
"Okay, then follow me now" demanded commander. Lou was dumbstruck when he said that. She still didn't know anything about her new boss, but she still followed.

"Umm, I still don't know how I should address you" said the confused girl following along behind the commander. His head tilted up and looked at the girl.

"You can address me commander or Xin Huo. Up to you." He secretly wanted her to call him by his name, but he couldn't say that.

"Can I address you by your name?" A confusion was all over her face. For the prince to allow someone from the streets to casually call him by name was normally outrageous. She wanted to believe he wanted her to call him by name. She fast shook her head. How could it be possible, Lou thought in her heart.

"I told you it's up to you. If I say that isn't it oblivious?" He wanted her to feel comfortable being around her, not only because he wanted her to trust him, but because he will train her and didn't want to be awkward around each other.

"Okay! B-Brother H-Huo?" She said it with a little questionable voice and waited for his response. She wanted to call him brother no matter what. He gave her new life and she was thankful, but still didn't trust him fully.

On the frightening to everyone commanders face, popped up a smug smile with satisfaction. He was happy by being called brother and reminded her quickly, "Come on, follow me!"

"Yes, brother!" Lou was happy he didn't scold her by calling him brother and with high spirits followed him. Every soldier looked theirs way as they went to the training grounds. They were shocked at the sight of a little boy following their commander happily and to everyone's surprise, he even had a little smile across his face.