Guilty heart- Part 3

Warren who had come to drop Heidi to the Rune's mansion, gave his hand for her to hold as she stepped out of the black carriage. With a firm step on the ground, she put her other feet down. Walking inside the mansion, they were greeted by Lord Nicholas who was passing by the hall, the stain of blood still on his lips which he had just consumed few moments ago before they arrived.

About to excuse herself, Heidi went to speak to Warren but instead he beat her to it.

"Heidi," he called her name, making her look at him questionably, "I didn't know when was the right time to give but here," he said pulling a velveteen square box out of his jacket to give it to her.

"What is this?" she asked looking at it and then him.

"It is a gift. Open it," she opened the box having a faint idea of what it might be and when she did open she opened her mouth while shaking her head in denial. It was necklace made of fine white pearls which had a beautiful sheen over it.