The people in the room turned to look at Hu Lei. Their doubt was written on their faces, and they glanced at Zhong Feng to see his reaction. Naturally, they were all a little apprehensive because they suspected he was Yuan Haoran's replacement. 

However, no one could stand his continued apathy. 

He had not spoken to anyone apart from Hu Lei. This could be overlooked because he was a powerful man. He probably did not interact unless it was necessary. It was annoying when he refused to give ideas to help them solve the mystery. 

But now, he was going to let his small female companion go through an electrical shock without a word of protest. It just felt a little unjustified and unnecessarily inhuman. The room was quiet while Hu Lei lowered her head and seemed to be removing contact lenses.

"Perhaps Tori should try." Emi was the one who broke the loud silence in a low voice. 

"What did you say?" Hu Lei asked with a chill in her voice.