Yagi did not miss the tone in which Emi said the words. The tone could be more important than the words sometimes.

"This sounds like a good thing, but the tone you are using makes it seem like it is a bad thing," Yagi replied. 

Emi sighed and turned her laptop to face Yagi. "Look at her results from the last few exams." 

Yagi looked at the results and found that the scores were extremely random and made no sense at all. In one mathematics exam, she scored seventeen. In the next one, she had a full score. And the following one, she got a thirty-seven. 

"What is happening here?" Yagi asked. 

"From what I have gathered, Misaki allows her classmate to bid on the score that she should get for each exam." Emi sighed again. 

"What do you mean?" Yagi was even more confused.