Many years later, when Asmer had gained some maturity andskills that help a man survive this world. There had been many close encounterswith the monster that took over his body in extreme rage but he had thus farbeen able to avoid losing control. Although he been on the receiving end of alot of punches from bullies trying to act manly, for there is nothing manlyabout hurting others for no reason, Asmer had found a way to defeat most foeswithout violence and keep his emotions in control, humor.
He had learned this amazing answer from different televisionshows and what not. He had learned the basics from around the family, but thoseweren't enough, he had to dig deeper to understand it. While contemplating thematters, of life and other far important ones, he found out the key tohappiness was just to believe you were happy. So he mastered sarcasm, irony andwit. He converted nonsensism into a weapon and attacked people with his mouthand actions in a way that he ridiculed people and yet very rarely was reprimandedfor it.
However this caused quite a bit of a stir with in his familyas he often spoke out of turn and his comical gestures and responses were oftenmisunderstood as signs for attention. Despite the pressure from home, afterjudging the benefits he continued on this path. He almost became a silver tongue;he became social, although he was still at this age afraid of talking to girls.But above all he was able to earn loyalty among his comrades or friends atschool.
But not all men are worthy of befriending a monster and notalways does humor overcome the hard realities of life. One afternoon, Asmer andhis classmates were playing soccer in school. This was the norm as football wasthe most popular thing to play. It required a ball and people to play. Unlike mostsports that require far more equipment and not as much fun. In school he wasthe 3rd highest class as the school had 1st grade tillthe end of a levels, Asmer was in the 11th grade, the final year ofo levels.
The school grounds were shared by all and so his seniorscould be seen in playing volleyball in the ground. The volleyball court wasplaced in such a way that half of it came in the football ground, so the Alevel boys usually used to make the kids run away when they were playing. However11th grade was a different matter and the stubborn boys had madethat ground sort of a second home, allowing them the privilege due toregularity and seniority to play soccer simultaneously while the a levelsplayed volleyball.
The A levels still used to bully a bit, trying to maintainthe food chain and kick the ball further whenever it went near them, no matterhow much the 11th graders tried to avoid it. Asmer usually a patientand non violent young men got pissed off at the kicking. It was his ball, hehad to get it from that far away, A level guys could play anytime they wantedto or play on a different court, but such things never materialized. Instead thekicking kept making him angry until one day he finally snapped.
His friend Tamjeed was coming to from the left side to takethe ball, avoiding the seniors he finally came near the goal and Asmer slidetackled the ball away, but the sharp captain of the opponent team was presentright at the balls trajectory, Asmer getting up from that slide with a grinexpected a good attack, preparing mentally for the time the ball would comeinto play, looked behind to find his best friend and fellow defender in themiddle of the ground. "This will be a hard save" he thought. The ball waskicked far away by one of the guys playing volleyball.
Suddenly anger and hated that had been stored inside him eruptedand he started to shake with fury. He walked up in the middle of the court,looking down, as it came in between the ball and himself, suddenly thevolleyball came right at his face. He caught it and looked up the guy who hadsmashed it. With loath in his eyes, he stared at the man forgetting his calmmanner and uttered four words like a pronunciation of war, "Don't mess with me"and in a whisper "you mafos". Throwing the ball on the ground with the grace herarely showed, he tried to walk away like a movie hero walking away after thefinal fight.
"Grab him" said the man who Asmer had stared at. He felttwenty hands on his back immediately, pushing him down in continuous slaps. Butsomething was strange it had all gotten dark when the ball was kicked but nowthe slaps from fully grown men felt like large drops of rain falling on him,pushing him down but not causing any real pain. The man, Luqman who hadscreamed grab had somehow grabbed Asmer in a tight embrace, locking Asmer'sleft hand and still managing to a grip on Asmer's face.
But following his instincts to stop the monster, he stayedstill, along with his body the time slowed down, every slap raining from abovetook minutes to hit. It was as if someone had pressed a button to slow down amovie playing. Asmer began to slap Luqman with his free hand. Perhaps fiveminutes in real-time later, he realized that two of his friends Hashir andBasit had restrained two men from attacking him, but no one else came to hisaid.
A few moments, maybeminutes maybe even hours as time had lost all meaning in this wonderfullyjoyous land of bashing that he enjoyed, another one of his friends, Daniyal attackedthe herd and dragged the Luqman who was getting slapped and Asmer down on theground, mounting himself on Luqman and finally letting Asmer be free. But itwas beneath Asmer to back down so the thought of running away didn't even occurto him. The remaining forces as you could have called it, surrounded him onceagain and attempted to hurt him, but he just rammed them aside and came out ofhis circle. Finally by that time his reinforcements had arrived.
Three men grabbed each one of the A level men and finallyAsmer came back to his senses remembering this was not an actual battle field. Theyasked him what to do, most of the 11th grade boys present, even theones he did not like. He said "let them be" as he saw his football buddies juststanding far away, his classmates running towards him from the cafeteria afterthe fight had been quelled. Feeling slightly betrayed he decided to go to theproper authorities.
Had he not done so, the teachers would have booked him forthe violence, as there had been an increase in fights, there was a possibility hewould be named a ring leader due to such a small incident that had gotten outof hand. But like the democratic system of any 3rd world country,nothing happened to either side. The boys who had started the (deputy head-boyfrom the A levels) were let off with a warning due to their high grades andpast behavior that was comparable to Asmer's.
But Asmer realized one thing from this episode. He realizedhe was not a nobody. He realized he could be very dangerous. He realized that if all else fails he could always resort to the ways of the cave men. He realized he was not as incompetent as he had thought himself as. Above all else herealized how strong the monster inside him was and that it was possible to control it.