In another part of Tokyo, Akira was walking into the Central Antiterrorism Bureau alongside the minister. She kept up with the pace of Minister Shimada as she entered the building filled with various personnel of the defence forces working earnestly.

Despite the activity, the building was still quiet, except for the staccato footsteps of people walking on the linoleum floors. Akira was drawn in by the solemn aura of the organisation, even though her mind remained preoccupied with the problem at hand. 

As the two stepped into an elevator, Minister Shimada's aide, Suzuki Taira appeared and entered the space. She had a serious look on her face, but she still glanced at Akira with some contempt on her face. Her opinion was unchanged. 

Minister Shimada noticed the look and frowned. Unfortunately, the current circumstances were not appropriate for addressing the problem with her aide. She had realised that the woman was taking more liberties in the recent days.