"Hu Lei, why did you let me win?" Wang Yue followed her quickly as she left the studio. She did not want to interact with the cast for long, especially Ben Gong Hai. He had been insistent about talking to her after the show, making her a little uncomfortable. She was not keen on playing his games.

Hu Lei lifted a brow at the actress. "Surely, you can figure it out."

The other woman huffed at the response. She was not mad that Hu Lei let her win. It would have been a lot more embarrassing for her if she had lost. However, she could not understand how the miniscule girl had beaten her. It did not seem like she had special training. Yet, she had controlled their whole match. It made her feel like a balloon about to burst from pressure.

"Don't think that this means that I owe you." She declared, flipping her hair over her shoulder.