He kisses her neck, then necks bone. She moans. His hand caresses her belly, leg. He put his hand under her red dress and traces the leg way up to her bottom. The last bit of her control fades with this. She kisses him passionately. While her hand presses his head against her making the kiss deeper.
He pauses for gasps some air. Then lifts her dress up. She unbuttons his shirt. And clothes fall on the floor with a rustle. She sits on him and kisses him again. He returns her kiss. Then bite her neck bone. He is already way beyond hard. She moans. He plants soft kisses down the neck then between her breasts. He kisses her stomach belly button and down leisurely. She moans. Her hands automatically press his head. He moves up to his lips her lips and kisses them hard. She undoes his belt and unzips his pants gradually. He helps her little hands to do that. The pant falls on the floor with a tuk*.
He presses her shoulders to make her fall on the bed. She giggles. He admires her beauty scanning her perfect figure with his burning eyes. He removes her panties while tracing her both legs with thumbs under the edge of panties. And then removes her bra. He plants more kisses on every inch of her body she does the same. When it's the time to take a step further. He stops. She looks at her. "What? Why did you stop? Am I not enough for you or doesn't worth it?
He smiled and kisses her forehead. "Let's get married first!" – He said with a voice full of love. She blushes. 'How can a man stops midway enduring his desires?' she thinks and feels warmth and love in her heart. 'This man! How can he be so good and pure to me?'
They both cuddles in bed for quite some time and she falls asleep in his arms enjoying his warmth and scent. He is enduring his desires but it is getting harder and harder to control. He tries to free himself from her to take a cold shower but her grip tightened around his neck and he stops trying. He looks at her beautiful, flawless face and inhales her scent. It's flowery. He kisses her forehead one last time places her on top of him so she could sleep peacefully without suffering any pains tomorrow. She places her hands on his chest in sleep. He smiles and hugs her tight and fall asleep.
In her dreams
That night she dreamt of a man carrying her in his arms and took her from the darkness to the beautiful bright light. Her eyes shook because of the bright light. It took some time to open her eyes. When he opened her eyes she saw beautiful fresh grass with flowers everywhere, trees with health beautiful fruits, a lake with a pair of swans in it, butterflies were roaming around her. A pair of squirrels were playing on trees. Both squirrels ran from one tree to another while looking at each other from time to time. It was a breathtaking view. The man placed her on the ground. They both look at each other and smiled. They walk happily on the flowers and grass hand in hand.
Mu Liang's dream
He dreamt of a beautiful girl in a cream-colored wedding dress holding a bouquet of red roses in her hands walking towards him. He helped her to reach the stage arms in arms.
"Lan I vow to love you faithfully forsaking all others and promise to love, to trust you, to respect you, to comfort you in times of need and to keep you safe all that I have is now yours, I give you my hand on my heart for as long as we both shall live."
"Liang I vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, I promise to love you unconditionally, to honor and respect you, to bring you solace in times of need I promise to cherish you as long as we both shall live."
He dreams of making love to her.
His throat was dry. He opened his eyes. LAN was sleeping on him. It was 3 am in the morning. Suddenly he felt wetness down his bottom. 'Oh fuck! It was a wet dream.'
He placed lan beside him. Her legs were wet too. 'Great! Thank goodness she is sleeping.' He drank water.
He went to the bathroom clean himself and took a towel soaked it in warm water and approached lan. He cleaned her and put the towel in laundry then laid beside her kissed her forehead, caresses her cheek with his finger and gently kissed her lips. He was really happy to have her beside him. He hugged her she nuzzled in his chest and he went to sleep.