When Zhong Feng returned to Westend, he went directly to Hu Lei's apartment instead of the penthouse. He thought that if Hu Lei had left a hint about her whereabouts, it would be there. He ransacked the house and looked through every corner, but there was nothing relating to her absence.

He felt frustrated as he paced through the house. After a few moments, he decided to go to the penthouse, even though he felt that there was no way there could be a clue there. After all, they lived there almost every day, and he had not noticed anything unusual.

When he got there, he looked through all the places in which he did not spend too much time. If Hu Lei had left something, it would be in a place he could not have looked easily. He checked her wardrobe and her nightstand. He went to the guest bedroom where she sometimes spent her time writing.

But there was nothing.