Chapter 15:New year, new game.

The old man tells me that I can call him Quiron and then he asks me: do you want to learn martial arts with weapons or without them?. To this of course I say that I want to learn both.

Quiron then says: what weapons do you want to learn using?. -"I don't know yet, give me some time to think about it." -"Okey, I'll give you one month to think about it. Of martial arts without using weapons I'm going to choose for you. One month later, when you decide your weapons I'll start teaching you in both martial arts."


I tell Quiron of the exercises I've been doing this summer and he tells me to keep doing them and he adds some more. He then goes and asks all the students to make a letter with the training they've been doing, the martial arts and how proficient are with it. At the end of the week he'll make a combat test and give his recommendations to the students. The clash finishes and we go to the next one.


While we are going to the next class a huge projection appears and we see a middle-age man wearing a hood. The man starts to speak and says: "- A new game will appear at the end of the year. The old game will disappear and be replaced. There's still two months before the new year, prepare well." When his voice fades I'm so excited that I want to jump and soar through the sky.

Nothing could be better for me than a new game in which I'll start at the same time than all the powers in the solar system. I was going to have a really hard time getting to the top in the other game with the other powers having a huge advantage in all aspects, what now only the disadvantages of being alone without a backing power remained.


"Now I have a higher chance in making my dream come true" was all I could think about it. I want to start laughing and jumping of joy, what considering where I am I don't do anything and I keep going to the class. When we get there I see a woman. She looks in her 20s and is incredible beautiful, my new teacher of philosophy. This will be interesting. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


When all of us are in a seat, the teacher presents herself and says that her name is Annabeth.

She then ask us: "- why do you practice martial arts?, what do you use them for?" Anyone can talk, one by one respecting each other's opinions , like a debate. "

I like this kind of class and I prepare my self to talk but before I'm able to say something, Artemis starts to talk.