Kaito laughed. 

"It depends if you have the ability to take my life." He said with obvious disdain. "I have vanquished you once, and I can do it again." 

The five people felt insulted by the fact that Kaito did not seem to be taking them seriously. If anything, he was looking down on them. One of them flipped the knife in his hands and licked his lips, making him appear more vulgar. 

The man was thin and had a sharp face, but his most prominent feature was perhaps his beady eyes. He had a dishonest appearance and an almost snake-like aspect that made one feel uncomfortable when looking at him. 

He was aptly nicknamed Snake in the mercenary world. 

Unlike Spider, his sentence was not that long. He had only stayed in the ground for about two years. The exact period depended on when Ayumi decided to open the Ground and let go of the prisoners Kaito had put down there himself.