Hu Lei placed the laptop on her desk and settled on her chair with a sigh. She unlocked the device and continued typing fast. Her inspiration was still strong, and it would be a waste to spend time on other things.

In no time, she sunk deep into the story, and everything became more vivid. It was almost as if she was inside her story. She could see everything clearly. Her fingers moved faster, and her face glowed in anticipation of the next scene.

She felt as if she was not the one crafting the tale. She was merely an observer, recording the events as she saw them. It was exhilarating.

Unfortunately, her perfect little creative bubble did not last for too long. She lifted her eyes suddenly because she heard some movement outside the outdoor access door.

Her face showed traces of annoyance as she continued typing slower. It seemed that Ting Wan had become really audacious in her absence. If she was not wrong, the woman was picking the lock to her space.