Minister Shimada did not mention anything concerning official business during lunch. Instead, she expressed a lot of goodwill towards Akira while insisting that she eat more to nourish her body. In essence, she was like a friendly auntie. 

However, the attitude made Akira even tenser. 

Once the lunch was complete, the minister brought Akira to her study. The room was large and spacious, with a dignified air suited to the appearance and personality of the minister. Akira found a lot of military mementoes scattered around the office as well as a few pictures of friends and family on the walls. 

From an outward look, Minister Shimada was the perfect woman of virtue. 

"The Chief at the Immortal Sword Valley has informed me of your desire to quit the Brigade completely." Minister Shimada started immediately after they both sat down. 

Her demeanour changed from a cool aunt to a serious government official.