Book collector- Part 3

Talking to Lettice wasn't hard as the woman seemed to be in ease and she wondered if it was because a human was accompanying her and not a vampire. Now that she looked at the lady she was indeed pretty like a delicate flower. Like her Lettice was from Woville but a different town. While visiting the shops, Lettice brought herself a pair of dress. It wasn't extravaganza but simple just like the woman.

"Aren't you going to buy anything?" Lettice asked her.

"Frankly I have too many dresses in my closet that hasn't been worn yet. But is that all you wanted to buy?"

"Yes, that will be all for today. It's not that Rhy's would say anything. He would never but I don't think I would have a reason to come out then," the words slipped out of her mouth and her widened in realization, "Please forget what I said," she gave her a nervous look.