Hu Lei thought that the press conference would be a daunting experience. However, nothing unusual happened. The reporters directed most of their questions to the celebrities. She only got to speak a little about The Queen of the Apocalypse.

One of the reporters asked about her long absence from the industry, and she cited personal circumstances which took her out of the country. All in all, the event was successful. Still, she was glad when everything was concluded.

For a person like her, the limelight felt a little too bright. It would probably take some time to get used to being in front of people. It was not like she had qualms about fame exactly. It was just an occupational peculiarity from her old life.

"Ms Little Ninja Cat, I am a big fan." The woman who had been seated on her left spoke as soon as the conference was concluded.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"I am Qi Mu, the scriptwriter. I had a really wonderful time with your book." Her eyes twinkled.