When the two ladies arrived at the Zhong family home, Chu Ling led them to the conservatory. She had a smile that seemed to rival the brightness of the flowers. She talked to Hu Lei in a gentle voice while asking about her health and work.

"Where is Hu Fai?" Hu Lei asked as the three of them sat at the fancy table set up under the domed building.

"Your father took him to meet some of his friends who are coming for the banquet from outside the city. Today, it is just us girls." Chu Ling smiled. "I have planned for an early lunch, spa treatments in the comfort of our home and the best in clothes and accessories."

"Thank you for doing this, Mom." Zhong Mian smiled happily.

Chu Ling and Zhong Mian had discussed at length how they could make Hu Lei feel more like a part of the family. Luckily, they had the anniversary party as their excuse for spending more time with her. Maybe, they could find out more about what she liked.

"Thank you." Hu Lei smiled.