Chapter 23: The Forced Meeting

They all chatted for a while more before going to attend their classes. As usual, Alena went to work at the café after school today as well. She was about to resume her duties after a short break when the manager knocked on the door and asked Alena to come out. Apparently, some people had come to meet with her.

"There are some people who want to see you and have a talk with you," said the cafe manager Mrs. Hales.

Some men in black suits who looked intimidating were waiting for Alena near the counter. They looked terrifying and had s silent but strong demeanour.

"H-Hello, how may I help you?", asked Alena stumbling over her words. Her hands were sweaty looking at the 5 men in black.

"You are Miss Alena Flameheart? You need to come with us." One of them said, he had a scar on his cheek. His face was so serious and stiff as if it were a thick plank of wood. His appearance and the scar itself made him look pretty intimidating. People would mistake him for a gang leader rather than a bodyguard if they saw him in casual clothes. The scar on his face must have a deep and dark story behind it.

"To where? What is the matter, sir? I don't know you, so I cannot come with you," Alena took a step back. She was baffled but also felt something was suspicious staring at those intimidating men with a look of disbelief or non-trust.

"We're here to take you to the Rumaro Mansion. Miss Alena, you have to come with us. Please don't force us", the man with the scar warned. The name tag on his jacket read 'Simon'. 'Simon', a name that was simple but for a man who didn't look as simple as his name.

"Why would you force me? I have the right to say no. Besides I don't even know you, how can I trust you blindly and follow you?", Alena placed her hands on her hips, her eyes looking straight into Simon's unwaveringly, almost challenging him.

Simon's expression didn't change it was still as stiff as before but he was a little impressed by her courage, a glint of shine appeared in his empty eyes.

"Miss, please try to understand. This is our job and we were assigned to pick you up. We don't want to use force against you but we have orders to retrieve you. It would be better if you come with us of your own will without us using any kind of force", he spoke patiently but with a manner that would instil dominance and fear. His voice and words were still threatening and demanding.

Alena grabbed her smartphone and started tapping the digits on her keypad but suddenly her phone was snatched away by one of Simon's colleagues.

"It's useless Miss Alena, the police won't help you. Please don't make this any more difficult for us." said the man who snatched her phone away. The underlings of Simon surrounded her. Mrs Hales looked pale the colour of her face had faded, she didn't know what to say or do.

Everyone inside the cafe who was witnessing the scene stood straight like mannequins. No one dared to step in and try to help. Their faces were marked with fear and looked pale with cold sweat dripping off their faces. People were whispering but no one stepped up to help her out, not even the pale looking manager who was witnessing everything from the corner.

"Miss Alena Flameheart, it would be wise if you come with us now, you just have to get in the car and we will drive you to the mansion like we were ordered to do," Simon looked at Alena trying to instil fear in her but at the same time trying to persuade her to come with them.

Alena heaved a sigh and decided to go with them, after all, she didn't have any other choice. No one stepped in to help her plus she could always use her head to come out of a sticky situation.

She wondered how long this will keep happening but decided that she needed to stay positive and believe the situation would improve. Her face was stern, her will determined. 'I can do this', she told herself inside her head to keep herself going.

They escorted her to a car, it was a black Volvo xc90. One man was seated beside her to make sure she doesn't try to escape.

Alena smiled the sides of her eyes crinkled, and her brows stitched together. She was trying to be optimistic and nice but in the end, she was just confused. She was still a little terrified, her face showed obvious signs of nervousness. She took some deep breaths and decided to listen to her favourite music. Music always helped in calming her down. She pulled out her earphones and her smartphone (which was returned to her).

After reaching the Rumaro Mansion, she was led straight to the study room, where Kai was seated on a giant leather chair and Head Butler Mr Arnold stood next to him silently like an obedient servant.

"How was your journey, Miss Flameheart? We apologise to have called you suddenly like this. Please take a seat" Arnold said pushing a glass of water in front of him towards the seat opposite Kai. Alena took a seat and drank the water.

"Why have you brought me here again? One of the guards almost confiscated my phone. This is not acceptable, Mr Arnold. You cannot force someone to come here like this, in fact, you shouldn't force anybody to come here like this," she stared at Mr Arnold without glancing even once at Kai, her voice was stern. Although her face made her appearance look fragile but currently she was not fragile at all. Especially with her words.

This bothered Kai a little, that she didn't even look at him once. He ignored the emotion that kept nagging him and continued to observe her.

"I apologise Miss Flameheart but we need an answer from you as soon as possible", Arnold said calmly, he was handling the situation well.

"You very well know I could sue you or call the cops on you, right? For forcing me to come here against my will," Alena said sternly again, standing her ground. Her demeanour presented her as strong. She was ready to fight with anyone right now, that's how angry she was. She had good control over herself and her anger, thus she didn't act irrationally.

"Yes, we are aware of your rights but it doesn't need to go that far, Miss Flameheart," Arnold said as his spectacles reflected light. The reflection almost made his eyes unable to be seen. He continued, "Our goal is simple. We simply want you to join us and work for us," he said with a slight smile on his face, trying to show friendliness and gain trust.

"Why is that? Why do you require only me to the point of forcefully bringing me here against my will? I mean you can easily select other highly qualified candidates for the same position again, then why only me?" inquired Alena with suspicion in her voice. She didn't trust the friendliness being shown to her and refused to let her guard down.

"We need you. That is why." He continued, "Plus if you join us we will provide you with benefits as well such as taking full responsibility for your school fees, your living expenses and also a handsome salary that would help you ease the burden of your familial financial conditions. In my opinion, this is a good deal for the both of us, Miss Flameheart," said Arnold assuringly.

"Why are you willing to take my financial burden? Also, how do you know about my family's financial condition? Did you actually investigate me? Is this an attempt to lure me with money just so you could force me to take the job? Why should I accept this? Besides, it doesn't have to be me" Alena still stood affirmed and strong on her viewpoint. She was not easy to negotiate with.

"Think about your parents who are suffering from the financial burden of your education, your father's institute, your mother's beauty parlour that is also not making enough money to support the day to day living expenses. Think about it properly, child."

He continued, "This deal will be beneficial for both of us. It will reduce the burden of finances from your family's shoulders because as far as I know, the school fees is still a little on the higher side for your family to pay for and afford. Since you don't hail from a rich family that is. Isn't that the reason why you're working in that shop after school? Just to support your family?" Arnold said as a matter of factly, stating all the facts as if it were data he had read from a profile.

"Oh, so you did a proper background check on me?" asked Alena in a low voice. She was taken aback. "No wonder you know so much about me and my family."

She was sure now that her family and their conditions had been investigated by Mr Arnold. He truly was not a man to be underestimated.

"Yes, we had to. After all, we need to ensure what kind of person you are before we decide to hire you," said Arnold as his face turned dark and he pushed his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. Finally confirming Alena's suspicions by this revelation.

Kai was only an onlooker today. He did not participate and only wished to witness what was going on. So far, the situation was intriguing him more and more.