthened Soul seems to be the most obvious choice to save me but... if it's a one time use then I might get a better effect if I acquire the skill when my INT and WIS are higher. Ezra how high can I take Soul Cultivation with my SP?" Azazel asked pushing aside the thoughts of a quick gain for long term power.

*DING* It costs five times the previous amount to increase in rank, for example spending 1000SP on Soul cultivation, you can then spend 5000SP to increase it from Basic to Apprentice, however to go to Adept would require 25000SP

Floating in the depths of the murky grey Mana Pool and fighting to maintain his sanity, Azazel is thinking about which choice he should make, 'I had 23 INT and 27 WIS when I last checked my stats, I've become stronger and even evolved since then so they should be higher, but even if they're not, with strengthened soul they would become 115 and 135 respectively, a massive boost, whereas soul cultivation at apprentice would take me up to at least 51 and 60 assuming my stats don't round up, not as high but it shows greater potential in the long run...

After what seems like hours due to the silence, Azazel came to a decision. "Ezra I've decided, purchase Soul Cultivation and take it upto Apprentice using SP.

*DING* Purchase complete, Soul Cultivation Purchased, Upgrading Skill Complete, Soul Cultivation Levelled To Apprentice.