Chapter 17: The Silver Haired Boy

Kai who witnessed the whole scene felt a sense of intrigue but he soon dismissed it.

'I don't know what this old man is thinking, bringing her here like this without her consent. What does he want to achieve?'

'I thought she would get rejected and yet she did a great job at handling the baby. She is ... certainly a little different from the others but to have her as my maid?! I don't want that... or do I?'

Kai was busy in his thoughts and made a dark expression on the outside. It scared the maids and butlers who saw it. They were wondering if the young master was in a bad mood and if he were to fire someone today. They all focused on their wok in order to not make any mistakes that would end up laying them off.

Alena was asked to sit down at a sofa set that was aligned in the main hall area. She pulled out her phone and decided to pass her time on it. She felt tensed and maybe playing with her phone would keep her distracted and calm in this bizarre situation.

She wanted to text her parents but worried if it could get them worried. Then she decided to drop a text saying she will be home late, asking her parents to have their dinner and not wait for her. It would certainly still get them worried though but dropping the message was a better idea.

Technically, Mr Arnold had kidnapped her but he was not your basic kidnapper. He was a world class butler and the head butler of Rumaro household. He was a man who knew what to do and how to do and had his own ways.

After 10-15 minutes had passed, during which Alena was busy playing her game, she was called to a room with a big door. The maid accompanying her knocked on the door to alert their arrival. It was a study room.

"Miss Flameheart, please take a seat", indicted Mr Arnold to the chairs situated opposite to him on the massive mahogany table with a big chair on the other side beside which he stood.

Alena sat down, her face was calm although she was a little nervous. She needed to keep her cool so they would let her go easily with her cooperation.

"Miss Alena Flameheart, I apologize for bringing you here at the mansion on such a short notice but there was something I would like to discuss with you in private so it had to be done"

"The reason being our young master Kai.", Mr Arnold's stern face softened with emotions that reflected in his eyes.

"He requires assistance. He needs a caretaker for him. Such a young boy and yet he would spend all his time in isolation which is extremely concerning. His doctor suggested we find a companion for him. Since young master Kai wouldn't agree to it himself, we decided to hire a maid for him"

"A maid who would be a caretaker?", asked Alena, her expression was serious, matching Arnold's which pleased Arnold.

"Yes. It's a disguise but it's a full time job of a maid. The main job is to actually become a companion, a friend for young master Kai. This is why I had to use those means to get you here, Miss Flameheart. Just look at the boy, he wouldn't even smile", Mr Arnold handed her a bunch of photographs consisting of a little boy. The boy in the picture had silver hair. These pictures were pictures of Kai's childhood until teenage years. He truly didn't smile even in a single one of them.

"You are the perfect candidate for this job, considering you're of his age as well" he added. Alena stared at the pictures as Arnold continued.

"Please give it a careful thought. We require someone who could connect well with him. Think carefully about it and then answer me if you're up for the job. You're free to go now. The driver will drop you home once you give him your address", with that Mr Arnold left the room.

When she had arrived here, the sun was setting. Now it was dark outside. Mr and Mrs Flameheart were worried about their daughter and decided to call her. It was late, yet she still hadn't arrived home.

Alena was still in the car when she received the call.

As soon as Alena arrived Mrs Flameheart huggged Alena tightly. Then Mr Flameheart hugged her. After eating dinner together, Mr and Mrs Flameheart asked Alena about her day. She told them everything except the abduction part to avoid causing worry to her parents and told them she was at the interview area only. They all shared their story of their day before retiring to bed.

Alena thought about it the whole night until she dosed off to sleep. The next day was a Saturday. It was time for house chores and her usual work at the cafe.

It's not like Kai actually believed she was a greedy woman but with a face like that could one really not be tempted for the money? Could one really think she was as pure as she appeared? She looked innocent, sweet and had such a pretty and feminine face, her features could mesmerize anyone. He couldn't blame Ruco for chasing after her but that dog was certainly out of line.

Even though Kai was not interested in having a maid but since it was Alena he was a bit tempted and intrigued. Although her true nature and intentions were yet to be tested out before he could have her as his maid. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her. There was something about her, he couldn't point out what it was but there was something drawing him towards her.

He shook his head as he tried to focus on the book in his hands. He was distracted yet again and that too by that woman!