Chapter 15: When Fire Meets Ice (2)

"Stop it!", Kai shouted with anger. His loud voice echoed through the room. His eyebrows stitched together and his lips narrowed into a thin line. He was irritated with the screaming of the wailing baby and Susan's tone-deaf high pitched and irritating voice.

"Guards! Kick this girl out immediately. I don't want to see her here any second longer!", he ordered, his eyes were so dark, his glare seemed to have silenced everyone, with the slightest of noise had vanished from the room.

Guards entered the room and quickly clung to Susan. One of the guards set the baby back on the floor.

"No, stop it! Wait! I'm not done yet!", Susan flailed and screamed like a baby.

"This is absurd", said Alena, finally breaking her silence on the matter.

"Says who?", asked Kai, his voice laced with a mocking tone. His face twisted into a mocking face. His beautiful and delicate features were twisted and looking creepy. "The one who's greedy enough to come here? You have no right to complain", his dominating voice was the loudest in the room.

"Who said I don't have the right to complain? Just because I came here for money doesn't mean I'll do whatever you command", sneered Alena. Her blue eyes burning with fire and passion. She glared at Kai.

Kai's eyes widened. He quickly hid his shock and glared back at her.

"How dare you speak back to me. You're just a mere pawn", he smirked, resting his face on his right hand.

"Is that what you think of others? I'm not surprised", spoke Alena. Her face was emotionless, her face was hard to read.

"I'm ready to be your pawn, Kai! I will do whatever you ask me to do", begged Susan, her eyes pleaded as Kai's eyes met hers.

"Guards, what are you waiting for?", Kai cast a glare at the direction of his guards. The guards fumbled but quickly grabbed a flailing, screaming and bawling Susan out of the room and away from everyone's sights.

"I will never forget this!", her last words echoed in the lavish and luxuriously decorated room as she attempted futilely to leave with some last threatening words. A few heaved a sigh of relief after the source of annoyance was finally dragged out of the room.

The room fell silent until the wailing baby's voice filled the room again. Alena's heart wrenched in pain for the baby as she quickly rushed towards the baby and picked him up.

"Where is the mother of this child?", Alena's bold and confident eyes stared in the direction of Mr Russell, demanding some answers.

Before Russell could speak a word, he was stopped. When Kai noticed Russell open his mouth Kai raised his hand indicating Russell to stop.

"Why does it matter to you, Ms Matchstick?", Kai smirked mockingly. His beautiful features were truly twisted but no matter who the girl was, girls never minded his appearance be it cold or disgusting. They would always fawn over him.

Hugging the baby close to her body, Alena cradled to hush the baby, rubbing his back as she eased him to sleep. "Where is his mother?", asked Alena again, this time she looked straight into the eyes of Kai. Her bravery was admiring, even more since she chose to ignore his demeaning words and his scary and threatening demeanor.

"It has nothing to do with you", Kai spoke and quickly turned his head towards Arnold and commanded him to continue with the interview process. He was satisfied so far as barely 2 contestants were left and there was nothing Mr Arnold could do to stop the turning of the events. Things were getting interesting for Kai.

"I am not continuing with the process. I refuse to participate", Alena's eyes displayed a determination everyone else was shocked to witness.

"I-I am leaving", with this the other contestant before Alena ran out of the room, surprising everyone in the room.

"Seems like you're the only one left, Miss Alena Flameheart", slurred Kai like a snake. He hopped off his throne.

"Are you sure you don't want to continue?", Kai stared at the calmly sleeping baby in her arms. The baby rested peacefully on her shoulder and displayed a blissful and content face. For some reason Kai felt an irk, looking at how peacefully the baby slept in her arms. A part of him wished she'd touch him with such gentleness too. He felt like something was wrong with him when this sort of thought came to his mind and he quickly shook his head to forget about it.

Alena sighed, "Where is his mother? I'm asking for the last time", Alena's determined eyes were a beautiful blue. They intrigued Kai even more. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

Kai walked close to Alena and leaned forward to kiss her lips but stopped just a few centimetres before his lips touched Alena's. He was too close. If he hadn't halted, he would've almost kissed her.

Alena was slightly shocked and disgusted, she pushed him away with her free hand.

"I'm not interested in stealing a kiss from you. Your looks don't impress me, Miss Flameheart.", Kai smirked and mocked Alena, his face looked nasty and full of assumptions. This further irked Alena. Kai waved his hand dismissing it, acting all high and mighty. Alena clenched her jaw.

Alena didn't speak a word for a while. She didn't feel like it was worth her time but she sure was irritated. The colour of her face had changed and her features contorted to give off a more serious and angrier look.

"Tell me who his mother is, where is she?", Alena glared at Kai. She wanted to slap him. She couldn't tolerate how entitled he looked at the moment. She was disgusted by him.

"It has nothing to do with you. Leave if you don't have anything else to do or say", glared Kai, his eyes were as dark and cold as a snowy winter night. You could feel the distantness by merely looking into his eyes.

The room was covered in a weird tension. Certainly, now that both had witnessed a different side to each other, their third encounter today hadn't been a pleasant one. It was certainly not what either had expected of each other.

Looking at the tension that was growing stronger each passing moment in between them, Mr Arnold decided to cut the silence and was the first one who initiated a conversation, "Master Kai, we had come here to choose a suitable companion for you. Seems like no one else is left, Miss Flameheart", he cast a glance in the direction of Alena.


To be continued....

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