Staying The Night

Alsezh's plan was simple he wanted a knighthood for many reasons. The most important was that being a noble he would have many opportunities to get various resources and intermediate tier knowledge and information access as compared to being a simple assassin.

Alsezh planned to get the yin-yang city for himself after becoming an knight as it was nearest to planet Alios in this way he would have control over both of these planets and also would gain access to the Alis technology. Alsezh initially planned to rule over some other planets but he came to know that after becoming a knight only the ungoverned planets would be conferred. If a knight wanted to gain control of other planet then he/she should have an honorary duel with the governing knight of that planet and come out as a winner.

So Alsezh's plan was to build a strong foundation for himself by exploiting yin-yang and its resources first and then grab other planets.

Of course the main goal was to get into the competition of nobility, the higher his deeds the more ranks he could climb up. Being a god in previous life Alsezh didn't found his long term goal to become the Holy Emperor too ambitious, but if his thoughts were to be made public almost everyone in the whole universe including the planet's Allies and Enemies would start vomiting blood. Alsezh's ambitions were indeed this great.

Alsezh after leaving Thomas's chambers started looking for Eva's room to request for a room for himself as it was getting dark so he planned to stay here tonight and go back tomorrow morning.

Eva on the other hand was shocked after hearing the news of Alsezh's plan to become a knight. It was not a major issue if someone became a knight but that someone was not from a noble family in this case and this was very rare case given the intense competition among the nobles how could they let a commoner rise up among their ranks. The news about this had spread already after all as much as three hours had passed since Alsezh had been sitting with Thomas.

The outer ring nobles were a little surprised as for the inner and central they won't even give a single fuck for something so minor.

Alsezh knocked on Eva's room door after searching for a while. She opened it and was surprised to see the smiling face of the man she was thinking about.

"what do you want?", she asked

"can you arrange a room for me to stay tonight, traveling in night would be pretty rough so...."

Eva interrupted Alsezh "sure you will be notified after the preparations are made"

Eva then turned to close the door but Alsezh held it back, She looked at him with frosty eyes, "what's the meaning of this", it wasnt that she was petty person to hold grudges for something minor but seeing Alsezh reminded her of the time she had lost face so she was pissed off right now after seeing him going even a little overboard.

Alsezh leaned closer to her she started moving back and was ready to strike, Alsezh then went past her face and whispered in her ears.

"you are wearing your gown inside out"

"huh" Eva was surprised as this was totally out of the blue. She looked at her gown and indeed noticed she was wearing it the wrong way. She squinted her eyes her face was red with anger.

"you bastard get lost…." Thumph ! and she closed the door.

"I will never forget that precious expression of yours hahaha"

Alsezh was laughing very hard right now initially he had planned to leave right away after all he was aware that nothing could happen in such a short time between them. Alsezh knew with girls the formula was too begin flirting slowly but speed up exponentially as time passes by.

But In Eva's case just as he was searching for an opportunity to keep up a conversation he noticed a major fault in the girl's clothing all he needed to do was exploit it. Although the result was him being shut out he didn't regret it as creating an impact on Eva was also a way to go.

Eva had clearly heard what Alsezh said and blushed deeply. She removed her gown and threw it on the bed angrily and turned to get a new gown from her wardrobe, she had never lost so much face before,being nobility she never had to face such situations.

Alsezh was given a decent room due to his status as Lord Thomas's guest. He was tired from all the activities that happened today so he went to bed directly.

The next day Alsezh called Max at the airbase near the Facility and took his leave, he wanted to give Shiv a ride back home but he knew the more he associated with Shiv the more the risk of increasing a suspicion upon him.

The jet lifted up,Alsezh then Started discussing stuff with Max but he didn't notice that the girl he had teased yesterday was looking at his jet angrily before turning around to leave,

"that bastard...its good that he's gone or else I would have kicked him out today."