Cold blooded- Part 1

The arrow whooshed in a straight line, hitting the nut that was placed on the tree stump to pick it up in force before hitting the tree behind it. Nicholas walked towards the stump and placed another small nut on it. Compared to the lord's usual hunting style where the object was always an animal, he chose to use the acorn shells for Heidi's sake knowing well she wouldn't be able to draw her arrow yet on an animal.

"Are all vampires this good at hunting?" Heidi asked Nicholas while holding her own bow close to her chest. It was the bow Warren had gifted her.

"That is an overestimation humans have about vampires. We are born with inhuman strength and life force but if a vampire doesn't work and practice he will be like any other mortal being. It is all about working hard. Here," he handed the arrow to her.