After Akira left Black Avenue Entertainment, she met with the 'Nag' in a coffee shop outside the Pantheon headquarter. The woman's name was Maya, but her constant nagging made Akira save her as such on her phone according to her dominant characteristic. 

"Look at you. You are more beautiful after just a couple of weeks. Your life as an affluent miss is already paying off." Maya exclaimed as Akira sat down.

"I have always been beautiful." The response was deadpan.

"You have always been beautiful, but there is something different about you. I can't put my finger on it, but you look a little warmer than usual." Maya mused. "Wait, did you get a boyfriend?" 

Akira's mind drifted to Kaito, but she shook her head to dispel the image. 

"How could that be?" She responded easily.