"Our plan is simple. We will let everyone know that you were buying the test for Chiharu. You will remain in a safe location during the pregnancy, and we will control the local grapevine. When the child is born, your eldest brother and your sister-in-law will raise it." Sayaka explained. 

Akira once again started laughing at the shared plan until tears flowed from the corner of her eyes. She could not believe the audacity of these people. 

"So, you plan to imprison me, have me give birth to my baby and give it to someone else?" She asked.

"Don't put it like that! We are not thinking of your future, Akira. Your brother and sister-in-law will allow you to see the baby. Of course, for the sake of propriety, the baby will not know that you are its mother." Sayaka said firmly. 

"I won't waste my time here anymore with crazy people. The answer is no. And don't come up with other crazy plans because the answer will always be no." Akira replied.