Year 2800 in the solar system.
From the year 2500 until 2627 the earth confronted a major problem. Due to the popularity of virtual reality (vr from now on) games, the biggest companies used all their power to further advance in the technology used for vr games.Although other technologies where improving too, the difference was enormous. This caused Earth resources be nearly depleted and the sudden investment of all the countrys and companies in technology to travel to the other planets. This period of time was called "Earth crisis", it started in 2580 and finalized at 2627 with the migration from 99.7% of humans in Earth to other planets. The reason it took so long was because they had to create technology to colonize the planets.
Even though vr technology was the one that advanced the most, the other technology were able to achieve this task with enough investment and time, it only became a big problem because there was not much time and resources. The year 2627 is called "New start" for what it means and symbolizes. Is important to say that the moment the vr reached the state of 70% of synchronization of the 5 senses in 2463 with the creation of the game "fantasy world", the quality and entertainment that gave, made the popularity of vr games rise to the level all the people played it and it was as a new world with magic and monsters. From then on, companies starting investing and improving this games, making them the focus of all humans entertainment related activities.
Now in 2800, the earth only has 100 million people living there, and in order to prevent the earth from dying, only 0.5% of the technology was allowed to be used, and it was technology from 2600. This made the earth the only planet that had books of paper available, because the technology was only available to the "wealthy people" on earth. No big companies remained in earth, and there were only small ones that supply the basic living needs, such as water,food,education and a house.
Now a upgrade in technology has appeared and it's a new discovery in redirection of the (as said a thousand years ago, electricity,what way better in all aspects) erio. It now makes possibly trespass erio to any device between the solar system without needing anything to conduct it. This is now possibly with a instrument that allows energy to "teleport" to other place. This will change the live of our hero forever.