Immortal Dies

"Farmer that's it,its just displaying farmer what the fuck is going on?"

Bang !

After exclaiming his anger he kicked the huge slate like structure containing super conscious and smirked,

"get destroyed for angering the all god you idiot piece of shit hahahaha, wait what ,its not broken and what is this pain in my ankle …..aaaaaaaaaa"

Alsezh started to breathe heavily after going through the pain and again cursed "this super Mario is just a piece of shit.... no wait what was it called again…. yes, super conscious".


"sigh....rotten, this world has become so rotten I don't feel like living anymore".

This was a normal day and one of the 2 sentences often spoken by Zhang Sen more like the the All God Zhang Sen, the other sentence was,

"I miss those days where I had a harem, those fucking literally fucking days"

Zhang Sen was the most powerful person In this universe he had lived for thousands of millenniums, but was in a really miserable state right now, why you ask?

Well Millions of years back Zhang Sen also known as the legacy destroyer at that time, not because he was brutal and killed everyone but because he was a very big womanizer almost having slept with an unknown number of women and making them his followers. This resulted in lack of female population available for males to marry and leave behind their own legacies.

Many also called him the brutal fucker but met with early death in hands of Zhang sen and a batch of people who started spreading rumors that 'truth makes man angry' were also killed by him.

Yes, Zhang sen was a very powerful being, one of the top most during those days, a truth no one could deny. But During a fateful day when the heavens will wielder also known as 'the all god' died due to unknown reasons, as only a single person could attain this position at a time there was a very big fight among top cultivators to gain that position and Zhang sen was the one who had the last laugh(literally).

"hahaha finally I can become the all god, the peak of cultivation where I dreamt of standing alone is finally in my hand"

And thus he became the All god!

But millions of years later he finally realized how much of a wicked and huge bate this position was and he started laughing pathetically,

"hahaha what a fool I am, I became invincible and immortal and now no one can bother me, neither my feelings of love, hate, anger and happiness nor my beloved ones who died long back, this is not a boon but a curse a huge curse called immortality".

Zhang sen was really bored after living for so many years. He had done everything that came to his mind for fun, for excitement, for desire but as time passed by those emotions of his vanished and were replaced by a single feeling of lonliness and boredome.

He had seen his loved one's die while he lived, he did extend there lives but there could only be one immortal. Standing at the peak, one could never test the feeling of falling down or climbing up there was nothing but silence at the peak,silence that could be endured for some time but not for too long.

There was even a mssg from the previous all god saying

"you are most welcome to have my position strongest being alive or should I say biggest fool alive hahaha"

Zhang sen discarded it thinking they were mere words of an old fool but afterwards he realized what it really meant.

Zhang sen searched for a way to dissipate his powers and life force but couldn't

"I did so much hard work to become immortal and it did pay off (smiles pathetically) but just to bite back in my ass like a rabid dog"

he also tried to kill him with his own power and weapons but couldn't do so.

But one fine day he suddenly became aware of his invincibility and immortality and his eyes sparkled, a thought came in his mind that,

"every all god was given a special power called all killer power (power that can kill anyone) if it can kill anyone then why not himself just as this though came in his mind he tried another suicide attempt…."

Crackle buzzz,

Shock! a very big shock could be seen in his eyes as he had never experienced this feeling of pain for millions of years but now a surge of wild joy could be seen in his eyes but just then his vision finally blurred and he fell down.


After an unknown period of time time Zhang sen woke up in a complete dark space where he couldn't see anything but just as he woke up he started laughing, a feeling of excitement could be seen in his expressions which he had long lost.

But one thing was still a doubt in his mind because in the previous times when he tried to kill himself with all killer power he couldn't then why this time,

But the ans immediately became clear as he realized that this time when he tried to kill himself a thought came In his mind that if this time he failed then he would just sit back like a utterly defeated fellow and hence forth go in deep never ending meditation and immediately at that time his invincibility (undefeated) powers actually allied with all killer powers to destroy his immortality and thus things happened.

After clearing his doubts he finally realised his surroundings were strange and wondered where he was. He turned around and was surprised to see complete darkness except for a screen like display stating

Powers Neutralized

Rewards For killing Immortal:

1) Face eternal death(wish before death)

2) Transmigrate

3) Face no death (remain same)

What will you choose?



